- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 8
pp. 2181-2186
K. Hlavatý Effect of different combination rules for constants in the Redlich-Kwong equation of state on calculated volumes of binary liquid mixtures -
pp. 2187-2195
V. Zvonař Reaction equilibrium of polyanhydride formation. III. Composition of reaction mixture in the course of distillation -
pp. 2196-2199
J. Mikšovský and I. Wichterle Membrane filtration of gases. II. Separation properties of silicone rubber and polyvinyltrimethylsilane -
pp. 2200-2203
I. Horsák and M. Šolc Simulation study of a stochastic model of reversible first-order reaction equilibrium -
pp. 2204-2210
M. Miadoková and J. Rapák Untersuchung der Kinetik und des Mechanismus beim Lösen von Blei in Natriumhydroxid -
pp. 2211-2217
Z. Holzbecher and A. Chocová-Fürstová Komplexbildung von Stereoisomeren des Salicyliden-2-aminophenols -
pp. 2218-2229
P. Kozák, J. Kalous and M. Jureček Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure XXVII. Kinetische Analyse von Gemischen der N-N-Gruppen enthaltenden Substanzen II. -
pp. 2230-2237
B. Šrámková and J. Zýka Reaction of Co(III) with As(III) and its catalysis by silver ions -
pp. 2238-2241
J. Lasovský, M. Rybka and E. Ružička Neuer metallochromer Indikator zur Bestimmung von Seltenerdionen -
pp. 2242-2248
J. Bečka and P. Ocelka Gleichzeitige gaschromatographische Bestimmung von Äthylen- und -Kohlendioxidspuren in der Luft biologischer Versuchskontainer -
pp. 2249-2254
J. Brandštetr and P. Sapáková Thermometrische (enthalpiometrische) Wasserstoffperoxidbestimmung -
pp. 2255-2267
M. Bartušek Molybdän(VI)- und Wolfram(VI)-chelate mit Diphenolen -
pp. 2268-2273
Z. Mikulec and M. Valentová Untersuchung der Stabilität ternärer Zinkkomplexe mit Hilfe der Extraktionsmethode II. Berechnung der Stabilitätskonstanten von Jodo-thiocyanatkomplexen des Zinks mit Pyridin -
pp. 2274-2280
J. Stehlíček, J. Exner, P. Čefelín and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XLVIII. Fraction of acyl groups of the activator incorporated in high-molecular weight polymer -
pp. 2281-2287
M. Kapuścińska, E. Šittler and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. IL. Effect of the activator/initiator ratio on the molecular weight distribution -
pp. 2288-2295
Nguyen Gia Chan and Ž. Procházka On steroids. CLVII. Saponification of esters of steroid acids and some other esters by potato tuber slicer and some other plant tissues -
pp. 2296-2300
M. Romaňuk and F. Šorm Natural and synthetic materials with the insect hormone activity. XVIII. The synthesis of aliphatic juvenoids with tert-butoxycarbonyl group in the molecule -
pp. 2301-2306
V. Bártl, J. Metyšová, J. Metyš, J. Němec and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LXIII. 7-Methoxy-10-(4-methylpiperazino)dibenzo[b,f]thiepin and its 10,11-dihydro derivative -
pp. 2307-2312
K. Haisová and J. Slavík Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. IL. On alkaloids from Argemone ochroleuca SWEET -
pp. 2313-2319
V. Dadák, P. Zbořil and L. Zahradníček Antibiotic effiency of natural coumarins. XI. On the mode of binding of natural coumarins to the heart-muscle mitochondrial fragments -
pp. 2320-2326
J. Nováková, P. Jírů and V. Zavadil Isotopic exchange of deuterium with hydrogen of some hydrides -
pp. 2327-2346
J. Čejka and Z. Urbanec Chemie der Uranylcarbonate I. System Rutherfordin-Sharpit-Schoepit -
pp. 2347-2354
P. Pacák, J. Sláma and J. Horsák Reaktionen in geschmolzenen Salzen I. Reaktion von Jodationen mit Jodidionen im eutektischen Gemisch von LiCl-KCl -
pp. 2355-2365
P. Pacák and I. Sláma Reaktionen in geschmolzenen Salzen II. Oxydation von Jodidionen mit Hilfe von Molekularsauerstoff und Reaktion von Lithiumhexoxoperjodat mit Jodidionen und mit Kohlendioxid im eutektischen Gemisch von Lithium- und Kaliumchlorid -
pp. 2366-2369
