- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1963, Volume 28, Issue 5
pp. 1093-1101
J. Landau, J. Procházka and F. Polášek Studies on mixing. XV. Effect of directing of flow on the homogenisation of miscible liquids by rotary mixers -
pp. 1102-1109
J. Procházka and J. Landau Studies on mixing. XVI. Exact determination of power consumption of rotational mixers -
pp. 1110-1116
J. Paldus Quantum chemical study of transannular interaction. III. Model of (n,n)paracyclophanes in augmented tight-binding approximation not considering the benzene ring distortion -
pp. 1117-1133
R. Zahradník and J. Koutecký A theoretical study of sulphur heterocyclic compounds derived from nonalternant hydrocarbons -
pp. 1134-1142
V. Hovorka and F. Vláčil Metal salts of some diacetyl derivatives -
pp. 1143-1153
J. Latinák Chromatographie von Farbstoffzwischenprodukten XIII. Papierchromatographie und Identifizierung der Nitronaphthalinsulfonsäuren -
pp. 1154-1161
B. Buděšínský and J. Gurovič Spektrophotometrische Untersuchung der Reaktion von Glycinkresolrot mit den Wasserstoff- und Kupfer(II)-Ionen Bestimmung von Spurenmengen Kupfer in Uran -
pp. 1162-1170
J. Kučera Some products of the liquid phase radiolysis of acetone -
pp. 1171-1176
J. Beneš Zum Mechanismus der Reaktion von Chloramin B mit Bis(2-chloräthyl)sulfid -
pp. 1177-1188
J. Tomiška Katalytische oxydation von tetralin -
pp. 1189-1195
A. Kasal, A. Poláková, A. V. Kamernitzky, L. Lábler and V. Černý On steroids. LXXVI. N3-Methylholarrhimine and N20-methylholarrhimine -
pp. 1196-1201
V. Zikán and M. Semonský Mutterkornalkaloide XXVII. N-(D-1,6-Dimethyl-8-isoergolenyl)-N',N'-diäthylharnstoff, seine Stereoisomeren und das N',N'-Dimethylanalogon -
pp. 1202-1210
V. Procházka, Z. Čekan and R. B. Bates On terpenes. CLI. Structure of globicin, a guaianolide from Matricaria globifera (THUNB.) DRUCE -
pp. 1211-1214
M. Souček and P. Vlad On terpenes. CLII. Absolute configuration on C(13) in sclareol -
pp. 1215-1223
J. Černá, I. Rychlík, D. Grünberger and F. Šorm The effect of 5-fluorouracil-containing ribonucleic acid on protein synthesis by Escherichia coli in vivo -
pp. 1224-1231
V. Kolář Fluidization of solid particles by liquid in conical vessels -
pp. 1232-1248
Z. Cihla and J. Plíva Anharmonic potential functions of polyatomic molecules. V. Transformations of general valence-force coordinates -
pp. 1249-1255
K. Dvořák and T. Boublík Liquid-vapour equilibria. XXIX. Measurement of equilibrium data in systems with high equilibrium ratio of the components -
pp. 1256-1265
J. Koutecký and R. Zahradník Relationship between chemical reactivity indices and carcinogenic activity of larger benzenoid hydrocarbons -
pp. 1266-1272
J. Balej and A. Regner Löslichkeitsdiagramm des Systems (NH4)2S2O8-(NH4)2SO4-H2O -
pp. 1273-1279
J. Toušek Passivität des Gusseisens in alkalischen Lösungen -
pp. 1280-1291
M. Drátovský and J. Prejzková Salze der Perjodsäure IV. Berylliumperjodate -
pp. 1292-1300
J. Arient and J. Marhan Imidazol-Farbstoffe VII. Kondensation von 1,8-Naphthalsäure mit 1,2-Diaminobenzol-Derivaten -
pp. 1301-1308
S. Chládek and J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. V. 2',3'-O-Alkylidene derivatives of ribonucleosides -
pp. 1309-1315
J. Mokrý, I. Kompiš, P. Šefčovič and Š. Bauer Alkaloide aus Vinca minor L. VI. Vincanorin, seine Isolierung, Konstitution und eine Hypothese seiner Biogenese -
pp. 1316-1325
V. Wollrab, M. Streibl and F. Šorm Über die Zusammensetzung der Braunkohle IV. Über die Gruppentrennung des Wachsanteils des Montanwachses mit Hilfe der Chromatographie -
pp. 1326-1329
V. Kolář Hindered settling of granular materials -
pp. 1330-1334
S. Škramovský and J. Podlahová Herstellung und Eigenschaften von Äthylendiamintetraessigsäure-Komplexen II. Verbindungen mit Eisen -
pp. 1334-1338
R. Zahradník and A. Vystrčil Study of aurones. III. Attempt for theoretical explanation of formation of benzofuran derivative from aurone -
pp. 1338-1341
K. Svoboda Yields of elementar iodine after the irradiation of alkyl iodides by electrons -
pp. 1341-1344
J. Kučera Chromatography of some aliphatic alcohols, glycols and diketones on a thin layer of alumina -
pp. 1345-1347
J. Šmejkal and J. Farkaš Derivate der 1-Desoxy-D-psicose
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.