- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1989, Volume 54, Issue 9
pp. 2287-2301
Juraj Leško, Jaroslav Kalousek, Jaroslav Kupčák and Radim Bochňák Application of a model of regular solutions to ionic melts -
pp. 2302-2329
Zdeněk Wimmer and Miroslav Romaňuk Insect juvenile hormones and their bioanalogues -
pp. 2330-2334
Carlos F. González-Fernández, José Horno and Fernando González-Caballero A network thermodynamic model for transient effects in electrokinetic energy conversion -
pp. 2335-2344
José Horno and Carlos F. González-Fernández Analysis of chemical reaction systems by means of network thermodynamics -
pp. 2345-2356
Ivan Fořt, Jiří Hájek and Václav Machoň Energetic efficiency of two impellers on the same shaft in a cylindrical baffled vessel of high height/diameter ratio -
pp. 2357-2374
Petr Stehlík, Jan Šika, Ladislav Bébar and Luboš Raus Contribution to the research and development of radiation chambers in steam reforming -
pp. 2375-2385
Peter Gemeiner, Eva Hrabárová, Magdaléna Zacharová, Albert Breier and Milan J. Beneš Partition mechanism of adsorption and the absence of displacement phenomena in the zonal analytical chromatography of proteins on bead 2-hydroxy-3-phenoxypropyl-cellulose -
pp. 2386-2398
Antonín Lyčka, Jaroslav Holeček and Karel Handlíř 119Sn, 13C and 1H NMR studies of aryloxy- and arylthio(1-butyl)stannanes -
pp. 2399-2407
Oldřich Pytela, Josef Jirman and Antonín Lyčka Chemometrical analysis of substituent effects on 13C and 15N NMR chemical shifts in 1-aroyl-3-substituted thioureas -
pp. 2408-2414
Viktor Vrábel, Eleonóra Kellö, Jan Lokaj and Václav Konečný Crystal structure of N-(2,6-dimethylphenyl)chloromaleinimide -
pp. 2415-2424
Jiří Krechl, Svatava Smrčková, Františka Pavlíková and Josef Kuthan p-Substituted benzamidinium carboxylates -
pp. 2425-2432
Peter Šafář and Jaroslav Kováč Preparation of unsymmetrically substituted Stenhouse salts -
pp. 2433-2442
Peter Šafář and Jaroslav Kováč Reactions of 2-furfurylidenemalonaldehyde with aromatic amines and Meldrum's acid -
pp. 2443-2469
Zdeněk Polívka, Miloš Buděšínský, Jiří Holubek, Bohdan Schneider, Zdeněk Šedivý, Emil Svátek, Oluše Matoušová, Jan Metyš, Martin Valchář, Radomír Souček and Miroslav Protiva 4H-Benzo[4,5]cyclohepta[1,2-b]thiophenes and 9,10-dihydro derivatives - Sulfonium analogues of pizotifen and ketotifen; Chirality of ketotifen; Synthesis of the 2-bromo derivative of ketotifen -
pp. 2470-2501
Antonín Holý, Ivan Rosenberg and Hana Dvořáková Synthesis of (3-hydroxy-2-phosphonylmethoxypropyl) derivatives of heterocyclic bases -
pp. 2502-2512
Alois Pískala, Naeem B. Hanna, Jaroslav Zajíček and Alois Čihák Synthesis, molecular conformation and biological activity of 6-amino-5-azacytidine -
pp. 2513-2518
Nadia I. Zakhary, Abdelbaset A. El-Aaser and Camelia A. Abdel-Malak Effect of soybean extract on nitrosamines formation. In vitro study -
pp. 2519-2527
Sylva Leblová and Mustafa El Ahmad Characterization of alcohol dehydrogenase isolated from germinating bean Vicia faba seeds -
pp. 2528-2541
Peter Halický, Marta Kollárová, Pavol Kois and Ján Zelinka Immobilization of ribonucleotide reductase from Streptomyces aureofaciens -
pp. 2542-2549
Josef Chmelík Different rates of formation of secondary and tertiary structure during renaturation of urea-denatured human serum albumin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.