- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1995, Volume 60, Issue 10
Macromolecular Science
pp. 1589-1608
Robert F. T. Stepto and David J. R. Taylor Theoretical Study of the Conformational Behaviour of Poly(oxypropylene) Chains -
pp. 1609-1620
Jiří Dybal and Jaroslav Kříž Study of the Growth Centres of the Anionic Polymerization of (Meth)acrylates. VI. MO LCAO SCF Study of the Model Dimer, Its Solvation and Aggregation States -
pp. 1621-1633
Stanislav Böhm, Mojmír Adamec, Stanislav Nešpůrek and Josef Kuthan Photocolouration of 2,4,4,6-Tetraaryl-4H-pyrans and Their Heteroanalogues: Importance of Hypervalent Photoisomers -
pp. 1634-1640
Luis Miguel Trejo, Miguel Costas, Lina Andreoli-Ball and Donald Patterson Excess Volume of Mixtures of Oxaalkanes and Branched Alkanes -
pp. 1641-1652
Henri C. Benoît and Claude Strazielle Interpretation of Preferential Adsorption Using Random Phase Approximation Theory -
pp. 1653-1660
Walther Burchard, Robert Dolega and Walter H. Stockmayer Light Scattering from Associating Polymers in Solution -
pp. 1661-1688
Karel Šolc, Karel Dušek, Ronald Koningsveld and Hugo Berghmans "Zero" and "Off-Zero" Critical Concentrations in Solutions of Polydisperse Polymers with Very High Molar Masses -
pp. 1689-1718
Karel Šolc and Ronald Koningsveld Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Multicomponent Polymer Systems. XXVI. Blends of Two Polydisperse Polymers -
pp. 1719-1727
Minmin Tian, Zdeněk Tuzar and Petr Munk Light Scattering of Particles Embedded in Soft Hydrogel -
pp. 1728-1732
Vlastimil Kůdela and Jan Lokaj Electrically Induced Structural Changes in Quaternized Methyl Methacrylate-N-[2-methyl-5-(dimethylamino)phenyl]maleimide Copolymer Membranes -
pp. 1733-1740
Ivan Fortelný, Jana Kovářová and Josef Kovář Flow-Induced Crystallization of High-Density Polyethylene -
pp. 1741-1746
Jan Schauer and Miroslav Marek Microporous Membranes from an Insoluble Polyimide -
pp. 1747-1755
Jaroslav Stejskal, Pavel Kratochvíl and Aubrey D. Jenkins Polyaniline: Forms and Formation -
pp. 1756-1764
Jaromír Šňupárek, Pavel Bradna, Libuše Mrkvičková, František Lednický and Otakar Quadrat Effect of Initial Polymerization Conditions on the Structure of Ethyl Acrylate-Methacrylic Acid Copolymer Latex Particles -
pp. 1765-1780
Michal Pechar, Jiří Strohalm and Karel Ulbrich Synthesis of Poly(ethylene glycol) Block Copolymers as Potential Water-Soluble Drug Carriers
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.