- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1983, Volume 48, Issue 1
pp. 1-12
Zbigniew Figaszewski and Zbigniew Koczorowski Apparatus for measuring the potential of zero charge and for automatic recording the charge density and differential capacitance curves of mercury electrodes by the vibrating interface method -
pp. 13-25
Ivan Tkáč and Ľudovít Treindl Oscillations of the enol form of 2,4-pentanedione during Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction -
pp. 26-33
Jiří Medek and Ivan Mohyla Influence of high pressure on texture of carbonaceous substances -
pp. 34-40
Robert Ponec Interpretation of a molecular wave function in terms of individual structures -
pp. 41-51
Petr Vaňura and Libor Kuča Extraction of hexavalent uranium from citrate medium by the toluene solution of trilaurylamine -
pp. 52-59
Vlastimil Kubáň and Miroslav Macka Spectrophotometric study of the complexation equilibria of cadmium ions with 5-bromo and 5-chloro derivatives of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (BrPADAP, ClPADAP) -
pp. 60-70
Jan Novrocík and Marta Novrocíková Identification of low-boiling fraction of pyrolysis oil -
pp. 71-81
Ján Gajdoš and Tomáš Bleha Interaction and flexibility of molecules in hydrocarbon aggregates, torsional potential in a group of hexanes -
pp. 82-88
Tomáš Vondrák and Miloš Procházka (E-Z) Isomerization of α,β-unsaturated ketones -
pp. 89-95
Miloš Procházka and Arno Záruba (E-Z) Isomerization of unsaturated nitriles -
pp. 96-102
Miroslav Janda, Eva Körblová and Ivan Stibor Reaction of substituted γ-crotonolactones under the conditions of the Michael addition -
pp. 103-111
Miloslav Šorm, Stanislav Nešpůrek, Miloslav Procházka and Igor Koropecký Organic semiconductors: Simple and complex salts of 1-methyl-3-alkylimidazolium 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane -
pp. 112-122
Ivan Chvátal, Jan Vymětal, Jaroslav Pecha, Vilím Šimánek, Ladislav Dolejš, Josef Bartoň and Josef Fryčka Isolation and identification of by-products of gas phase catalytic oxidation of anthracene to 9,10-anthraquinone -
pp. 123-136
Zdeněk J. Vejdělek, Jan Metyš and Miroslav Protiva S-Substituted derivatives of 8-chloro-6-(2-chlorophenyl)-1-mercaptomethyl-4H-s-triazolo[4,3-a]-1,4-benzodiazepine; Synthesis and pharmacology -
pp. 137-143
Rudolf Kotva, Jiří Křepelka and Miroslav Semonský 5,5-Disubstituted barbituric acids and their analogues -
pp. 144-155
Karel Šindelář, Jiřina Metyšová, Jiří Holubek, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska and Miroslav Protiva Fluorinated tricyclic neuroleptics with prolonged action: 3-Fluoro-10-[4-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazino]-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins with less common substituents in position 8 -
pp. 156-162
Zdeněk Vejdělek, Marie Bartošová and Miroslav Protiva N-(Aminoacyl) and N-(aminoalkyl) derivatives of 4-cyclopentylaniline and N-ethyl-4-cyclopentylaniline; Synthesis and pharmacological screening -
pp. 163-172
Miroslav Rajšner, Jan Metyš, Jiří Holubek and Miroslav Protiva Potential antidepressants: Some N-substituted derivatives of (E)-11-(3-methylaminopropylidene)-6,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,e]thiepin -
pp. 173-183
Ladislav Kohout, Alexander Kasal, Vlastimil Šanda and Helena Velgová Rearrangement of the 16,17-cyclopropano derivatives -
pp. 184-191
Christian Flemming, Anton Gabert, Helmut Wand and Jiří Zemek Immobilization of enzymes introducing spacers. A synthesis of carriers with spacers of various length -
pp. 192-198
Tomáš Boublík Excess entropy of the systems of molecules differing in size and shape -
pp. 199-202
Ivan Cibulka and Robert Holub Evaluation of the dependence of excess volume of the benzene-cyclohexane mixture on composition at 298.15 K from literature data -
pp. 203-214
Karel Mach and Karel Vacek Photolytic and thermal annealing of radical anions in gamma-irradiated ammonium salts of carboxylic acids -
pp. 215-227
Pavel Fott, Guido Petrini and Petr Schneider Transport parameters of monodisperse porous catalysts -
pp. 228-231
Zbyněk Janoušek, Jaromír Plešek, Bohumil Štíbr and Stanislav Heřmánek Synthesis and structure of iso-C4B18H22 -
pp. 232-242
Jiří Mollin, Jiří Láznička and František Kašpárek Alkaline solvolysis of diaminophosphates -
pp. 243-247
Bohumil Hájek, Dagmar Sýkorová and František Jursík Isomers of bis(S)-lysinato-O,N,N)cobalt(III) cation: Preparation and properties -
pp. 248-253
Peter Schwendt Stretching vibrations of the V(O2) group and structure of vanadium(V) peroxo complexes -
pp. 254-257
Iveta Ondrejkovičová, Vlasta Vančová and Gregor Ondrejovič Synthesis of triphenylphosphine oxide by oxidation of triphenylphosphine by oxygen under the catalytic effect of iron compounds -
pp. 258-266
Vladimír Staněk and Milan Čársky An experimental set-up for the identification of parameters of the trickle flow in a packed bed -
pp. 267-278
Peter Gemeiner and Milan Beneš Thiol and disulphide derivatives of cellulose -
pp. 279-285
Gabriel Čík, Ľubomír Lapčík, Anton Blažej and Igor Šurina Study of photolysis of 1,3-bis(4-nitrophenyl)-1-butene in acetonitrile and 2-propanol -
pp. 286-291
Miloš Procházka, Tomáš Vondrák and Jana Poláková (E-Z) Isomerism of vinyl sulfides and ethers -
pp. 292-298
Miloš Beran, Antonín Černý, Jiří Křepelka and Jaroslav Vachek Substituted ω-(4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-5-pyrimidinyl) alkanoic acids, their derivatives and analogues -
pp. 299-303
Rudolf Kotva, Jaroslav Vachek and Jiří Křepelka Some derivatives of 4-[(2-amino-6-hydroxy-4-oxo-3,4-dihydro-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl] benzoic acid -
pp. 304-311
Jiří Křepelka, Jan Beneš, Vladimír Pouzar, Jaroslav Vachek and Jiří Holubek Some 2-substitution derivatives of 5-(4-oxo-6-hydroxy-3,4-dihydro-5-pyrimidinyl)pentanoic acid -
pp. 312-318
Jiří Křepelka, Drahuše Vlčková, Jiří Holubek and Jiří Roubík 8-Substitution derivatives of D-6-methylergoline-I -
pp. 319-326
Vladimír Tolman and Pavla Špronglová Synthesis of 2-fluoropropenoic acid derivatives -
pp. 327-335
Ernest Šturdík, Ľudovít Drobnica and Štefan Baláž Interactions of 2-furylethylenes with thiol enzymes -
pp. 336-345
Ernest Šturdík, Ľudovít Drobnica and Štefan Baláž Reactions of 2-furylethylenes with thiols in vivo
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.