- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1988, Volume 53, Issue 1
pp. 1-9
Viktor Řehák and Yvona Rybová Photoinduced energy and electron transfer in micellar solutions of methylene blue -
pp. 10-18
Karel Kult and Jaromír Vrbský Acidobasic equilibria in 9-(3’-pyridyl)-2,6,7-trihydroxy-3H-xanthene-3-one solutions in the presence of surfactants -
pp. 19-33
Jiří Barek, Jana Balsiene, Antonín Berka, Ivana Hauserová and Jiří Zima The polarographic and voltammetric determination of 2-amino-5-sulphoamoylnaphthalene-azo-(2’-chloro-4’-nitrobenzene) -
pp. 34-44
Ján Dojčanský, Soňa Bafrncová and Július Surový Random errors in equilibrium composition of ternary liquid-liquid systems and their effect on the calculated number of theoretical stages of countercurrent extraction -
pp. 45-55
Jozef Markoš and Alena Brunovská Modelling of fixed bed catalytic reactors with catalyst deactivation under constant-pattern travelling wave assumption -
pp. 56-60
Anna Mašlejová and Reinhard Kirmse ESR study of the structure and bonding situation in thiocyanatocopper(II) complexes with imidazole derivatives -
pp. 61-67
Mahboob Mohammad, Tariq Mahmood, Tahir Jamil and Ather Yaseen Khan Optical and voltammetric studies on tetraphenylethylene salts -
pp. 68-75
Zdeněk Hruška and Jaromír Petránek Synthesis and electrochemical behaviour of a new class of macrocyclic Li+-selective diamides -
pp. 76-96
Lubomír Lochmann and Jiří Trekoval Lithium - Heavier alkali metal exchange in organolithium compounds induced by alkoxides of heavier alkali metals and reactions occurring in this system -
pp. 97-109
Milan Hájek, Alena Horská, Petr Trška, Luděk Vodička, Douglas J. Raber, Brent L. Podlogar and Joop A. Peters Halogen substituted adamantanones. Structural studies with lanthanide shift reagents -
pp. 110-113
Jiří Burkhard, Josef Janků and Luděk Vodička Reaction of 1-acetyladamantane with thionyl chloride -
pp. 114-117
Daniel Végh, Jaroslav Kováč and Miloslava Dandárová Syntheses of 5-nitro-2-furyl- and 5-nitro-2-thienylacetonitriles -
pp. 118-131
Jan Sejbal, Jiří Klinot and Alois Vystrčil Photolysis of 19β,28-epoxy-18α-oleanan-2β-ol nitrites: Functionalization of 10β- and 8β-methyl groups -
pp. 132-144
Zdeněk Vejdělek, Jan Metyš, Jiří Holubek, Miloš Buděšínský, Emil Svátek, Oluše Matoušová and Miroslav Protiva Potentional anxiolytics and hypnotics: 1-(Alkanesulfonamidoalkyl)-6-aryl-8-halogeno-s-triazolo[4,3-a]-1,4-benzodiazepines and related compounds -
pp. 145-156
Jana Pírková, Svetlana Churkina, Vladimír Gut, Ivo Frič and Karel Bláha Series of sequential polypeptides containing lysine or arginine: Preparation and characterization -
pp. 157-160
Mária Haladová, Eva Eisenreichová, Anna Bučková, Jozef Tomko and Dušan Uhrín New nitrogen-containing compounds in Lilium candidum L. -
pp. 161-172
Vladimír I. Krupyanko A vector method of representing individual types of enzymic reactions in K’mV’ coordinates -
pp. 173-180
Jiří Zemek and Štefan Kučár Biosynthesis of sucrose and its deoxy derivatives -
pp. 181-185
Aleš Cvekl, Květa Horská and Karel Šebesta On the mechanism of rifampicin inhibition of DNA dependent RNA polymerase from Escherichia coli: A new hypothesis of the drug action -
pp. 186-197
Ľubomír Kluka, Ernest Šturdík, Štefan Baláž, Dušan Kordík, Michal Rosenberg, Marián Antalík and Jozef Augustín Membrane proton transport mediated by phenylhydrazonopropanedinitriles -
pp. 198-201
Haralabos Zorbas, Ernst Pöschl, Antonia Pöschl and Peter K. Müller A novel cytoskeletal associated protein: Genomic organization and protein pattern -
pp. 202-208
John E. Scott Proteoglycan-collagen interactions. Structure in the amorphous ground substance -
pp. 209-211
Ladislas Robert and William Hornebeck A new adhesive protein mediating the interaction between mesenchymal cells and elastin fibers: Elastonectin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.