- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1981, Volume 46, Issue 4
pp. 817-822
Vladimír Majer, Václav Svoboda, Antonín Pošta and Jiří Pick Determination of heats of vaporization and some other thermodynamic quantities for three fluorinated halogen ethanes -
pp. 823-832
Vlado Cholvad, Andrej Staško, Alexander Tkáč, Anatolii L. Buchanenko and L'ubomír Malík Radical products of hydroxylamines, nitrones and spin adducts in the process of gradual oxidation with coordinated peroxy-radicals -
pp. 833-849
Zuzana Machková and Jiří Závada The effect of phenyl substituents on elimination stereochemistry: A mechanistic manifold in alkoxide promoted decomposition of 1-phenyl-1-propyltrimethylammonium ion -
pp. 850-855
Jiří Závada, Magdalena Pánková, Richard A. Bartsch and Bong Rae Cho The effect of base concentration on orientation in E2 reactions: A common feature in metal alkoxide promoted olefin formation from alkyl halides and tosylates -
pp. 856-860
Otto Exner and Václav Jehlička The conformation of aryl carbonates. A dipole moment study -
pp. 861-872
Josef Krupička, Bohumír Koutek, Lubomír Musil, Libuše Pavlíčková and Milan Souček Half-wave potentials of quinone methides in dimethylformamide: Substituent effects -
pp. 873-882
Jiří Velek, Bohumír Koutek, Lubomír Musil, Soňa Vašíčková and Milan Souček IR spectra of some quinone methides. A study of the ortho-effect -
pp. 883-891
Vladimír Král, Zdeněk Arnold and Zdeněk Havlas Semiempirical and ab initio study of the nature of the C-S bond in sulfonium ylides -
pp. 892-897
Antonín Lyčka and Dobroslav Šnobl Coupling constants nitrogen-15-nitrogen-15 and nitrogen-15-hydrogen in phenylhydrazones forming hydrogen bond -
pp. 898-905
Oldřich Pytela, Miroslav Večeřa and Pavel Vetešník Calculation of isokinetic temperature of non-catalyzed hydrolysis of substituted 3-(N-methylcarbamoyl)-1,3-diphenyltriazenes -
pp. 906-916
Miroslav Janda, Jan Šrogl, Hana Dvořáková, Dalimil Dvořák and Ivan Stibor Electrooxidation of 2-arylfurans -
pp. 917-925
Vladimír Pouzar and Miroslav Havel Preparation and absolute configuration at C(20) of 21-nor-5α-chol-22-en-24→20-olide derivatives -
pp. 926-932
František Věžník, Eva Táborská and Jiří Slavík Alkaloids from Papaver oreophilum F. J. RUPR -
pp. 933-940
Helmut Pischel, Antonín Holý and Günther Wagner Preparation of conjugates of uridine with proteins by the imido ester condensation method -
pp. 941-946
Zdeněk Samek, Tomáš Vaněk and Miroslav Holub Unusual cyclization in the 11-hydroxy-1βH,5βH,6βH,7αH-guaian-6,12-olide series -
pp. 947-956
Zdenko Procházka, Michal Lebl, Linda Servítová, Tomislav Barth and Karel Jošt Synthesis and pharmacological properties of [2-p-fluorophenylalanine]deamino-1-carba-oxytocin and its diastereoisomeric sulfoxides -
pp. 957-962
Milan Remko PCILO study of hydrogen bond and proton transfer in systems 1-methylthymine-acetamide and 1-methylthymine-acetic acid -
pp. 963-974
Jaroslav Medek and Ivan Fořt Contribution to the analysis of liquid macroflow in a cylindrical vessel with a high speed impeller -
pp. 975-981
Eduard Gyepes, František Pavelčík and Anton Beňo Crystal and molecular structure of the nickel(II) chelate of salicylidenethiosemicarbazone ammine - C8H7N3OSNi.NH3 -
pp. 982-986
Dagmar Kalavská, Adam Košturiak and Svetozár Kalavský Titrimetric determination of cobalt, nickel and lanthanoids in alloys for novel permanent magnets using ion selective electrodes -
pp. 987-1001
Vlasta Madajová and Imrich Zelenský Influence of structure of some azo compounds on their acid-base properties and reduction -
pp. 1002-1010
Otto Exner A comparison of methods for determining dipole moments in solution -
pp. 1011-1022
Josef Pašek, Nina Kostova and Bohumír Dvořák Activity and selectivity of cobalt, nickel and copper catalysts for hydrogentaion of lauronitrile -
pp. 1023-1030
Jiří Protiva, Eva Klinotová, Hana Skorkovská and Alois Vystrčil Mass spectra of 18α,19βH-ursane derivatives with a lactone arrangement of the ring E -
pp. 1031-1038
Jiří Hanika, Ivan Svoboda and Vlastimil Růžička Kinetics of hydrogenation of cyclic butadiene oligomers on palladium catalysts. Cyclooctadiene isomers -
pp. 1048-1053
Josef Jizba, Věra Laudová, Zdeněk Samek, Karel Ubik and Ladislav Novotný Components of Senecio nemorensis var. subdecurens -
pp. 1054-1058
Svetlana Pristašová Isolation of plasma membranes from chick embryo chorioallantoic membranes and identification of main nucleolytic activities -
pp. 1059-1067
Svetlana Pristašová and Marta Rosenbergová Ribonuclease activiy associated with chick embryo chorioallantoic plasma membranes
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.