- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1993, Volume 58, Issue 10
pp. 2229-2244
Miloš Hudlický The Wichterle Reaction -
pp. 2245-2265
Karel Dušek Special Features of Network Formation by Chain Crosslinking Copolymerization -
pp. 2266-2271
Herbert Morawetz Recent Applications of Nonradiative Energy Transfer to Polymer Studies -
pp. 2272-2281
Jaroslav Holoubek Optics of Heterogeneous Media. Comparison of Some Light Scattering Model Calculations -
pp. 2282-2289
Jaroslav Stejskal, Čestmír Koňák, Martin Helmstedt and Pavel Kratochvíl Light Scattering from Polystyrene-block-poly(ethylene-co-propylene) in Decane and in Dioxane -
pp. 2290-2304
Zuzana Limpouchová and Karel Procházka A Monte Carlo Study of Flexible Polymer Chain Conformations in Restricted Volumes. I. A Model for Insoluble Blocks Conformations in Swollen Cores of Multimolecular Spherical Block Copolymer Micelles -
pp. 2305-2320
Ron Koningsveld and Karel Šolc Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation in Multicomponent Polymer Systems: Influence of Molar-Mass Distribution on Shadow Curve and Phase-Volume Ratio -
pp. 2321-2336
Zhong-wei Gu, John D. Spikes, Pavla Kopečková and Jindřich Kopeček Synthesis and Photoproperties of a Substituted Zinc(II) Phthalocyanine-N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide Copolymer Conjugate -
pp. 2337-2348
Ivan Kmínek, Stanislav Nešpůrek, Eduard Brynda, Jiří Pfleger, Věra Cimrová and Wolfram Schnabel Poly(methyl-phenylsilylene) Derivatives as Photoconductors -
pp. 2349-2361
Jaromír Jakeš Kinetic Modelling of Anionic Polymerization Involving a Dynamic Equilibrium between Two Growth Centres with Different Growth Rates -
pp. 2362-2369
Zdeněk Tuzar, Pavel Kratochvíl, Karel Procházka and Petr Munk Block Copolymer Micelles in Aqueous Media -
pp. 2370-2382
Miloslav Bohdanecký, Jiří Horský, Vladimír Petrus, Libuše Mrkvičková and Karel Ulbrich Cloud Point Curves of Aqueous Solutions of Poly(N-ethylmethacrylamide) -
pp. 2383-2395
František Mikeš, Drahomír Výprachtický and Jan Pecka The Mobility of Tryptophan and Dansyl Fluorophores in Labelled Poly(N-ethylacrylamide) and Poly(N-ethylmethacrylamide) -
pp. 2396-2402
Martin Konáš and Allan R. Shultz Polystyrene in N-Methylpyrrolidone: Intrinsic Viscosity-Molar Weight Relations and Polystyrene Unperturbed Dimensions -
pp. 2403-2414
Bohdan Schneider, Jan Kvarda, Jiří Dybal, Pavel Schmidt, Miloš Suchopárek and Irena Prokopová Molecular Structure of a Cyclic Dimeric Model of Poly(6-hexanelactam) -
pp. 2415-2427
Drahomíra Hlavatá, Hana Pivcová, Jiří Spěváček, Dagmar Nosková and František Rypáček NMR and X-ray Diffraction Study of the Conformational Structure of Poly[N5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-L-glutamine] and Poly[N5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-L-glutamine-co-γ-L-glutamylhydrazide] -
pp. 2428-2436
Herman Pospíšil, Josef Pleštil and Zdeněk Tuzar Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Poly(oxyethylene)-block-poly(oxypropylene)-block-poly(oxyethylene) in Aqueous Solutions -
pp. 2437-2443
Jaroslav Stehlíček, Jana Kovářová and František Lednický Block Copolymers Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene oxide)-poly(6-hexanelactam). Physical Properties -
pp. 2444-2450
František Lednický and Miroslava Muchová Revival of the Induction Time Concept in the Theory of Polymer Crystallization -
pp. 2451-2457
Jaromír Šňupárek, Pavel Bradna, Libuše Mrkvičková, František Lednický and Otakar Quadrat Effect of Coagulative Mechanism of Particle Growth on the Structural Heterogeneity of Ethyl Acrylate-Methacrylic Acid Copolymer Latex Particles -
pp. 2458-2473
Břetislav Friedrich and Dudley R. Herschbach Thermodynamic Functions of Pendular Molecules -
pp. 2474-2488
Rudolf Zahradník, Pavel Hobza, Blanka Wichterlová and Jiří Čejka Isomorphous Substitution of Si for Al, Ga, Fe, In and B in Molecular Sieves of MFI Structure. A Quantum Chemical, Ammonia Desorption and Catalytic Activity Study of Framework Si-OH-M Acid Site Strength -
pp. 2489-2504
Jan Pavlíček, Karel Aim and Tomáš Boublík The Second Virial Coefficients of n-Alkanes and Their Mixtures from the Kihara Convex Core Intermolecular Pair Potential -
pp. 2505-2516
Eva Klinotová, Martin Rejzek, Hana Zůnová, Jan Sejbal, Jiří Klinot and Jiří Urban Oxidation of 3β,28-Diacetoxy-18-lupen-21-one with Peroxy Acids: A Way to Des-E-lupane Derivatives -
pp. 2517-2522
Martin Mandel, Tomáš Hudlický, Lawrence D. Kwart and Gregg M. Whited From Chlorobenzene to a Carbohydrate in Two Steps. A New Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of 2,3-O-Isopropylidene-D-erythruronolactone
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.