CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Xenobiotics
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

- Kudret Yildirim*, Fatih Gulsan and Ilknur Kupcu
Biotransformation of testosterone and progesterone by Penicillium digitatum MRC 500787
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 6, pp. 675–683
- Kudret Yildirim*, Ahmet Uzuner and Emine Yasemin Gulcuoglu
Biotransformation of some steroids by Aspergillus terreus MRC 200365
2010, Vol. 75, Issue 6, pp. 665–673
- Petra Kučerová, Martina Macková*, Ludmila Poláchová, Jiří Burkhard, Kateřina Demnerová, Jarmila Pazlarová and Tomáš Macek
Correlation of PCB Transformation by Plant Tissue Cultures with Their Morphology and Peroxidase Activity Changes
1999, Vol. 64, Issue 9, pp. 1497–1509