- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1987, Volume 52, Issue 5
pp. 1087-1096
Begoña García, Pedro L. Domingo and José M. Leal Overlapping equilibria: Applications to m-aminobenzoic acid -
pp. 1097-1114
Michael Heyrovský and Ladislav Novotný Interfacial interactions and the heterogeneous one-electron reduction of methyl viologen -
pp. 1115-1130
Jiří Mollin, Zdeněk Pavelek and František Kašpárek Ratio of lyate ions activities in two-components protogenic solvents -
pp. 1131-1159
Emerich Erdös, Jindřich Leitner, Petr Voňka, Josef Stejskal and Přemysl Klíma A dual site growth model of gallium arsenide epitaxial layers from the gas phase -
pp. 1160-1166
Dagmar Tomanová and Petr Schneider Possibilities of determining the polymodal pore-size distribution from physical adsorption of nitrogen -
pp. 1167-1171
Ivan Vinš and Lubomír Kábrt Ion chromatographic separation and determination of some sulphur anions -
pp. 1172-1177
Pavel Mitschka Frictional resistance of spheres rotating in power-law non-Newtonian fluids -
pp. 1178-1185
Miloslav Hartman, Václav Veselý, Otakar Trnka and Karel Svoboda The height of expansion in bubbling fluidized beds -
pp. 1186-1197
Jiří Hostomský Particle size distribution of agglomerated crystal product from a continuous crystallizer -
pp. 1198-1203
Benitto Mayrhofer and Jaroslav Nývlt Salt purification by recrystallization. Application of the homogeneous distribution law -
pp. 1204-1210
Vladimír Glaser, Jan Vídenský and Miroslav Kužela Cementation kinetics of copper on a rotating zinc cylinder -
pp. 1211-1215
Drahoš Rykl and František Pechar A study of the structure stability of natural natrolite during its long-run heating -
pp. 1216-1222
Pavel Karen, Roman Král, Jaroslav Kubát and Bohumil Hájek Hydrolysis of ternary carbides of manganese Mn3MC (M = Al, Ga, In, Sn) -
pp. 1223-1230
Dana M. Wagnerová Catalytic activity of cobalt(II) tetrasulphophthalocyanine for the oxidation of sulphite ions and other substrates by dioxygen -
pp. 1231-1234
Zdeněk Vít A new route to copper(II) μ4–oxo complexes Cu4OHal6I4 -
pp. 1235-1245
Petr Štěpánek, Zdeněk Tuzar and Čestmír Koňák Evaluation of polydispersity index Mw/Mn by quasielastic light scattering -
pp. 1246-1255
Petr Štěpánek and Čestmír Koňák Quasielastic light scattering from poly(styrene)-dibutyl phthalate solutions -
pp. 1256-1271
Jan Štokr, Bohdan Schneider, Danica Doskočilová, Stanislav Ševčík and Martin Přádný Conformation of dimethylaminoethanol, its methyl ether and of the corresponding trimethylammonium iodides. NMR and vibrational spectra -
pp. 1272-1279
Zdeněk Prokop and Karel Setínek Hydration of 2-methylbutenes on organic ion exchange resin catalysts -
pp. 1280-1284
Zdeněk Vít and Milan Hájek Addition of esters of chloroacetic acids to 1,3-butadiene catalysed by copper complexes -
pp. 1285-1297
Jaromír Kaválek, Ludmila Hejtmánková and Vojeslav Štěrba Kinetics and mechanism of solvolysis of substituted phenyl N-phenylbenzimidoesters -
pp. 1298-1304
Alexandra Šilhánková, Dagmar Davidová, Michaela Šputová, Petr Trška, Dana Vaculíková, Daniela Vlková and Miloslav Ferles Photoaddition of alcohols to some 1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridines -
pp. 1305-1314
Stanislav Böhm, Renata Prantová, David Šaman, Petr Trška and Josef Kuthan Reaction of some nucleophiles with 2,6-di-tert-butylpyrylium perchlorate -
pp. 1315-1324
Lubor Fišera and Peter Oravec Stereoselectivity of cycloadditions of arylnitrile oxides to 5-alkoxy-2(5H)-furanone -
pp. 1325-1330
Yoshiaki Kamano, Pavel Drašar, George R. Pettit and Machiko Tozawa Synthesis of 5α-cinobufagin -
pp. 1331-1339
Antonín Černý, Jan Beneš, Jaroslav Vachek, Milan Pešák, Josef Stuchlík, Milan Stuchlík, Petr Sedmera, Miroslav Flieger and Jindřich Vokoun Solvolysis of some 1-(8α-ergolinyl)-3,3-diethylureas and their salts -
pp. 1340-1351
Jiří Urban, Emil Svátek, Miroslav Ryska, Jan Metyš, Stanislav Wildt and Miroslav Protiva 4-Aryl-3-(dimethylaminomethyl)thiacyclohexan-4-ols including the thia analogue of tramadol; Synthesis and analgetic activity -
pp. 1352-1355
M. E. Younes, S. Abdel Rahman and A. Hattaba Synthesis of elastin-like peptides using the liquid phase method -
pp. 1356-1361
S. Abdel Rahman, M. Elsafty and A. Hattaba Circular dichroism and infrared study of β-turn formation in repeat peptides of elastin -
pp. 1362-1374
Petr Štrop, František Mikeš, Marie Havranová and Václav Žižkovský Human serum albumin. A study of the nature of its hydrophobic binding sites
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.