- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1970, Volume 35, Issue 4
pp. 1017-1029
J. Mareček and E. Erdös Equilibria of heterogeneous reactions. I. The condensed system BaO-Na2O-CO2-SO2-H2O -
pp. 1030-1040
K. Hloušek and E. Hála Liquid-vapour equilibrium. XLIII. The system benzene-n-heptane at 720, 740, and 760 mm Hg -
pp. 1041-1046
F. Petrů, V. Brožek and V. Dufek Contribution to the chemistry of the rarer elements. LXI. Contribution to the study of the structure of scandium monoxide -
pp. 1047-1065
A. Garčic and L. Sommer Extraktions-spektrophotometrische Indiumbestimmung mit Rhodamin B und einigen seiner Alkylester -
pp. 1066-1080
J. Majer, R. Karlíček and B. Kopecká Neue komplexane XVIII. Untersuchung azidobasischer und komplexbildender Eigenschaften der N-(2-Hydroxyäthyl)-N-carboxymethylaminoacethydroxamsäure -
pp. 1081-1089
F. Hrabák and J. Lokaj Initiation efficiency of the systems benzoyl peroxide-tertiary amine in the block polymerization of styrene -
pp. 1090-1095
O. Quadrat The non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymers. III. Effect of the polydispersity of polymers on the non-Newtonian viscosity -
pp. 1096-1104
J. Novák and J. Antošová Some observations on the reaction of ethylene glycol with 1-chloro-2,3-epoxypropane -
pp. 1105-1119
J. Klinot, N. Hovorková and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XVIII. Oxidation of the isopropenyl group with peracids -
pp. 1120-1130
A. Perjéssy and P. Hrnčiar On phthalides and indandiones. XXXV. Infrared spectra and substituent effects in arylidenephthalides and arylidenecinchomeronides -
pp. 1131-1146
Z. Polívka, V. Kubelka, N. Holubová and M. Ferles Hydroboration of unsaturated amines. IV. Hydroboration of ω-dimethylaminoalkenes -
pp. 1147-1153
Z. Polívka and M. Ferles Hydroboration of unsaturated amines. V. The course of isomerisation accompanying the hydroboration of 7-dimethylaminoheptene -
pp. 1154-1169
A. Beňadik, A. Blažek and J. Ederová Reactions of uranium monocarbide and uranium carbonitrides with water vapour and carbon dioxide -
pp. 1170-1187
F. Kaštánek Efficiencies of different types of distillation plates -
pp. 1188-1194
J. Stehlíček and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXXVII. Formation of carbon dioxide in molten anionic polycaprolactam -
pp. 1195-1207
K. Kalfus, M. Večeřa and O. Exner Studies on the inductive effect. VI. Solvent dependence of substituent effects in benzoic acid derivatives -
pp. 1208-1215
F. Liška, V. Dědek and M. Holík Chemistry of organic fluorine compounds. VIII. Cyclisation of fluorochloroalkanols to fluorinated derivatives of oxetan and tetrahydropyran -
pp. 1216-1223
M. Černý and J. Málek Properties of sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride. IX. Reduction and hydrogenolysis of amino-substituted aromatic aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, and carbinols -
pp. 1224-1234
M. Procházka, J. Zelinka, A. Vilím and J. V. Černý Isomerisation of unsaturated nitriles -
pp. 1235-1254
V. Černý, A. Kasal and F. Šorm On steroids. CXXVIII. Preparation and reactions of some 2-oxygenated 3α,5-cyclo-5α-cholestane derivatives -
pp. 1255-1260
Ľ. Rexová-Benková and A. Slezárik On the role of histidine in the active center of the endopolygalacturonase of Aspergillus niger -
pp. 1261-1269
H. Fořtová-Šípalová and Z. Vodrážka Some physico-chemical properties of isolated α and β chains of human globin -
pp. 1270-1273
I. Wichterle and J. Mikšovský Membrane filtration of gases. I. An apparatus for the determination of the separation properties of a membrane -
pp. 1274-1278
O. Štrouf and E. Lauda Komplexe des Silberjodids mit Lithiumjodid in Tetrahydrofuran -
pp. 1278-1282
M. Šeliga, P. Povinec and M. Chudý Gas analysis of radioactive carbon in the form of carbon dioxide -
pp. 1283-1287
I. Honsa and V. Suk Brompyrogallolrot als kolorimetrisches Reagens IV. Photometrische Molybdänbestimmung -
pp. 1288-1294
I. Dobáš, J. Panchartek, V. Štěrba and M. Večeřa Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XIV. Abnormal reactivity of p-methoxyphenol in electrophilic substitutions of p-substituted phenols -
pp. 1294-1296
J. Leška, P. Zahradník, J. Hrivňák, M. Livař and P. Majerský Contribution to the study of the cyclisation of 2,2'-diiodobiphenyl to diphenylene according to Lothrop -
pp. 1296-1301
K. Vokáč, Z. Samek, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCV. The structure of two native orange substances from Lactarius deliciosus L. -
pp. 1302-1306
O. Paleta, F. Liška and A. Pošta Preparation of fluroacetic acids based on trifluorochloroethylene -
pp. 1306-1308
N. A. Tjukavkina, V. Benešová and V. Herout Plant substances. XXXI. Flavonoid C-glycosides in liverwort Madotheca platyphylla (L.) DUM.
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.