CCCC > Archive > Keywords > Ruthenium complexes
- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic

Ruthenium complexes
- Filip Teplý
Photoredox catalysis by [Ru(bpy)3]2+ to trigger transformations of organic molecules. Organic synthesis using visible-light photocatalysis and its 20th century roots
2011, Vol. 76, Issue 7, pp. 859–917
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- Francisco Sánchez, Pilar Perez-Tejeda, Rafael Jimenez and Isaac Villa*
Abnormal salt effects on a cation/anion reaction. An interpretation based on the analysis of the components of the experimental rate constant
2009, Vol. 74, Issue 4, pp. 627–641
- Martin Srnec, Jakub Chalupský and Lubomír Rulíšek*
Are Octahedral Ruthenium(II/III) and Osmium(II/III) Complexes Always Low-Spin?
2008, Vol. 73, Issue 10, pp. 1231–1244
- Frédérique Loiseau*, Scolastica Serroni* and Sebastiano Campagna*
Electronic Absorption Spectrum and Reduction Behavior of a Multicomponent, Trinuclear Ru(II) Species Containing 2,3-Bis(2'-pyridyl)pyrazine Bridging Ligands and 2,2'-Biquinoline Peripheral Ligands
2003, Vol. 68, Issue 9, pp. 1677–1686
- Wesley R. Browne, Frances Weldon, Adrian Guckian and Johannes G. Vos*
Modulation of Internuclear Communication in Multinuclear Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes
2003, Vol. 68, Issue 8, pp. 1467–1487
- M. Delower Hossain, Masa-aki Haga*, Bobak Gholamkhass, Koichi Nozaki, Minoru Tsushima, Noriaki Ikeda and Takeshi Ohno
Syntheses, Spectroelectrochemistry and Photoinduced Electron-Transfer Processes of Novel Ru and Os Dyad and Triad Complexes with Functionalized Diimide Ligands
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 2, pp. 307–337
- Maurizio Carano, Paola Ceroni, Michele Maggini, Massimo Marcaccio, Enzo Menna, Francesco Paolucci*, Sergio Roffia* and Gianfranco Scorrano
Identification and Characterization of Redox Sites in Supramolecular Systems and Their Relevance for the Design of Photoactive Devices. Ru(II)/C60-Based Donor-Acceptor Dyads
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 2, pp. 276–290
- Sylvie Chardon-Noblat, Alain Deronzier* and Raymond Ziessel
Electrosynthesis of Electroactive Metal-Metal Bonded Polymers [Ru(CO)2L]n (L = 2,2'-Bipyridine Derivatives), Their Characterization and Catalytic Activity. A Review
2001, Vol. 66, Issue 2, pp. 207–227