CCCC > Archive > 1950, Volume 15
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

1950, Volume 15
pp. 1-16
A. H. Gordon, B. Keil, K. Šebesta, O. Knessl and F. Šorm
Electrophoresis of proteins in agar jelly
pp. 17-25
J. V. Koštíř and K. Slavík
Partition chromatography between two organic solvents I. Separation of dinitrophenylhydrazones of the carbonyl fission products of sugars
pp. 26-30
A. Okáč and J. Gruber
On the composition of the nickel salt of oxalene diuramide dioxime
pp. 31-41
R. Přibil and L. Švestka
Use of complexones in chemical analysis V. The chromometric determination of trivalent cobalt
pp. 42-51
R. Přibil and J. Klubalová
Use of complexones in chemical analysis. VI. Colorimetric determination of chromium
pp. 52-64
V. Šedivec and V. Vašák
Diethyldithiocarbamate as a reagent in volumetric analysis
pp. 65-72
V. Ettel and J. Hebký
Synthesis of compounds of the o-aminoazotoluene type and their aminosubstituted derivatives, II.
pp. 73-81
F. Šorm and V. Bažant
On the neutral components of cork wax
pp. 82-95
F. Šorm, L. Dolejš, O. Knessl and J. Plíva
On terpenes XVI. On a bicyclic sesquiterpene and a new azulene from the oil of pogostemon patchouli P.
pp. 96-98
F. Šorm and L. Dolejš
On terpenes XVII. Synthesis of a hydrocarbon of the ionone series
pp. 99-106
F. Šorm, J. Gut and P. Kaňkovský
On the condensation of ethyl cyanoacetate with some cyclic anhydrides and imides
pp. 107-111
R. Lukeš and I. Ernest
Synthèse de la 4-sec. butylpipéridine
pp. 112-116
F. Šantavý and B. Bitter
Polarographic behaviour of reductic acid
pp. 117-119
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Les preuves microchimiques du sulfite, du thiosulfate, du sulfure, de l'eau oxygénée et de la formaldéhyde
pp. 120-131
R. Přibil and M. Malát
Use of complexones in chemical analysis VII. Determination of molybdenum by means of 8-hydroxyquinoline
pp. 132-146
R. Přibil and J. Kucharský
Use of complexones in chemical analysis VIII. The gravimetric estimation of beryllium
pp. 147-149
M. Kuraš and E. Ružička
Réaction spécifique des ions HgI
pp. 150-155
R. Lukeš and I. Ernest
Sur quelques dérivés β-substitués de la quinuclidine. III
pp. 156-159
R. Lukeš and D. Pařizková
Sur la constitution de certaines pyrrolones
pp. 160-174
J. Plíva and V. Herout
On terpenes XVIII. Infra-red investigations of terpenes II.
pp. 175-185
F. Šorm and J. Arient
On terpenes XIX. On the constitution of nat. farnesene. Synthesis of 2,6,10-trimethyldodecane and 2,7,10-trimethyldodecane
pp. 186-195
F. Šorm, L. Dolejš and J. Plíva
On terpenes XX. A note on the constitution of β-caryophyllene
pp. 196-203
F. Šorm and J. Urban
Some aminoalkyl derivatives of benzimidazole
pp. 204-216
V. Ettel, J. Weichet and J. Spáčil
Copulation des acides aryl-O-acétiques avec les sels de diazonium
pp. 217-231
I. Vavruch
Estimation of refined sugar by the polarographic method
pp. 232-235
E. Talafant
The estimation of cholesterol by suppressing the polarographic maximum
pp. 236-238
M. Jureček and F. Mužík
Some notes on the Beilstein halogen test
pp. 241-259
J. Koryta and I. Kössler
The polarographic determination of the stability constants of the complexes formed by some heavy metals with Schwarzenbach's complexones
pp. 260-266
V. Šedivec and V. Vašák
The use of complexones in chemical analysis IX. The colorimetric determination of copper by sodium diethyldithiocarbamate
pp. 267-274
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Sels métalliques de la salicylidène-thiosemicarbazone
pp. 275-280
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Dosage pondéral du cadmium par la thiosemicarbazone de l'aldéhyde salicylique
pp. 281-287
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Preuve microchimique du manganèse par la diacétyl-oxime-thiosemicarbazone
pp. 288-294
F. Šorm and O. Mikeš
The isolation of hydroxylysine from a gelatin hydrolysate
pp. 295-302
F. Šorm, J. Körbl and L. Matoušek
Some water-soluble dinitrophenyl derivatives of proteins
pp. 303-308
R. Lukeš and J. Dobáš
L'action du réactif de Grignard sur les amides cycliques
pp. 309-321
O. Wichterle and J. Novák
pp. 322-334
I. Ernest
Essai de préparer la 3-vinylquinuclidine
pp. 335-339
V. Ettel and J. Nosek
Dérivés du 5-aminotétrazol
pp. 340-355
