- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1977, Volume 42, Issue 6
pp. 1755-1760
V. Svoboda, V. Majer, F. Veselý and J. Pick Heats of vaporization of alkyl bromides -
pp. 1761-1766
J. Toušek Nickellochfrass in Schwefelsäure -
pp. 1767-1775
P. Ševčík and D. Jakubcová An inner sphere redox reaction of Cr(II) ions with halogenoacetic acids. Stoichiometry, kinetics, and mechanism -
pp. 1776-1781
P. Ševčík and D. Jakubcová Kinetic stability of σ-bonded [(H2O)5CrCH2COOH]2+ ion -
pp. 1782-1785
J. Eliášek and Z. Matějka Effect of electrolyte invasion on the ion exchange rate of a strongly acidic cation exchanger -
pp. 1786-1804
J. Vrba A new method of calculation of multicomponent liquid-liquid extraction -
pp. 1805-1811
F. Madron and V. Vaněček Statistical adjustment of material balance of a chemical reactor -
pp. 1812-1829
M. Šucmanová-Vondrová, J. Havel and L. Sommer Spectrophotometric study of the reaction of uranium(VI) with bromopyrogallol red and determination of uranium(VI) -
pp. 1830-1837
J. Lokaj, V. Hynková, J. Svobodová and F. Hrabák New N-(dimethylaminophenyl)maleimides as components of the initiation system tertiary amine-benzoyl peroxide -
pp. 1838-1850
J. Kahovec and J. Štamberg Degradation of pivalamidoalkyl-trimethylammonium hydroxides -
pp. 1851-1858
M. Hronec and V. Veselý Effect of aromatic amines on the activity of cobalt bromide oxidation catalysts -
pp. 1859-1865
R. Ponec, L. Dejmek and V. Chvalovský Basicities of (halogenoalkyl)substituted silicon compounds. A quantum chemical study -
pp. 1866-1870
J. Krupička and Z. Arnold Relation of aminomalonaldehyde to reductones and its polarographic determination -
pp. 1871-1879
J. Kováč, J. Štetinová, J. Surá, F. Špaček and R. Brežný 3-(5-Substituted-2-furyl)acrylic acids and their methyl esters. Transfer of the polar effect of the substituent through the ethylene group -
pp. 1880-1885
J. Kováč and R. Brežný Decarboxylative nitration of 3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylic acid -
pp. 1886-1889
J. Křepelka, M. Šeda and M. Semonský Some esters of N-(D-6-methyl-8-ergolin-I-ylmethyl)carbamic acid -
pp. 1890-1893
J. Smrt Synthesis of N1,N2-bis(9-β-D-ribofuranosylpurin-6-yl)-1,5-diaminopentane and N6-(5-aminopent-1-yl)adenosine -
pp. 1894-1902
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Synthesis of some dioxa analogues of acyclic juvenoids -
pp. 1903-1906
E. Kasafírek, M. Semonský, V. Felt and I. Krejčí Use of the ammonium salt of pyroglutamic acid for the synthesis of TRF -
pp. 1907-1913
J. Lněničková and I. Wichterle Vapour-liquid equilibrium in toluene-aliphatic C4 alcohol systems -
pp. 1914-1921
Z. Slanina Rate processes with isomerism of the activated complex -
pp. 1922-1928
J. Hostomský, I. Roušar and V. Cezner Kinetics of amalgam decomposition in a horizontal decomposer -
pp. 1929-1934
G. Munshi and V. Kalous Polarography of proteins in Co(II)-ammonia buffer solution -
pp. 1935-1940
K. Eckschlager Divergence judgement of reliability of analytical methods -
pp. 1941-1948
J. Lasovský and E. Ružička Equilibria in micellar systems. Photometric determination of vanadium with 6-hydroxy-5-dibenzo(a,j)phenoxazone-8,11-disulphonic acid activated by cetyltrimethylammonium bromide -
pp. 1949-1959
J. Barek and A. Berka Oxydation von Benzidin, o-Tolidin und o-Dianisidin mit dem Diphosphatkomplex des dreiwertigen Mangans im Puffermedium -
pp. 1960-1968
M. Doležalová, V. Petrus and M. Bohdanecký Solution properties and branching of poly[2-(triphenylmethoxy)ethyl methacrylate] -
pp. 1969-1975
M. Kašpar and J. Trekoval Negative reaction rates of the polymerization of isoprene initiated with alkyllithium -
pp. 1976-1980
V. Bekárek and M. Knopová Solvent effect on valence vibrations of (O,N)-H bonds with intramolecular hydrogen bond -
pp. 1981-1991
M. Pánková and J. Závada Geometrical and positional orientation in anti-E2 reactions: The effect of base association in a wider scale of transition states -
pp. 1992-2000
Z. J. Vejdělek, M. Bartošová and M. Protiva 4-Amino-s-hydrindacene and derivatives: Synthesis and pharmacological screening -
pp. 2001-2017
I. Červená, K. Šindelář, Z. Kopicová, J. Holubek, E. Svátek, J. Metyšová, M. Hrubantová and M. Protiva Fluorinated tricyclic neuroleptics: 6,7-Difluoro derivative of chlorprothixene and 2-fluoro-3-hydroxy derivative of octoclothepin -
pp. 2018-2026
E. Kasafírek, M. Semonský, K. Hruška and Z. Věžník Synthesis of the releasing factor of gonadotropic hormones LRF/FRF
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.