Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1986, 51, 2462-2465

Elimination of systematic errors due to adsorption in the determination of trace amounts of bismuth by differential pulse polarography

Michal Šingliara, Alfonz Ležoviča and Pavel Friedb

a Research Institute of Petrochemistry, 971 04 Prievidza
b J. Dimitrov Chemical Works, 810 01 Bratislava


The authors were concerned with the adsorption of bismuth ions on the surface of calibrated glass bottles during preparation of standard solutions and on the walls of the polarographic cell during analysis by differential pulse polarography. The adsorption can be prevented by treating the laboratory glass by a solution of O,N-bis-trimethylsilyl-trifluoroacetamide before use. The treatment must be repeated from time since its effect weakens by repeated rinsing of the glass.