- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1997, Volume 62, Issue 6
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 829-842
Jozef Mášik and Ivan Hubač Comparison of the Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster Theory with the Standard Coupled Cluster Theory. Cancellation of Disconnected Terms in the Brillouin-Wigner Coupled Cluster Theory
Physical Chemistry
pp. 843-848
Barbara Marczewska Adsorption Effects of Thiourea at the Hg Electrode in Water-Dimethyl Sulfoxide Mixtures on Zn(II) Reduction -
pp. 849-854
Vladislav Holba and Renata Košická Instability of Solutions of Quaternary Ammonium Permanganates in Dichloromethane -
pp. 855-865
Katarína Erentová, Vladimír Adamčík, Andrej Staško, Oskar Nuyken, Arming Lang and Michael B. Leitner Radical Intermediates in Photochemical and Redox Initiated Decomposition of Thioazo Compounds(an EPR and Cyclovoltammetric Study)
Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering
pp. 866-874
Vratislav Tukač and Jiří Hanika Catalytic Oxidation of Substituted Phenols in a Trickle Bed Reactor -
pp. 875-883
Květa Jirátová, Lenka Morávková, Jiří Malecha and Bohumil Koutský Ceramic Foam-Supported Perovskites as Catalysts for Combustion of Methane
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 884-893
Jaromír Plešek, Bohumír Grüner and Josef Holub Synthesis and Properties of Cobaltacarboranes with Substituted Monoatomic Bridges Between Ligands of the 6,6'-μ-RnE(1,7-C2B9H10)2-2-Co Type
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 894-912
Ali Werfeli, Jan Čejka, Ondřej Klecán, Bohumil Kratochvíl and Josef Kuthan Preparation of New Optically Active Furanoids Containing Various Aza-Heterocyclic Moieties -
pp. 913-924
Jiří Kulhánek and Oldřich Pytela Chemometric Analysis of Substituent Effects. XI. Solvent Effects on Dissociation of 2,6-Disubstituted Benzoic Acids -
pp. 925-940
Vít Lellek and Ivan Stibor Axially Chiral Synthons for Dendrimer Synthesis -
pp. 941-947
Evžen Kasafírek, Jaroslav Moural, Jarmila Vinšová, Antonín Šturc and Jan Taimr Cyclic Dipeptides with 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic Acid
Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 948-956
Dana Hocková and Antonín Holý Synthesis of Some "Abbreviated" NAD+ Analogues -
pp. 957-970
Hubert Hřebabecký, Miloš Buděšínský, Milena Masojídková, Zdeněk Havlas and Antonín Holý 1-(3,5-O-Alkylidene-2-deoxy-4-C-hydroxymethyl-α-L-threo-pentofuranosyl)uracils
pp. 971-980
Marie Stiborová, Eva Frei and Heinz H. Schmeiser Study on N-Demethylation of N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzene and N-Nitrosamines by Prostaglandin H Synthase
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.