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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1997, 62, 866-874

Catalytic Oxidation of Substituted Phenols in a Trickle Bed Reactor

Vratislav Tukač and Jiří Hanika

Department of Organic Technology, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic

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  • Shariff Humayun, Al-Dahhan Muthanna H.: Analyzing the impact of implementing different approaches of the approximation of the catalyst effectiveness factor on the prediction of the performance of trickle bed reactors. Catalysis Today 2020, 353, 134. <>
  • Duduković Milorad P., Larachi Faical, Mills Patrick L.: Multiphase catalytic reactors: a perspective on current knowledge and future trends. Catalysis Reviews 2002, 44, 123. <>
  • Tukač Vratislav, Vokál Jir̆í, Hanika Jir̆í: Mass transfer‐limited wet oxidation of phenol. J of Chemical Tech & Biotech 2001, 76, 506. <>