- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1964, Volume 29, Issue 10
pp. 2277-2282
D. Papoušek Characteristic anharmonic effects in the vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules -
pp. 2283-2289
J. Nývlt, J. Gottfried and J. Křičková Über Kristallisation XI. Kristallkeimbildung in Gegenwart von fester Phase -
pp. 2290-2308
D. Doskočilová and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. I. NMR spectra of d,l- and meso-forms of 2,4-dichloropentane and 2,4-pentanedioldiacetate: AA'XX' and ABX2 systems with weak coupling -
pp. 2309-2322
S. Landa and L. Markovec Über die Verschiebung der Doppelbindungen in einigen Olefinen bei der Chromatographie an Silicagel und Aluminiumoxid -
pp. 2323-2327
M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. IX. The thermal behaviour of arecaidine methyl betaine and methylbetaines of N-methylpiperidine carboxylic acids -
pp. 2328-2340
K. Bláha, J. Hrbek, jr., J. Kovář, L. Pijewska and F. Šantavý Zur Konfiguration stickstoffhaltiger Verbindungen XVIII. Bestimmung der relativen und absoluten Konfiguration der Phthalidisochinolin-Alkaloide -
pp. 2341-2350
Z. Buděšínský and F. Roubínek In Stellung 4 und 2,4 substituierte 5,6-Tetramethylenpyrimidine -
pp. 2351-2359
K. Syhora and R. Mazáč Steroid derivatives. XXXI. A novel synthesis of 16-methylene-17α-acyloxy-20-ketopregnane derivatives -
pp. 2360-2368
V. Schwarz and S. Heřmánek Steroid derivatives. XXXII. Additive character of the influence of 3β- and 17β-substituents on bromine addition to 3β-, 17β-disubstituted Δ5-androstenes -
pp. 2369-2376
J. Hochmannová and V. Herout On terpenes. CLXIX. Structure of eremophilene -
pp. 2377-2388
A. Vystrčil and E. Říhová Über Triterpene VI. Intramolekulare Epoxydierung im Triterpenring E; Darstellung von 21β,28-Oxido-taraxastan-Derivaten -
pp. 2389-2399
J. Škoda, A. Čihák and F. Šorm Inhibition of the pyrimidine pathway by 5-azauracil, N-formylbiuret and its combination with 6-azauridine in Ehrlich ascites bearing mice -
pp. 2400-2405
D. Grünberger The incorporation of amino acids-14C into proteins by ribosomes of Bacillus cereus -
pp. 2406-2411
E. Erdös Application of thermodynamics in a force field to the state behaviour of real gases -
pp. 2412-2418
E. Hála and T. Boublík Liquid-vapour equilibrium in systems of electrolytic components. III. Correlation of equilibrium data in three- and more component system -
pp. 2419-2427
I. Kössler and J. Vodehnal Infrared analysis of polyisoprene. I. Solutions -
pp. 2428-2435
J. Vodehnal and I. Kössler Infrared analysis of polyisoprene. II. Insoluble samples -
pp. 2436-2448
H. Pivcová, B. Schneider, J. Štokr and J. Jakeš On the structure and properties of polyamides. XIII. Temperature changes of the vibrational spectra of N-methylacetamide -
pp. 2449-2468
O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký On the structure and properties of polyamides. XIV. Intrinsic viscosity and polyelectrolyte expansion of poly-ε-caprolactam molecules in formic acid -
pp. 2469-2478
O. Quadrat and M. Bohdanecký On the structure and properties of polyamides. XV. Analysis of the dependence of viscosity on concentration of solutions of poly-ε-caprolactam in formic acid -
pp. 2479-2483
L. Dolejš, V. Hanuš and J. Slavík A mass spectrometric study of protopine alkaloids -
pp. 2484-2489
M. Malát and M. Hrachovcová Kolorimetrische Untersuchungen VII. Photometrische Bestimmungen von dreiwertigem Chrom mit Chromazurol S -
pp. 2490-2506
O. Navrátil Untersuchung der Chelate einiger Azofarbstoffe durch Extraktionsmethode I. Komplexe des 1-(Thiazolylazo)-2-naphthols -
pp. 2507-2512
P. Kristian, Š. Kováč and K. Antoš Preparation and infrared spectra of substituted phenyl isothiocyanates -
pp. 2513-2521
R. Míčková and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. XXXIII. The formation and structure of 16-methyl-Δ14,16- pregnadiene derivatives -
pp. 2522-2527
M. Streibl, P. Jarolímek and V. Wollrab Synthesen einiger höherer gesättigter und ungesättigter Kohlenwasserstoffe -
pp. 2528-2536
P. Jarolímek, V. Wollrab and M. Streibl Gas-Verteilungschromatographie einiger höherer gesättigter und ungesättigter Kohlenwasserstoffe -
pp. 2537-2542
D. Drahovský, V. Ujházy, A. Winkler and J. Škoda Role of the spleen in post-irradiation urinary excretion of pseudouridine, deoxycytidine and uric acid in rats -
pp. 2543-2548
N. R. Elaev and Č. Altaner Incorporation of amino acids into the soluble ribonucleic acids of the cytoplasm, nucleus and mitochondria of rat liver -
pp. 2549-2551
A. Bergstein and P. Kleinert Partial phase diagram of the system MnxFe3-xOy -
pp. 2551-2555
S. Vavřička and J. Koryta Bestimmung der kinetischen Parameter der Durchtrittsreaktion aus der polarographischen Kurve -
pp. 2556-2558
K. Klier and Z. Herman Exchange reactions of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide with nickel oxide -
pp. 2558-2561
M. Novotný and L. Rychtr Flüssigkeit-Flüssigkeit-Gleichgewicht des Systems Chloropren-Acrylnitril-Wasser -
pp. 2562-2567
V. Galík and S. Landa Papierchromatographie von Alkylpyridinen -
pp. 2567-2570
A. Holý, N. Ch. Spasovska and J. Smrt Synthesis of 6-azauridylyl-(5'→5')-6-azauridine and P1,P2-di-(6-azauridylyl-5')-pyrophosphate -
pp. 2570-2574
J. Tomko and Š. Bauer Alkaloids of Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum (BERNH.) SUESSENGUTH. VIII. The structure of verarine -
pp. 2574-2576
P. Mäsiar, A. Šofranková and M. Palgutová Application of Sephadex G 25 and G 50 to the fractionation of the peptic hydrolyzate of the globulin fraction of horse antitetanic serum -
pp. 2576-2578
J. Pliml and F. Šorm Synthesis of a 2-deoxy-D-ribofuranosyl-5-azacytosine
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.