- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1980, Volume 45, Issue 10
pp. 2589-2604
Stanislav Beran, Pavel Jírů and Blanka Wichterlová A quantum chemical study of butene reactions on molybdate catalysts -
pp. 2605-2620
Jürgen Fabian and Miloš Nepraš Interpretation of the 9,10-antraquinone chromophore by configuration analysis -
pp. 2621-2623
Marie Handlířová and Antonín Tockstein New catalysts for Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction -
pp. 2624-2631
Věra Jedináková and Zdeněk Dvořák Association of some benzyldialkylamines and their salts in benzene solutions -
pp. 2632-2636
Alois Fidler and Jiří Čeleda Conductivity study of association of K2Mg[Fe(CN)6], K2Ca[Fe(CN)6] and K2Ba[Fe(CN)6] in aqueous solutions -
pp. 2637-2644
Alena Brunovská, Ján Ilavský and Juraj Buriánek Evaluation of the diffusion coefficient from experimental data on dynamic sorption in a continuous stirred tank reactor -
pp. 2645-2655
Antonín Mikan and Miloš Bartušek The reactions of oligoalcohols with arsenic, arsenous, boric and germanic acids -
pp. 2656-2669
Vlastimil Kubáň and Dagmar Gotzmannová Comparison of the reactions of ferric ions with Chromazurol S, Eriochromazurol B and Eriochromcyanine R in the presence of surface active substances and spectrophotometric determination of Fe(III)-ions with Chromazurol S-cetylpyridinium bromide system -
pp. 2670-2674
Luděk Vodička, Jan Tříska and Milan Hájek Synthesis, separation, and identification of 4-bromoadamantan-2-one stereoisomers -
pp. 2675-2683
Libuše Pavlíčková, Soňa Vašíčková and Milan Souček Synthesis and properties of 7,7-diaminoquinone methides -
pp. 2684-2687
Naděžda Steinerová, Josef Cudlín and Zdenko Vaněk Glucosidation of 2-hydroxy- and 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone -
pp. 2688-2694
Irena Červená, Marta Hrubantová, Emil Svátek, Jiří Holubek, Miroslav Ryska, Jiřina Metyšová and Miroslav Protiva Fluorinated analogues of tricyclic neuroleptics: 6,9-difluoro derivative of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 2695-2699
Jiří Křepelka, Jiří Holubek and Miroslav Semonský Esters of 4,4-bis(4-ethylphenyl)-2,3-dibromo-2-butenoic acid and 7-ethyl-4-(4-ethylphenyl)-2,3-dibromo-1-naphthol -
pp. 2700-2705
Jiří Křepelka, Viktor Zikán, Jiří Holubek and Miroslav Semonský Derivatives of 4-aryl-2,3-dihalogeno-1-naphthol -
pp. 2706-2709
Jiří Slavík Occurence of morphine as a minor alkaloid in papaver decaisnei hochst. -
pp. 2710-2713
Jiří Protiva, Hana Skorkovská, Jiří Urban and Alois Vystrčil Triterpenes and steroids from ganoderma applanatum -
pp. 2714-2723
Michal Lebl, Alena Machová, Pavel Hrbas, Tomislav Barth and Karel Jošt Analogues of deamino-1-carba-oxytocin with an aliphatic amino acid in position 4: chemical synthesis and biological activities -
pp. 2724-2727
Stanislav Biskupič and Peter Pelikán Evaluation of pseudopotential integrals over gaussian lobe basis functions -
pp. 2728-2741
Pavel Fott and Petr Schneider Kinetics of the catalytic hydrodesulphurization reaction system; hydrogenolysis of thiophene -
pp. 2742-2750
Pavel Fott and Petr Schneider Kinetics of the catalytic hydrodesulphurization reaction system; hydrogenation of ethylene and butene -
pp. 2751-2760
Jaroslav Košut, Ján Ilavský and Martin Dudák Model of residence time distribution function in the reactor with dispersion flow and ideal mixing -
pp. 2761-2765
Lubomír Lochmann, Rajib L. De, Josef Janča and Jiří Trekoval Some organic lithium compounds as initiators of the anionic polymerization of methyl methacrylate -
pp. 2766-2771
Antonín Lyčka Carbon-13 and nitrogen-14 NMR spectra of 1-(substituted phenyl)pyridinium salts -
pp. 2772-2778
Eva Solčániová, Pavol Hrnčiar and Tibor Liptaj 13C NMR study of 3-(X-benzal)phthalides and 2-(X-benzal)-1,3-indanediones -
pp. 2779-2783
Jiří Urban, Miroslav Marek, Jiří Jarý and Petr Sedmera 13C NMR study of tetrosides and their derivatives -
pp. 2784-2803
Miloš Buděšínský, Zdeněk Samek and Miloš Tichý In situ reactions of amines and amino alcohols and their application to structural assignment by 1H NMR spectroscopy -
pp. 2804-2807
Michal Uher, Miloš Bošanský, Štefan Kováč and Augustin Martvoň Reactions of arenecarbonyl isothiocyanates with hydrazine hydrate and arylhydrazines -
pp. 2808-2816
Ivan Kolb and Jiří Hetflejš Enantioselective hydrosilylation of tert-butyl phenyl ketone by diphenylsilane catalysed by [Rh{(-)-DIOP}2]+ClO4- -
pp. 2817-2829
Antonín Holý and Pavol Kois Synthesis of 2'(3')-phosphates and 2'(3')-phosphorothioates of 5'-O-carboxymethylinosine and related compounds -
pp. 2830-2838
Pavol Kois and Antonín Holý Preparation of derivatives of inosine 5'-phosphorothioate for use in affinity chromatography -
pp. 2839-2846
Pavol Kois, Ivan Rosenberg and Antonín Holý Affinity chromatography of guanyloribonuclease from streptomyces aureofaciens -
pp. 2847-2854
Peter Gemeiner, Ľudovít Kuniak and Jiří Zemek Preparation of p-aminobenzyl cellulose and its utilization for immobilization of enzymes -
pp. 2855-2864
Michal Lebl, Tomislav Barth and Karel Jošt Synthesis and pharmacological properties of oxytocin analogues modified simultaneously in position 2 and in the disulfide bridge -
pp. 2865-2871
Michal Lebl, Tomislav Barth, Jana Škopková and Karel Jošt Synthesis and some pharmacological properties of [7-glycine, 8-ornithine]vasopressin and two of its analogues
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.