A. K. Vlček, E. Špalek and L. Krátký
The polarography of ninhydrin
pp. 356-366
V. Ettel and J. Hebký
Sur les dérivés pyridoniques de l'acide kojique
pp. 367-370
V. Ettel and J. Hebký
A synthesis of β-diethylaminoethyl α-phenylvalerate
pp. 371-372
J. Staněk and J. Urban
Acide m-nitrophénylsuccinique
pp. 373-380
V. Herout, V. Růžička, M. Vraný and F. Šorm
On terpenes XXI. On the terpenic and sesquiterpenic hydrocarbons from bergamot oil
pp. 381-391
V. Herout
On terpenes XXII. Separation of terpenic hydrocarbons by adsorptive percolation on activated carbon
pp. 392-396
Jaroslav Staněk
Sur l'allure de certaines cétones cycliques dans les conditions de la transposition de Willgerodt
pp. 397-405
J. Staněk and J. Urban
Réduction de l'éther éthylique de l'acide α-oximino-β-cyano-β-phénylpyruvique
pp. 406-411
J. Staněk and V. Letovský
Sur les sels d'ammonium bis-quaternaires du type Zéphirol
pp. 412-432
V. Křepelka and J. Rais
Étude sur la relation entre la constitution et les propriétés tinctoriales de certains colorants azoïques substantifs
pp. 433-436
O. Čapka and J. Opavský
The polarographic reduction of rutin, quercetin and morin
pp. 437-444
V. Hovorka and Z. Holzbecher
Les sels métalliques de la diacétyl-oxime-thiosemicarbazone
pp. 445-455
A. Okáč and M. Šimek
On properties of the salts of oxyoximes
pp. 456-462
R. Přibil and E. Hornychová
Use of complexones in chemical analysis X. Colorimetric determination of manganese
pp. 463-471
R. Lukeš and J. Pliml
Sur la réduction du noyau pyridique par l'acide formique, partie III. Réduction de la β-picoline
pp. 472-476
J. Staněk
Pyroréaction de la phénylhydrazide de l'acide diphénylacétique
pp. 477-477
R. Lukeš
Sur l'acide γ-benzoyl-méthylaminobutyrique
pp. 478-485
F. Petrů and J. Kovář
Oxydation de l'α-thuyène par l'oxyde sélénieux
pp. 486-490
I. Ernest
Synthesis of 3-vinylquinuclidine
pp. 491-500
F. Šorm and J. Rudinger
On proteins and amino-acids III. The synthesis of γ-L-glutamyl-L-tyrosine
pp. 501-511
F. Šorm, J. Gut, M. Suchý and D. Reichl
Chloramphenicol analogues I.
pp. 512-519
R. Lukeš and J. Pliml
Sur le 1-diméthylaminopentadiène-(2.4) et le 1-diméthylamino-2-méthylpentadiène-(2.4)
pp. 520-527
V. Ettel and J. Weichet
Préparation des p-chloro- et p-bromophényltrichloréthylcarbinols et certains de leurs dérivés
pp. 528-531
V. Ettel, J. Weichet and O. Chyba
Condensation products of 2-methylbenzothiazole
pp. 532-540
M. Protiva, V. Řeřicha, M. Borovička and J. O. Jílek
Antihistamine substances. XVII. Some derivatives of 1-phenylindane, 1-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene and 2-phenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline
pp. 541-551
M. Protiva and Z. J. Vejdělek
Synthetic antispasmodics. I. Some new basic esters
pp. 552-569
F. Šantavý
Isolation of new substances from the flowers and pericarps of meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.). Colchicum compounds and their derivatives. 13th communication
pp. 570-572
J. Čech
Nouvelle préparation du 2-amino-6-sulfonamidobenzthiazol
pp. 573-585
I. Vavruch
Bibliography of Czechoslovak chemical publications 1949
pp. 589-598
V. Hovorka and L. Diviš
Microchemical detection of mercury, copper and cobalt by means of 2-isatoxime
pp. 599-613
J. Doskočil
Polarography of some orthopolyphenols and their oxidation products
pp. 614-629
J. Doskočil
The oxidation of hydroquinone with tyrosinase and air oxygen
pp. 630-638
R. Kalvoda and J. Zýka
Some new polarometric titrations
pp. 639-652
V. Ettel and J. Hebký
On derivatives of pyrone, pyridone and pyridine I. Preparation of some N-phenyl-γ-pyridones
pp. 653-658
V. Ettel, M. Semonský and A. Černý
On the synthesis of certain substituted diarylsulphones
pp. 659-670
J. O. Jílek and M. Protiva
Synthesis of a new histamine analogue 2-(2'-aminoethyl)-dihydroglyoxaline
pp. 671-676
Z. J. Vejdělek and M. Protiva
Synthetic antispasmodics II. Benzhydryl β-diethylaminopropionate and related compounds
pp. 677-690
B. Bitter
Polarography of some essential oils
pp. 699-707
F. Běhounek
Analysis of uranium and thorium by counter method
pp. 708-716
J. Böhm and J. Jäntsch
Röntgenweitwinkeldiagramme thermisch zersetzter Kristalle
pp. 717-718
H. J. Antweiler
Ein neues Direktregistrierverfahren für den Polarographen
pp. 719-722
Č. Jech
