- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1999, Volume 64, Issue 1
General, Theoretical and Physical Chemistry
pp. 1-12
Vítězslav Papež, Šárka Brodská, Jan Langmaier*, Zdeněk Samec and Karin Potje-Kamloth Adsorption of Gaseous Propylamine on Films of Polypyrrole in Different Oxidation States -
pp. 13-30
Julius Pouchlý, Antonín Živný* and Antonín Sikora Phase Stability of Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Mixtures. II. Mixtures of Intercomplexing Polymers -
pp. 31-43
Julius Pouchlý, Antonín Živný* and Antonín Sikora Phase Stability of Hydrogen-Bonded Polymer Mixtures. III. Spinodal Diagrams -
pp. 44-60
Eva Přibylová and Miroslav Holík* Determination of the Accurate Values of the Rate Constant and Thermodynamic Parameters for the Rotation About the C(sp2)-C(aryl) Bond. 3-Substituted N,N,2,4,6-Pentamethylbenzamides
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
pp. 61-72
Michal Horáček, Miroslav Polášek, Volkmar Kupfer, Ulf Thewalt and Karel Mach* Syntheses and Crystal Structures of Dichlorobis[tetramethyl(phenyl)cyclopentadienyl]titanium(IV) and Chlorobis[tetramethyl(phenyl)cyclopentadienyl]titanium(III) -
pp. 73-88
Jan Rohovec, Pavel Vojtíšek and Ivan Lukeš* Synthesis and Structure of Noncoordinated Curtis Macrocycle as a Free Base and Dihydrobromide Dihydrate
Organic, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry
pp. 89-98
Bohumil Kratochvíl, Alexandr Jegorov*, Svetlana Pakhomova, Michal Hušák, Petr Bulej, Ladislav Cvak, Petr Sedmera and Vladimír Havlíček Crystal Structures of Cyclosporin Derivatives: O-Acetyl-(4R)-4-(E-2-butyl)-4,N-dimethyl-L-threonyl-cyclosporin A and O-Acetyl-(4R)-4-[E-2-(4-bromobutyl)]-4,N-dimethyl-L-threonyl-cyclosporin A -
pp. 99-106
Battsengel Gotov*, Štefan Toma and Eva Solčániová Acetylation and Formylation of 3-Ferrocenylpyrroles -
pp. 107-113
Jian-Xin Wang and Tong-Shuang Li* The Retro-Michael Reaction of 1,5-Dicarbonyl Compounds: Scope and Limitation -
pp. 114-118
Vladimír Křen*, Petr Halada and Petr Sedmera Agroclavine Glycosylation -
pp. 119-129
Petr Suchý, Dalimil Dvořák* and Martina Havelková Unexpected Course of the Reaction of 1,3-Bis(dimethylamino)trimethinium Perchlorate with 3-Substituted Prop-2-ynals Leading to 1-Aryl-2,4,6-triformylbenzenes
pp. 130-137
Kateřina Brožková, Ivana Křížová, Libuše Pavlíčková, Martin Hradilek, Martin Fusek, Tomáš Ruml, Milan Souček and Iva Pichová* Peptidomimetic Inhibitors of Extracellular Aspartic Proteinases of Candida albicans and Candida tropicalis
Applied and Materials Chemistry
pp. 138-148
Miroslav Michvocík*, Dušan Mravec, Milan Hronec, Agáta Smiešková and Pavol Hudec Cyclohexylation of Naphthalene Over USY Zeolites -
pp. 149-156
Gabriel Čík*, František Šeršeň and Alena Bumbálová Photoassisted Production of O2-• and H2 in Aqueous Medium Stimulated by Polythiophene in ZSM-5 Zeolite Channels -
pp. 157-167
Miloslav Hartman*, Karel Svoboda and Otakar Trnka Effect of Water Vapour on the Equilibrium Between CaO and COS in Coal Gas -
pp. 168-176
Edita Rojasová*, Agáta Smiešková, Pavol Hudec and Zdenek Židek Role of Zinc in Zn-Loaded ZSM-5 Zeolites in the Aromatization of n-Hexane
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.