- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1975, Volume 40, Issue 11
pp. 3241-3264
V. Čermák and M. Smutek Mechanism of decomposition of dithionite in aqueous solutions -
pp. 3265-3280
M. Smutek and V. Čermák Mathematical treatment of the model of decomposition of dithionite in aqueous solutions -
pp. 3281-3289
V. Bosáček and J. Dubský Calculation of potential energy of adsorbed molecules on zeolites -
pp. 3290-3297
J. Balej and V. G. Shevchuk Phase diagram of the system (NH4)2SO4-Cs2SO4-H2O at 0 °C -
pp. 3298-3305
J. Vondrák and J. Balej Electrolytic reduction of oxygen on electrodes containing tungsten bronzes -
pp. 3306-3314
J. Podlahová Complexes of mercaptoethylaminetriacetic acid in solution -
pp. 3315-3318
M. Rylek, F. Kaštánek, L. Nývlt and J. Kratochvíl Free area for gas flow through sieve plates with a bubbled bed -
pp. 3319-3328
F. Jiráček and J. Horák Effect of external heat and mass transfer on steady states of non-isothermal non-adiabatic continuous stirred tank reactor -
pp. 3329-3333
J. Hála and J. Smola Complexes of hafnium with diantipyrinylmethane in 2M-HCl medium -
pp. 3334-3338
M. Šafář, V. Galík and Z. Kafka Chromatographic separation of azaadamantanes and their derivatives in a system gas-liquid -
pp. 3339-3345
R. Puffr and J. Šebenda Effect of acidity and substitution of carboxylic acids on the rate and equilibrium of acidolysis of N-butylhexanamide in non-aqueous medium -
pp. 3346-3356
Ľ. Drobnica and P. Gemeiner Kinetics of decomposition and dissociation constans of the S-esters of N-monosubstituted dithiocarbamic acids -
pp. 3357-3361
A. Krutošíková, J. Surá, J. Kováč and K. Kalfus Dissociation constants of 5-aryl-2-furancarboxylic acids and alkaline hydrolysis rates of their methyl esters -
pp. 3362-3369
A. Krutošíková, J. Surá, J. Kováč and S. Juhás Substituted 3-(5-phenyl-2-furyl)acrylic acids and their methyl esters. Transmission of polar effects across the furan-ethene system -
pp. 3370-3385
J. Staněk, Jr., K. Čapek and J. Jarý Partial tosylation of methyl 6-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranoside -
pp. 3386-3398
J. O. Jílek, J. Metyšová, J. Němec, Z. Šedivý, J. Pomykáček and M. Protiva Potential neuroleptics; N-aralkyl, N-(aroylalkyl) and N-pyridyl derivatives of 10-piperazino-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepins -
pp. 3399-3403
J. Smrt, S. N. Mikhailov, S. Hynie and V. L. Florenťev Free-conformational analogues of nucleotides and oligonucleotides derived from 9-[1',5'-dihydroxy-4'(S)-hydroxymethyl-3'-oxapent-2'(R)-yl]adenine -
pp. 3404-3408
F. R. Seta and B. Tamagno The estimation of umbelliferone in hydroxylation of coumarin by ascorbic acid system -
pp. 3409-3420
I. Samohýl Rational thermodynamics of a reacting mixture with linear transport properties -
pp. 3421-3435
I. Samohýl Comparison of classical and rational thermodynamics of reacting fluid mixtures with linear transport properties -
pp. 3436-3442
O. Navrátil and P. Linhart Scandiumextraktion mit einigen Dialkylphosphorsäuren aus einem Perchlorat- und Nitratmedium -
pp. 3443-3458
I. Fořt, J. Medek, J. Placek and M. Hulánek Hydraulic chracteristics of paddle impellers with flat inclined blades -
pp. 3459-3468
M. Šorm and S. Nešpůrek Mesoionic compounds. Sydnones and their photochromic properties -
pp. 3469-3475
J. Sedláček, V. I. Avdeyev and I. I. Zakharov Quantum chemical model of dehydrogenation of secondary alcohols on oxides -
pp. 3476-3490
J. Dědina, J. Kuthan, J. Paleček and J. Schraml 1H-NMR spectra and nuclear Overhauser effect in E and Z isomers of 3-substituted 3-aminoacrylonitriles -
pp. 3491-3499
M. Zdražil Hydrodesulphurization of alkylthiophenes on a cobalt-molybdenum catalyst -
pp. 3500-3504
B. Šrámek and J. Tichý Propylene oxidation on Sb-Fe oxide catalysts -
pp. 3505-3511
A Zobáčová, V. Heřmánková, Z. Kefurtová and J. Jarý Reduction of secondary p-toluenesulfonyloxy groups in the position 5 of hexofuranoses with lithium aluminum hydride -
pp. 3512-3518
A. Nováček and J. Gut Reaction of 1-substituted semicarbazide derivatives with benzaldehyde -
pp. 3519-3529
Z. Kopicová, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neuroleptics with protracted action: 3-Fluoro derivatives of methiothepin and oxyprothepin and their 2-fluoro analogues -
pp. 3530-3544
K. Šindelář, Z. Kopicová, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva The 3-hydroxy derivative of the neuroleptic oxyprothepin and some other 3,8-disubstituted 10-piperazinodibenzo[b,f]thiepin derivatives -
pp. 3545-3556
M. Kuchař, B. Brůnová, V. Rejholec, Z. Roubal, J. Grimová and O. Němeček Preparation and biological properties of p-alkoxycinnamic acids; Use of quantitative relationships between structure and activity -
pp. 3557-3566
M. Laššánová, T. Turský and M. Brechtlová Effect of ATP and chloride ions on glutamic decarboxylase from brain, E. coli, and carrot root
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.