Detection of radioactive substances in the air with nuclear emulsions
pp. 723-733
I. Kössler
Polarographic study of limiting currents due to dissolution of amalgams
pp. 734-750
S. Stankovianský
Über Synchronisieren der Quecksilbertropfen für polarographische Zwecke durch Abstreichen
pp. 751-766
O. Nesvadba
Synchronization of the dropping mercury electrodes by pressure
pp. 766-779
R. Brdička and P. Zuman
Polarographic behaviour of reductone and coumarindiol
pp. 780-796
J. Doskočil
A polarographic study of some reactions of ortho benzoquinone in aqueous solution
pp. 797-806
A. Jindra, R. Kalvoda and J. Zýka
Polarometrische Bestimmung einiger pharmazeutisch wichtiger Stoffe mit p-Diazobenzensulfonsäure
pp. 807-817
R. Pleticha
Polarographische Untersuchung einiger Komplexe von Aminosäuren mit Metallen der Eisengruppe
pp. 818-832
S. Harrison
Polarographic study of diacetyl
pp. 833-838
A. A. Vlček
Polarographic determination of traces of iodide in common salt
pp. 839-873
P. Zuman
Die Reaktion der Karbonylverbindungen mit primären Aminen
pp. 874-880
Vl. Majer and M. Cejpová
Titrimetric determination of small amounts of thorium in the presence of uranium
pp. 881-885
O. Quadrat and Z. Švejda
Sur le dosage de la glucine dans le béryl
pp. 886-892
R. Přibil and P. Schneider
The use of complexones in chemical analysis XI. Gravimetric determination of titanium
pp. 893-899
L. Ruzicka, B. Bischof, E. C. Taylor, A. Meyer and O. Jeger
Zur Kenntnis der Triterpene. Über Zusammenhänge zwischen Gypsogenin, Hederagenin und Quillajasäure
pp. 900-903
V. Prelog, K. Wiesner and O. Häfliger
Zur Kenntnis des Kohlenstoffringes. Zwei in m-Stellung überbrückte aromatische Systeme in einem 16-gliedrigen Kohlenstoffring
pp. 904-908
Zdeněk J. Allan
Composés diazoïques aromatiques I. Stabilité dans l'acide sulfurique concentré
pp. 909-917
J. Dvořák
Préparation de nitriles d'acides étyléniques par pyrolyse des nitriles d'acides-alcools acétylés
pp. 918-928
O. Knessl, B. Keil, A. Malý and F. Šorm
On proteins and amino-acids IV. Partition chromatography of DNP-amino-acids on kieselguhr and siliconated materials
pp. 929-936
Z. J. Vejdělek
Stereoisomeric dipeptides of phenylalanine
pp. 937-945
M. Jureček and M. Večeřa
Contribution to the analysis of pharmaceuticals III. Estimation of impurities in antipyrine
pp. 946-952
J. Weichet
Les produits de condensation du chloral. Condensation du chloral avec le veratrol
pp. 953-964
F. Šantavý, O. Čapka and J. Malinský
Polarography of heart poisons with lactone rings
pp. 965-971
O. Čapka
Polarography of coumarin
pp. 972-976
M. Čeladník, B. Duchoslav, J. Hadáček, J. Michalský and M. Selucký
Beitrag zur Kenntnis von Gallensäuren. II. Mitteilung: Versuch der Darstellung des 2-Amino-4-(3α-acetoxy-7,12-diketo-23-norcholyl)-thiazols
pp. 977-983
A. Okáč and M. Šimek
Salts of dimethylglyoxime as a dibasic acid
pp. 984-996
O. Tomíček and A. Heyrovský
Titration in nonaqueous solutions II. Contribution to the neutralisation determinations in anhydrous acetic acid medium
pp. 997-1020
O. Tomíček and A. Heyrovský
Titrations in non-aqueous solutions IV. (Redox-titrations)
pp. 1021-1023
O. Wichterle and F. Esterka
Zur Kinetik der Grignard-Reaktion bei sterisch gehinderten Estern
pp. 1024-1036
M. Semonský
Aminomethylation and hydroxymethylation of hydrocotarnine
pp. 1037-1045
J. Staněk and M. Horák
A new application of the Perkin reaction
pp. 1046-1049
M. Horák and J. Staněk
2-Methyl 6-styrylpyridin
pp. 1050-1068
V. Ettel, J. Weichet and J. Spáčil
I. Einige Derivate der Phenoxyessigsäure
pp. 1069-1075
W. Kemula and S. Siekierski
Polarometric determination of oxygen
pp. 1076-1084
V. Vašák and V. Šedivec
The application of complexone in colorimetry. The determination of mercury using dithizone
pp. 1085-1090
W. Kemula and Z. R. Grabowski
Experimental demonstration of the hydroxyl ion formation during the polarographic reduction of oxygen
pp. 1091-1100
W. Kemula and J. Chodkowski
Limiting currents of hydrogen in acetate buffer solutions
pp. 1101-1106
A. Vyskočil
The effect of anions on the electrolytic behaviour of metals
pp. 1107-1208
P. Zuman
A list of half-wave potentials
pp. 1209-1237
J. Heyrovský and O. H. Müller
Bibliography of publications dealing with the polarographic method in 1949