Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 2003, 68, 1897-1903

Synthesis of Diferrocenylethyne by Molybdenum-Catalyzed Metathesis of 1-Ferrocenylprop-1-yne

Martin Kotoraa, David Nečasa and Petr Štěpničkab,*

a Department of Organic and Nuclear Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Hlavova 2030, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic
b Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Hlavova 2030, 128 40 Prague 2, Czech Republic


Diferrocenylethyne (1) was synthesized by metathesis of 1-ferrocenylprop-1-yne using various catalytic systems based on [Mo(CO)6] (5 mole %) and a chlorophenol (30 mole %) in toluene. The yields varied for different chlorophenols; the best conversions were obtained with 2,5-dichlorophenol (66%) and 4-chlorophenol (55%). Alkyne 1 was further reduced to the known (E)-1,2-diferrocenylethene and 1,2-diferrocenylethane, and its solid-state structure determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.

Keywords: Metallocenes; Ferrocene; Alkynes; Metathesis; Diferrocenylethyne; Reductions; X-Ray crystallography.

References: 24 live references.