I. Horsák and I. Sláma Reaktionen in geschmolzenen Salzen III. Thermische Zersetzung von in geschmolzenen Alkalinitraten gelösten Perchloraten -
pp. 2370-2378
V. Machálek and Z. Mička Iminodiessigsäure I. Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Komplexen des dreiwertigen Eisens -
pp. 2379-2383
H. Kadlecová, V. Kadlec and O. Štrouf On the behaviour and reactivity of solutions of complex hydrides. IX. A cryoscopic study of the association and solvation of sodium (2-methoxyethoxy)hydridoaluminates -
pp. 2384-2396
J. Toužín Vibrational spectra of N-methylamidoselenates and N-methylamidosulfates -
pp. 2397-2407
M. Nepraš, M. Titz, D. Šnobl and V. Kratochvíl Electronic structure and properties of polynuclear aromatic ketones and quinones. III. π-Electronic structure and spectra of protonated p-quinones -
pp. 2408-2417
L. Antl and P. Schneider Kinetik der Hydrogenolyse von Cyclopropan an einem Pd/Al2O3 Katalysator -
pp. 2418-2424
P. Anzenbacher and V. Kalous Polarographic investigation of the system Co(II)-thiol with respect to anodic dissolution of deposited cobalt -
pp. 2425-2429
M. Asghar Ali Butt, Ram Parkash, Riazul Malik Chaudhary and M. L. Mittal Dissociation constant of benzohydroxamic acid and stabilities of its cobalt(II) complexes in different media -
pp. 2430-2440
O. Navrátil and Z. Mikulec Synergismus bei der Extraktion einiger Chelatokomplexe des 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazolons -
pp. 2441-2444
F. Vydra and M. Štulíková The use of rotating disk electrodes for the study of the kinetics of sorption processes. II. Ion exchange of copper(II) on Dowex 50 WX 8 in KCl media -
pp. 2445-2452
J. Pavlinec, V. Páleník and M. Lazár Cyclohexanone as transfer agent for poly(methyl methacrylate) radical -
pp. 2453-2460
P. Zbořil and V. Dadák Some limitations in the use of methylene blue as electron acceptor -
pp. 2461-2465
D. Zacharová-Kalavská, A. Perjéssy and P. Hrnčiar Electroreduction of substituted 2-(5-phenyl-2-furfurylidene)-1,3-indandiones -
pp. 2466-2471
V. Růžička, V. Zapletal, A. Koppová and J. Soukup On hydrogenation and dehydrogenation catalysts. XI. Influence of the degree of reduction on the activity and selectivity of nickel catalysts in hydrogenations of alkines -
pp. 2472-2476
A. Koppová, V. Zapletal, V. Růžička and J. Soukup On hydrogenation and dehydrogenation catalysts. XII. Poisoning of the nickel carrier catalyst in hydrogenations of alkines -
pp. 2477-2483
R. Seifert, M. Zbirovský and M. Sauer Hydrolysis of methane-, chloromethane-, and dichloromethanesulfonyl chlorides -
pp. 2484-2491
K. Šindelář, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LXIV. Iodo, ethoxycarbonylamino and methanesulfonamido derivatives of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin -
pp. 2492-2503
R. Míčková Steroid derivatives. LXXV. The preparation of polyhalogenated derivatives of progestational hormones and the determination of their conformation by circular dichroism spectra -
pp. 2504-2512
A. Klásek, P. Sedmera, A. Boeva and F. Šantavý Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. XX. Nemorensine, an alkaloid from Senecio nemorensis L. -
pp. 2513-2517
J. Slavík, L. Slavíková and K. Haisová Alkaloids of the Papaveraceae. L. On the quaternary alkaloids from Argemone platyceras LINK et OTTO -
pp. 2518-2528
K. Čapek and J. Jarý Amino sugars. XXVIII. Partial acetylation of methyl 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-α-D-glucopyranoside -
pp. 2529-2532
L. Kalvoda, M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLX. Determination of the structure of the allaric portion of exotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis by means of periodate oxidation -
pp. 2533-2537
K. Šebesta and K. Horská The fate of exotoxin from Bacillus thuringiensis in mice
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.