- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1975, Volume 40, Issue 8
pp. 2221-2231
J. Heinrich and J. Dojčanský The calculation of ternary liquid equilibria from the binary data -
pp. 2232-2256
J. Volke and S. Beran Die radikalischen Zwischenprodukte bei der elektrochemischen Reduktion heterocyclischer Sechsringe mit zwei Stickstoffatomen in 1,4-Stellung -
pp. 2257-2265
J. Balej Contribution to the thermodynamics of sodium amalgams -
pp. 2266-2275
J. Mollin Über die sauerkatalysierte Hydrolyse von Pyridincarbonsäureamiden -
pp. 2276-2286
A. Tockstein and B. Ludvík Theory of feed reactor for second order reactions -
pp. 2287-2294
A. Tockstein and B. Ludvík Feed reactor and its application to oxide-reduction and second order coupling reactions -
pp. 2295-2302
Z. Šulcek and V. Sixta The sorption of UO22+ and Th4+ ions on silica gel in the presence of some polyaminopolycarboxylic acids -
pp. 2303-2308
Z. Šulcek and V. Sixta Chromatographic separation of uranium from excess of thorium on silica gel column -
pp. 2309-2314
R. Ponec and V. Chvalovský Orbital interactions in α-carbofunctional silanes -
pp. 2315-2325
V. Sváta and M. Procházka Relative stability of alicyclic compounds containing exocyclic and endocyclic double bond -
pp. 2326-2339
A. Pískala, P. Fiedler, M. Synáčková and J. Gut Preparation and the tautometric structure of 3-methoxy-1,2,4-triazin-5-one and 5-methoxy-1,2,4-triazin-3-one -
pp. 2340-2346
A. Pískala Preparation of 3,5-dimethoxy-1,2,4-triazine and its 6-methyl derivative -
pp. 2347-2352
V. Uchytilová, A. Holý, D. Cech and J. Gut Preparation of 2-pyrimidinone and derivatives -
pp. 2353-2363
S. N. Mikhailov and J. Smrt Synthesis of modified terminator (UGA) and initiator (AUG) codons containing some hydroxyalkyl analogues of nucleosides -
pp. 2364-2377
H. Hřebabecký and J. Beránek Isomerisation, alkylation, and cyclisation of glyoxylic acid semicarbazone derivatives -
pp. 2378-2401
P. Fiedler, H. Hřebabecký and J. Beránek On ribosylation and molecular structure of glyoxylic acid semicarbazone derivatives -
pp. 2402-2408
H. Hřebabecký and J. Beránek Preparation of 6-azauridine and its triacyl derivatives -
pp. 2409-2414
A. Malijevský Statistical thermodynamic estimate of the properties of gas mixtures at higher pressures -
pp. 2415-2418
Zh. Malysheva, J. Koryta and M. Březina A polarographic study of anodic processes in acetonitrile: The influence of chloride and of a macrocyclic polyether -
pp. 2419-2423
M. Řeháková and F. Kaštánek The pressure drop of perforated plates of extremely low free area and opening diameter -
pp. 2424-2436
J. Šmíd Pressure of granular material on wall of model silo -
pp. 2437-2441
M. Hrdina and L. Neužil The leakage grid in the moving fluidized bed -
pp. 2442-2460
V. Linek Absorption of pure and of diluted gases accompanied by chemical reaction in a mechanically agitated gas-liquid contactor -
pp. 2461-2468
J. Mikešová and O. Quadrat Flow activation energy of dilute polymer solutions related to molecular parameters -
pp. 2469-2479
S. Markuš and M. Lazár Thermal decomposition of 9,10-dioxyanthracene -
pp. 2480-2486
R. Ponec and V. Chvalovský Quantum chemical study of basicities of carbofunctional organosilicon compounds. The α-effect -
pp. 2487-2493
J. Pola, Z. Papoušková and V. Chvalovský The infrared spectra of some silylalkyl acetates, germylalkyl acetates, and their complexes with ZnCl2. The electronic effect of silymethyl and germylmethyl groups in silymethyl and germylmethyl acetates -
pp. 2494-2496
J. Pola and V. Chvalovský Stability of dimethyl(ethoxy)alkoxysilanes -
pp. 2497-2501
L. Paskucz, L. Almasi, G. P. Schiemenz and O. Exner Dipole moments and conformation of dialkylphosphinic esters -
pp. 2502-2509
P. Janák and O. Exner N-Cyanoamides. Tautometric structure, ionization, and conformation -
pp. 2510-2523
O. Exner and P. Janák The acidity of N-acids. Substituent effects on the dissociation constants of imides and sulphonamides -
pp. 2524-2528
A. Klásek, V. A. Mnatsakanyan and F. Šantavý Alkaloids from Senecio cineraria C. D. -
pp. 2529-2535
A. Krutošíková, V. Konečný and J. Kováč Preparation of 5-nitro-2-substituted furanes from 5-nitro-5-furfuryl nitrate -
pp. 2536-2543
J. Kučera and J. Hanus Preparation of carboxymethyl-cellulose gels and their use for immobilization of amyloglucosidase (E.C. -
pp. 2544-2549
V. Kostka, L. Morávek, I. Rosenberg and B. Meloun Sequential analysis of fragment CB5(Phe) of human plasma albumin. N-terminal sequence and tryptic peptides
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.