Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1985, 50, 2910-2913

Reactions of arylpropiolamides with arylacetamides

Mohammad M. Al-Arab

Department of Chemistry, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Hani D. Tabba, Nidal M. Yousef and Mohammad M. Al-Arab
    Michael-Michael Aldol Reaction of Chalcones with Cyanoacetylurea and Cyanoacetylpiperidine
    1995, Vol. 60, Issue 4, pp. 594–604 [Abstract]
  • Mohammad M. Al-Arab and Ali M. Issa
    Reactions of α,β-unsaturated ketones with arylacetonitriles
    1987, Vol. 52, Issue 4, pp. 1021–1025 [Abstract]