- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1984, Volume 49, Issue 7
pp. 1559-1562
Jaromír Plešek, Tomáš Jelínek, Eva Drdáková, Stanislav Heřmánek and Bohumil Štíbr A convenient preparation of 1-CB11H12- and its C-amino derivatives -
pp. 1563-1568
Václav Janout, Hana Hrudková and Pavel Čefelín A polymeric analog of dimethyl sulfoxide: Synthesis of crosslinked polymers with bound sulfoxide groups -
pp. 1569-1576
Anton Gáplovský, Jana Donovalová and Pavel Hrnčiar Photochemical isomerizations of 2-phenyl-1,3-indanedione to E- and Z-benzalphthalide and of E-benzalphthalide to Z-benzalphthalide -
pp. 1577-1591
Jaromír Mindl, Vojeslav Štěrba, Vladimír Kadeřábek, Jr. and Jiří Klicnar Kinetics and mechanism of hydrolysis of benzhydryl N-arylthiocarbamates and study of their IR spectra -
pp. 1592-1599
Nataša Zupančič, Marko Zupan and Boris Šket Regio and stereospecifity of solvent photoaddition to 5-fluorouracil and 1,3-dimethyl-5-fluorouracil -
pp. 1600-1604
Tibor Gracza, Zdeněk Arnold and Jaroslav Kováč Vinamidium salts having a furan ring and their substitution electrophilic reactions -
pp. 1605-1616
Jan Schraml, Ján Hirsch, Eva Petráková, Eduard Krahé and Claus Bliefert Assignment of 1H and 13C NMR spectra by a combination of homo- and heteronuclear shift correlated two-dimensional NMR. Application to oligosaccharides related to arabinoxylane -
pp. 1617-1621
Růžena Míčková Preparation of pregnane derivatives from bile acids -
pp. 1622-1626
Jaroslav Kopecký, David Šaman, Tomáš Vaněk and Ladislav Novotný Components of the wood-rotting fungus Sarcodontia setosa -
pp. 1627-1634
Jiří Klíma, Josef Prousek, Jiří Ludvík and Jiří Volke Electrochemical investigation of radical-anion reactions of 5-nitro-2-furfuryl derivatives -
pp. 1635-1641
Jiří Herejk and Záviš Holzbecher A contribution to the electrochemiluminiscence determination of cobalt with luminol -
pp. 1642-1652
Josef Horák, František Jiráček and Libuše Ježová A feedback temperature control in a chemical reactor with high inertia of its cooling system -
pp. 1653-1659
Miroslav Ebert, Zdeněk Mička and Marcela Uchytilová Zinc selenites: The solubility diagram and its use for the isolation of the compounds, their spectral features and thermal bahaviour and the strength of bonds in them -
pp. 1660-1664
Bohumil Štíbr, Zbyněk Janoušek, Karel Baše, Jaromír Plešek, Konstantin A. Solntsev, Lev A. Butman, Igor I. Kuznetsov and Nikolai T. Kuznetsov Synthesis of ten-vertex closo-metallacarbaboranes from 4-CB8H14 -
pp. 1665-1676
František Jursík, Jiří Franc, Jitka Arnoldová and Bohumil Hájek Synthesis and properties of [Co(NH3)2(AB)2]Cl complexes and their possible role in the formation of tris(amino-acidato)cobalt(III) isomers studied through reaction stereochemistry -
pp. 1677-1679
Milan Polievka, Alexandr Jegorov, Ladislav Uhlár and Vendelín Macho Hydroformylation of propene catalyzed with carbonylchlorobis(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I) -
pp. 1680-1694
Bohumír Koutek Dipole moments in excited state. Solvatochromic equations based on different local-field models -
pp. 1695-1698
Milan Remko, Tibor Liptaj, Juliana Veselovská and Jozef Čižmárik Spectroscopic study of thiamine-phenylcarbamate complexes possessing local anaesthetic effect -
pp. 1699-1712
Ľubomír Janda, Zdeno Votický, Jozefína Jakubcová, Jan Světlík, Jaroslava Grimová and Eva Maturová Semisynthetic cephalosporines. Synthesis of some substituted tetrazolyl acetic and propionic acids -
pp. 1713-1721
Peter Zálupský and Augustin Martvoň 1,3-vs- 1,5-dipolar reactivity of 1-phenylmethyl-4N-acetylimino-1H-1,2,4-triazolium betain toward aromatic isothiocyanates -
pp. 1722-1730
Vojtěch Kmoníček, Václav Bártl and Miroslav Protiva Thioxanthene derivatives with neurotropic activity; synthesis of 9-(3-dimethylaminopropylidene)-2-(methylthiomethyl)thioxanthene and of some related compounds
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.