Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun.
1989, 54, 2345-2356
Energetic efficiency of two impellers on the same shaft in a cylindrical baffled vessel of high height/diameter ratio
Ivan Fořta, Jiří Hájekb and Václav Machoňc
a Department of Chemical and Food Process Equipment Design, Czech Technical University, 166 07 Prague 6
b Chemopetrol, Spolana, 277 11 Neratovice
c Department of Chemical Engineering, Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, 166 28 Prague 6
Crossref Cited-by Linking
- Satjaritanun P., Regalbuto J.R., Regalbuto J.A., Tippayawong N., Shimpalee S.: Mixing optimization with inward flow configuration contra-rotating impeller, baffle-free tank. Alexandria Engineering Journal 2021, 60, 3759. <>
- Wang Cunteng, Xu Ying, Wu Yuebin, An Zicheng: PIV investigation of the flow features of double and single 45° up‐pumping pitched blade turbines in a square tank. Can J Chem Eng 2018, 96, 788. <>
- Fořt Ivan: Comments on the article “Turbulent characteristics in turbine tanks of different sizes and geometries” by E. Stahl and C. Trägardh. Chem Eng J 2000, 79, 79. <>