- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
2005, Volume 70, Issue 6
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 689-730
Wolfgang Förner Theoretical Study of Bipolaron Dynamics in Polyparaphenylene: II. Density Functional Theory (DFT) Calculations on Neutral Dimers and Semiempirical Hückel-Type Calculations on Neutral and Charged Model Chains -
pp. 731-739
Vladimír Špirko Potential Energy Curve of N2 in Its Ground Electronic State -
pp. 740-754
Hujun Shen, Harris J. Silverstone* and Gabriel Álvarez On the Bidirectionality of the JWKB Connection Formula at a Linear Turning Point -
pp. 755-770
Xiangzhu Li General-Model-Space State-Universal Coupled-Cluster Method: Excited States of Ozone -
pp. 771-796
Maurice R. Kibler Representation Theory and Wigner-Racah Algebra of the SU(2) Group in a Noncanonical Basis -
pp. 797-810
Michal Ilčin, Vladimír Lukeš, Viliam Laurinc* and Stanislav Biskupič Theoretical Study of H2...I- van der Waals Anion Complex -
pp. 811-825
Monika Musiał and Leszek Meissner* The Fock-Space Coupled-Cluster Method in the Calculation of Excited State Properties -
pp. 826-836
Qiong Luo, Qian Shu Li*, Yaoming Xie and Henry F. Schaefer* Radicals Derived from Guanine: Structures and Energetics -
pp. 837-850
Andrew G. Taube and Rodney J. Bartlett* Frozen Natural Orbitals: Systematic Basis Set Truncation for Coupled-Cluster Theory
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.