- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1994, Volume 59, Issue 6
Quantum and Theoretical Chemistry
pp. 1241-1250
Martina Bittererová, Stanislav Biskupič, Hans Lischka and Viliam Klimo Ab initio Study of the Potential Curves for CO (X1Σ+), CH (X2Π) and OH (X2Π) -
pp. 1251-1260
Michal Bureš and Jaroslav Bezus Study of Hydrogen Bonding in Carboxylic Acids by the MNDO/M Method
Physical Chemistry
pp. 1261-1269
Miloslav Karel, Jaroslav Nývlt and Angelo Chianese Crystallization of Pentaerythritol I. Solubility, Density and Metastable Zone Width -
pp. 1270-1278
Miloslav Karel, Jaroslav Nývlt and Angelo Chianese Crystallization of Pentaerythritol II. Model Experiments -
pp. 1279-1286
Libuše Kišová, Šárka Šotková and Ivana Komendová Electrode Kinetics of the Ti(IV)/Ti(III) System in Water and in WaterDimethylformamide and WaterDimethyl Sulfoxide Mixed Solvents -
pp. 1287-1295
Alfréd Sabela, Vladimír Mareček, Jiří Koryta and Zdeněk Samec Mechanism of the Facilitated Ion Transfer Across a Liquid/Liquid Interface -
pp. 1296-1300
Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad J. Iqbal and Habib Ahmad Temperature Dependence of Viscosity B-Coefficients of Aqueous Solutions of Chlorides of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+, Sr2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+ and Cr3+ -
pp. 1301-1304
Jaroslav Nývlt and Stanislav Žáček Batch Precipitation of Lead Iodide -
pp. 1305-1310
Emad E. Abdel Aal and Mohamed M. Hefny Formation of Barrier Oxide Film on Lead in Borate Solutions
Analytical Chemistry
pp. 1311-1318
Ladislav Svoboda and Petr Vořechovský Sorption of Cadmium and Lead by Chelating Ion Exchangers Ostsorb OXIN, Ostsorb DETA, and Ostsorb DTTA -
pp. 1319-1325
Ladislav Svoboda and Stanislav Jech Sorption of Cadmium and Lead by Chelating Ion Exchangers Ostsorb DITHIZON and Ostsorb SALICYL
Inorganic Chemistry
pp. 1326-1336
Jaromír Plešek, Farzaneh Hosseinpour Rajabi, Veena Vangani and Jiří Fusek Constitution and Properties of the 8,8'-μ-(H2NO)=(1,2-C2B9H10)2-3-Co Bridged Cobaltaborane -
pp. 1337-1341
Jitka Eysseltová and Jana Dosoudilová Solubility in the Glycine-H3BO3-H2O System -
pp. 1342-1348
Mitko D. Stoev and Jóse M. A. Robledo Saturated Solutions of M(NO3)2-H2O-CH3OH (M = Sr, Ba) Systems -
pp. 1349-1355
Malgorzata Podsiadla, Jadwiga Rzeszotarska and Marek K. Kalinowski Acceptor Numbers for Binary Mixtures of Dipolar Aprotic Solvents with Methanol
Macromolecular Science
pp. 1356-1360
Jan Schauer and Takaomi Kobayashi Salt Separation by Charged Membranes
Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry
pp. 1361-1367
Alexandr Jegorov, Roman Sobotík, Svetlana Pakhomova, Jan Ondráček, Jiří Novotný, Michal Hušák and Bohumil Kratochvíl The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Butorphanol Hydrogen Tartrate -
pp. 1368-1383
Jaroslav Včelák, Anna Friesová, Roman Řeřicha and Jiří Hetflejš Dehalogenation of Chlorobenzenes with Sodium Dihydridobis(2-methoxyethoxo)aluminate -
pp. 1384-1391
Taťjana Nevěčná, Vojtěch Bekárek and Oldřich Pytela A Study of Effects of Temperature and Medium on Reaction of Triethylamine with Ethyl Bromide -
pp. 1392-1399
Jiří Kulič and Aleš Ptáček Alkaline Hydrolysis of 4-Nitrophenyl Acetate and Diphenyl (4-Nitrophenyl) Phosphate Catalyzed by Iodosoarenesulfonic Acids -
pp. 1400-1407
Rudolf Kada, Jarmila Bruncková and Pavol Bobál' Reaction of Ethyl 5-Substituted-2-furoylmalonates with Secondary Amines -
pp. 1408-1419
Hubert Hřebabecký, Jan Dočkal and Antonín Holý Synthesis of Deoxy, Dideoxy and Didehydrodideoxy Analogs of 9-(β-D-Hexofuranosyl)adenine -
pp. 1420-1429
Magdalena Endová, Eva Klinotová, Jan Sejbal, Bohumil Máca, Jiří Klinot and Jiří Protiva Preparation of 2,3-Secodiacids of the Lupane Series -
pp. 1430-1438
Rudolf Ježek, Miroslava Žertová, Jiřina Slaninová, Pavel Majer and Zdenko Procházka Antagonistic Analogs of Oxytocin with Substituted Phenylalanine or Tyrosine in Position 2 -
pp. 1439-1450
Miroslava Žertová, Jiřina Slaninová and Zdenko Procházka Comparison of the Potency of 8-L-Arginine, 8-D-Arginine and 8-D-Homoarginine Vasopressin Analogs with Substituted Phenylalanine in Position 2 -
pp. 1451-1457
Abd El-Hamid Attia, Mohamed H. Abo-Ghalia and Osama I. Abd El-Salam Synthesis of Bicyclic Pyridine Tripeptides
New Compounds
pp. 1458-1462
Dušan Ilavský, Milan Bruncko, Štefan Marchalín and Lubomír Zalibera Synthesis of New 2-Substituted 4-(2-Furyl)-4H-pyrans -
pp. 1463-1466
Michal Bodajla, Štefan Stankovský and Katarína Špirková Synthesis of Some Azolylquinazolines
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.