- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1990, Volume 55, Issue 7
pp. 1647-1652
Milan Šolc A stochastic model of decomposition of selectively excited polyatomic molecules -
pp. 1653-1659
Ivan Cibulka A relation between excess volume and the form of the dependence of density on composition for binary liquid mixtures -
pp. 1660-1665
Marián Valko, Milan Mazúr, Peter Pelikán, Ivan Kováčik, Peter Baran and Dušan Valigura Powder ESR spectra of the complexes [Cu(phen)2X]ClO4 and [Cu(bipy)2I]ClO4 -
pp. 1666-1672
Jaroslav Němec and Tomáš Loučka Kinetics of electrode reaction of Eu3+/Eu2+ studied by cyclic voltammetry and tast polarography -
pp. 1673-1677
Milan Melicherčík and Łudovít Treindl Belousov-Zhabotinskii oscillation reaction with glyceraldehyde -
pp. 1678-1685
Vladimír Stuchlý and Karel Klusáček Kinetics of carbon monoxide methanation on a Ni/SiO2 catalyst -
pp. 1686-1690
José Aznarez, Juan Carlos Vidal and Cecilia Vaquero Selective determination of tantalum in ores by extraction with N-phenylbenzohydroxamic acid in toluene -
pp. 1691-1707
Miloslav Karel, Jiří Hostomský, Jaroslav Nývlt and Axel König Comparison of copper sulphate pentahydrate growth rates determined by different methods -
pp. 1708-1720
Pavel Čapek and Karel Klusáček Kinetically induced multiple steady states during acetylene hydrogenation -
pp. 1721-1729
Ivan Dědek The effect of bubbling regime and mode of mechanical agitating on the course of hydrogenation of vegetable oil -
pp. 1730-1740
Petr Ettler Scale-up and scale-down techniques for fermentations of polyene antibiotics -
pp. 1741-1749
Milan Drátovský, Bohumír Grüner, Ivan Horsák and Jiří Makovička The Na+, K+/CN-, I- binary systems -
pp. 1750-1755
Věra Dubanská Preparation of the zeolite Nu-15 -
pp. 1756-1762
Jindřich Poláček, Helena Antropiusová, Lidmila Petrusová and Karel Mach Effect of triphenylphosphine on the cyclotrimerization of butadiene catalyzed by the TiCl4-EtAlCl2 system -
pp. 1763-1768
Evgenija A. Djurendić, Terézia M. Surányi and Dušan A. Miljković Synthesis of some salicylic acid derivatives and determination of their acidity constants -
pp. 1769-1776
František Kašpárek, Kamila Vavčíková, Jiří Mollin and Aleš Husek Steric effects in alkaline solvolysis of diaryl anilidophosphates -
pp. 1777-1782
Jiří Jarý, Miroslav Marek and Ivan Raich Partial methylation of methyl α-D- and β-D-threofuranoside -
pp. 1783-1791
Jiří Polman and Alexander Kasal Synthesis of 5-methyl-19-nor-5β-pregn-9-ene derivatives -
pp. 1792-1800
Rudolf Dölling, Peter Jeschke, Albrecht Otto and Jutta Eichler An efficient mild acidolytic deprotection procedure for Boc/Bzl-based solid phase peptide synthesis -
pp. 1801-1811
Hubert Hřebabecký, Antonín Holý and Eric De Clercq Synthesis of 3'-azido-2',3'-dideoxy-6-methyluridine, 2',3'-dideoxy-6-methyluridine and 2',3'-dideoxy-2',3'-didehydro-6-methyluridine -
pp. 1812-1816
Jiří Slavík and Leonora Slavíková Alkaloids from Papaver albiflorum PACZ. subsp. albiflorum and P. cf. stevenianum A. D. Mikheev -
pp. 1817-1827
Vojtěch Kmoníček, Emil Svátek, Jiří Holubek, Miroslav Ryska, Martin Valchář and Miroslav Protiva Synthesis of 1-acyl- and 1-(thioacyl)-4-benzylpiperazines as potential antidepressants -
pp. 1828-1853
Jiří Jílek, Miroslav Rajšner, Vladimír Valenta, Miloš Borovička, Jiří Holubek, Miroslav Ryska, Emil Svátek, Jan Metyš and Miroslav Protiva Synthesis of piperidine derivatives as potential analgetic agents -
pp. 1854-1865
Alena Brádlerová, Nadežda Prónayová, Eva Mišíková and Ján Ďurinda Preparation and properties of 2-(dialkylaminomethyl)cyclohexyl and 2-(dialkylaminomethyl)phenyl carbanilates -
pp. 1866-1872
Jiří Gabriel, Ladislav Homolka and Roman Krejčí A spectrophotometric assay of Indulin C - A potential new substrate for determination of lignin-degrading abilities of microorganisms -
pp. 1873-1882
Václav Čeřovský, Jana Pírková, Pavel Majer, Jiřina Slaninová and Jan Hlaváček Papain-catalyzed fragment synthesis of protected cholecystokinin derivatives -
pp. 1883-1887
Zdenko Procházka and Nadezhda I. Veretennikova Synthesis of three analogues of tuftsin with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.