- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1981, Volume 46, Issue 5
pp. 1071-1082
Vlado Cholvad and Alexander Tkáč Hydrogen and electron transfer from diphenylamine in reaction with coordinated peroxy-radicals and hydroperoxides -
pp. 1083-1089
Mirko Dohnal Existence of a solution of the balance simulation problem -
pp. 1090-1106
Irena Burešová, Vlastimil Kubáň and Lumír Sommer Spectrophotometric study of the interaction of Chromazurol S and Eriochromazurol B with surface active substances - tensides -
pp. 1107-1115
Rolf Karlíček, Miroslav Polášek and Vladimír Jokl Ternary complexes of N-carboxymethylaminoacetohydroxamic acid -
pp. 1116-1123
Vlasta Madajová and Imrich Zelenský Substitution at hydrazo group and stability of some hydrazo compounds -
pp. 1124-1131
Ivan Kmínek, Miroslav Kašpar and Jiří Trekoval A calorimetric study of the interaction between n-butyllithium and some electrondonors -
pp. 1132-1140
Ivan Kmínek, Miroslav Kašpar and Jiří Trekoval An investigation of the formation of complexes of n-butyllithium with some electrondonors -
pp. 1141-1147
Antonín Kurfürst, Jiří Ludvík, Pavel Rauch and Miroslav Marek Electrochemical and biological oxidation of 1,4-dihydropyridine derivatives -
pp. 1148-1159
Lubomír Musil, Bohumír Koutek, Milena Píšová and Milan Souček Delocalization and stability of o- and p-quinone methides: A HMO study -
pp. 1160-1166
Peter Kutschy, Pavol Kristian, Miloslava Dandárová and Jaroslav Kováč Synthesis and reactions of cis-3-(2-furyl)propenoyl isocyanate -
pp. 1167-1172
Miloslav Ferles, Stanislav Kafka, Alexandra Šilhánková and Michaela Šputová Reaction of 1-pyridyl-1,3-butanediones and 1,3-dipyridyl-1,3-propanediones -
pp. 1173-1187
Miroslav Kuchař, Bohumila Brunová, Václav Rejholec, Zdeněk Roubal and Oldřich Němeček The synthesis of arylpropionic acids and the quantitative relationship between the structure and the activation of fibrinolysis -
pp. 1188-1198
Irena Červená, Marta Hrubantová, Marie Bartošová and Miroslav Protiva Synthesis of arylthioacetamidoximes as potential antidepressants -
pp. 1199-1209
Miroslav Protiva, Zdeněk Šedivý, Josef Pomykáček, Emil Svátek and Jiří Holubek Potential metabolites of the neuroleptic agent octoclothepin; Synthesis of 8-chloro-2,6-dihydroxy and 8-chloro-3,6-dihydroxy derivatives of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 1210-1216
Petr Sedmera, Jindřich Volc, Jan Weijer, Jindřich Vokoun and Vladimír Musílek Xanthomegnin and viomellein derivatives from submerged cultures of the ascomycete Nannizzia cajetani -
pp. 1217-1221
Milan Šolc and Jiří Hostomský Time of persistence of a particle in selected state during reversible first-order conversion. Application to crystal growth and dissolution -
pp. 1222-1228
Jiří Pangrác and Jana Podlahová Complexes of divalent platinum with diphenylphosphineacetic acid -
pp. 1229-1236
Jan Balej and Milada Thumová Kinetics of hydrolysis of peroxodisulphate ions in acidic medium to peroxomonosulphuric acid -
pp. 1237-1247
Zdeněk Prokop and Karel Setínek Polymer oxidation catalyst containing acidic functional groups -
pp. 1248-1253
Roman Řeřicha and Blanka Ripková-Vlčková Vibrational spectra of solid bis(acetonitrile-d3) platinum(II) dichloride -
pp. 1254-1257
Josef Pola, Pavel Engst and Milan Horák Carbonyl fluoride formation by cw-CO2 laser-induced and sulfur hexafluoride-sensitized decomposition of hexafluoroacetone -
pp. 1258-1261
Libor Červený, Marcela Kuncová and Vlastimil Růžička Catalytic hydrogenation of dehydrolinalool and dehydrolinalyl acetate -
pp. 1262-1271
Josef Hájíček and Jan Trojánek Synthesis of 2-allyl-2-ethylsuccinic anhydride -
pp. 1272-1279
Jiří Svoboda, Oldřich Paleta and Václav Dědek Reaction of chlorodifluoropropenoates with potassium fluoride -
pp. 1280-1287
Vladimír Valenta, Marie Bartošová and Miroslav Protiva 1-[3-(2-Alkoxyphenoxy)-3-phenylpropyl]piperazines and some related compounds -
pp. 1288-1295
Barbora Dvořánková and Zdeněk Pavlíček The conformational changes of haemoglobin on its binding to haptoglobin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.