Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1994, 59, 1226-1234
Amperometric Enzyme Electrodes for Substrates of Immobilized Pyranose Oxidase
Marek Petřivalskýa, Petr Skládala, Lumír Macholána and Jindřich Volcb
a Department of Biochemistry, Masaryk University, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
b Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 142 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Individual author index pages
Other CCCC articles of these authors
- Petr Halada, Christian Leitner, Jindřich Volc, Dietmar Haltrich and Vladimír Havlíček*
Peptide Sequencing by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionisation and Post-Source Decay Mass Spectrometry: A Rapid Method to Design Oligonucleotide Hybridisation Probes for Cloning cDNA Encoding Pyranose 2-Oxidase from Trametes multicolor
2000, Vol. 65, Issue 10, pp. 1669–1676 [Abstract] - Petr Skládal and Jan Krejčí
Performance of the Amperometric Biosensor with Immobilized Butyrylcholinesterase in Organic Solvents
1996, Vol. 61, Issue 7, pp. 985–991 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán and Jiří Slanina
Use of inhibited enzyme electrode for estimation of PEA diamine oxidase inhibitors
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 7, pp. 1545–1551 [Abstract] - Petr Skládal
Mushroom tyrosinase-modified carbon paste electrode as an amperometric biosensor for phenols
1991, Vol. 56, Issue 7, pp. 1427–1433 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán
Phenol-sensitive enzyme electrode with substrate cycling for quantification of certain inhibitory aromatic acids and thio compounds
1990, Vol. 55, Issue 9, pp. 2152–2160 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán and Bohdana Hlavatá
Affinity chromatography of arginase with continuous detection of enzyme using urease membrane electrode
1989, Vol. 54, Issue 10, pp. 2814–2822 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán and Milan Jílek
An enzyme electrode for determination of aromatic diamines and aminophenols based on cross-linked ceruloplasmin
1984, Vol. 49, Issue 3, pp. 752–756 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán and Hana Konečná
A biospecific membrane sensor for the determination of sucrose
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 3, pp. 798–804 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán and Dagmar Jílková
A specific enzyme electrode for spermine and spermidine
1983, Vol. 48, Issue 2, pp. 672–678 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán, Petr Londýn and Jiří Fischer
Continuous determination of phenol, vitamin C, lysine and glucose in flowing solutions by means of an amperometric enzyme electrode
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 11, pp. 2871–2876 [Abstract] - Petr Sedmera, Jindřich Volc, Jan Weijer, Jindřich Vokoun and Vladimír Musílek
Xanthomegnin and viomellein derivatives from submerged cultures of the ascomycete Nannizzia cajetani
1981, Vol. 46, Issue 5, pp. 1210–1216 [Abstract] - Jindřich Volc, Petr Sedmera and Vladimír Musílek
Conversion of monosaccharides into their corresponding 2-glycosuloses by intact cells of the basidiomycete Oudemansiella mucida
1980, Vol. 45, Issue 3, pp. 950–955 [Abstract] - Pavel Posádka and Lumír Macholán
Amperometric assay of vitamin C using an ascorbate oxidase enzyme electrode
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 11, pp. 3395–3404 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán
Determination of β-glycosidases, β-glucuronidase, and alkaline phosphatase by an enzyme electrode sensitive to phenol
1979, Vol. 44, Issue 10, pp. 3033–3040 [Abstract] - Lumír Macholán
Rapid determination of L-lysine and L-arginine by oxygen electrode with membrane-attached amino acid decarboxylase-diamine oxidase system
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 7, pp. 1811–1817 [Abstract] - Petr Sedmera, Jindřich Volc, Kirity Roy and Václav Šašek
A benzaldehyde derivative from the pyrenomycete Camarops microspora (KARST.) SHEAR
1978, Vol. 43, Issue 5, pp. 1438–1440 [Abstract]