Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1979, 44, 3119-3122

Transformatins of deoxysugars

Štefan Kučár, Juraj Zámocký and Juraj Zemek

Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 809 33 Bratislava

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • Jiří Zemek, Štefan Kučár and Dušan Anderle
    Enzyme-catalysed partial deacylation of 1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-butyryl-β-D-glucopyranose in the presence of methanol
    1988, Vol. 53, Issue 8, pp. 1851–1856 [Abstract]
  • Jiří Zemek and Štefan Kučár
    Biosynthesis of sucrose and its deoxy derivatives
    1988, Vol. 53, Issue 1, pp. 173–180 [Abstract]
  • Jiří Zemek, Štefan Kučár and Dušan Anderle
    Enzyme-catalyzed partial deacetylation of 1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranose
    1987, Vol. 52, Issue 9, pp. 2347–2352 [Abstract]
  • Jan Schraml, Štefan Kučár, Jan Zelený and Václav Chvalovský
    29Si (and 13C) NMR spectra of all pertrimethylsilylated O-acetyl and O-benzoyl 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glucopyranose derivatives. A test of empirical assignment rules
    1985, Vol. 50, Issue 5, pp. 1176–1183 [Abstract]
  • Slavomír Bystrický, Tibor Sticzay, Štefan Kučár, Eva Petráková and Rudolf Toman
    Chiroptical properties of monosaccharide acetyl derivatives
    1985, Vol. 50, Issue 3, pp. 683–689 [Abstract]
  • Štefan Kučár, Juraj Zámocký, Juraj Zemek, Dušan Anderle and Mária Matulová
    Partial hydrolysis of acyl 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glucopyranose
    1984, Vol. 49, Issue 8, pp. 1780–1787 [Abstract]
  • Slavomír Bystrický, Tibor Sticzay and Štefan Kučár
    Chiroptical and conformational properties of ketohexoses
    1984, Vol. 49, Issue 4, pp. 828–833 [Abstract]
  • Jiří Zemek, Štefan Kučár, Juraj Zámocký and Jozef Augustín
    Biosynthesis of lactose and its deoxy derivatives
    1979, Vol. 44, Issue 6, pp. 1992–1998 [Abstract]