Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1981, 46, 1534-1538

Alkaloids from Papaver litwinowii FEDDE ex BORNM.

Jiří Slavík and Leonora Slavíková

Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, J. E. Purkyně University, 662 43 Brno


From Papaver litwinowii FEDDE ex BORNM. aporheine ((+)-roemerine) was isolated as the dominant alkaloid in addition to minor alkaloids aporheine methohydroxide, corytuberine, hordenine, (-)-mecambrine, cryptopine, protopine and coptisine. The presence of small amounts of allocryptopine, corydine, isocorydine, scoulerine, corysamine and papaverrubine A, C, D and traces of E(?) was also proved. Corytuberine was now isolated from P. dubium L. as well.