- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1975, Volume 40, Issue 2
pp. 321-325
I. Horsák and M. Šolc Simulation of stochastic models of higher-order reactions -
pp. 326-339
K. Mach and E. Drahorádová Catalytic systems Lewis acid-Brönsted acid: Infrared and PMR spectroscopic study -
pp. 340-346
V. Múčka, J. Cabicar and A. Motl Decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on two-component catalysts NiO-ZnO and NiO-CuO -
pp. 347-354
Pham Ba Thich and J. Podlahová The compounds of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid with hexavalent tungsten -
pp. 355-359
V. Holba and O. Volárová The effect of electrolytes on kinetics of oxidation of ferrocyanide ion by peroxylaminedisulphonate -
pp. 360-364
J. Mikšovský and I. Wichterle Transparent cell for the measurement of the high-pressure vapour-liquid equilibrium -
pp. 365-370
J. Mikšovský and I. Wichterle Vapour-liquid equilibria in the ethane-propane system at high pressures -
pp. 371-381
J. Gasparič and A. Cee Bestimmung des Typs der passiven naphthalinischen Kupplungskomponenten in Azofarbstoffen -
pp. 382-389
M. Šimek Kationenaustauscherselektivität und Austauschergleichgewichte im gemischten Medium -
pp. 390-398
J. Zelinka, M. Bartušek and A. Okáč Polarographie von Chelaten des Zinns mit Brenzcatechin -
pp. 399-404
V. Knoppová, A. Jurášek, J. Kováč and M. Guttmann Kinetics of condensation of 5-nitrofurfuryl sulfones with aldehydes -
pp. 405-414
J. Kulič, M. Titz and M. Večeřa Azo-coupling of 4-substituted phenols. Influence of methoxy group on 3-position of benzene nucleus -
pp. 415-419
M. Livař, M. Sališová and Š. Toma Kinetic study of cyclisation of some ferrocene derivatives to [m]ferrocenophanes -
pp. 420-431
J. Langová and J. Hetflejš Hydrosilylation of 1,3-butadiene catalysed by palladium(II) complexes -
pp. 432-441
J. Langová and J. Hetflejš Reinvestigation of the palladium-catalysed hydrosilylation of 1,3-butadiene by trimethylsilane -
pp. 442-447
V. Galík, M. Šafář, Z. Kafka and S. Landa 1,3,5-triazaadamantane and its derivatives -
pp. 448-451
S. Landa and J. Hlavatý On reactions of 2-methyladamantane in concentrated sulfuric acid -
pp. 452-456
K. Waisser, J. Urban and A. Vystrčil Synthesis of anagadiol -
pp. 457-461
Š. Kučár, J. Zámocký and Š. Bauer Preparation of 3-deoxysaccharides -
pp. 462-467
B. Uchytil, J. Honzl and V. Kubelka Reaction of N,N'-dimethyl-1,4-benzoquinonediimine with organometallic reagents -
pp. 468-474
Pavel Kočovský, L. Kohout and J. Fajkoš 5,7-Cyclo-B-homopregnane derivatives with an oxygen function in position 17α -
pp. 475-482
J. Vocel and L. Štěpánková Viscosity of thixotropic materials in dependence on time -
pp. 483-496
J. Hostomský, I. Roušar and V. Cezner Thermodynamic relations for amalgam decomposers -
pp. 497-506
K. Procházka and T. Boublík Excess thermodynamic functions in the carbon disulphide-tetrachloroethylene system -
pp. 507-510
J. Mikešová and S. Hudeček Phase equilibria of the system water-ethanol-divinylbenzene-acrylamide -
pp. 511-518
O. Söhnel and J. Nývlt Evaluation of experimental data on width of metastable region in aqueous solutions -
pp. 519-525
K. Hoch and V. Pacáková Stationary phase distribution in open tubular glass columns -
pp. 526-532
K. Nyberg and A. Trojánek Electrolysis in non-nucleophilic media: Benzylation with anodically generated pentamethylbenzyl cation -
pp. 533-538
T. Sákra, J. Stejskal and F. Rodinger Axial dispersion in tubular reactor -
pp. 539-545
F. Vláčil and A. Jehličková The effect of some nitrogen-containing bases on the extraction of cobalt with α-furilmonoxime -
pp. 546-559
J. Hála and J. Příhoda Extraction of hafnium by 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazolone from aqueous-alcoholic solutions -
pp. 560-567
Z. Weidenhoffer and S. Hála The activities of some heterogeneous catalysts for isomerization of tricyclic naphthenes into adamantanes -
pp. 568-573
A. Klásek, P. Sedmera and F. Šantavý Quaternary dihydropyrrolizines -
pp. 574-579
H. Keilová and V. Kostka Isolation and some properties of chicken pepsin -
pp. 580-584
H. Keilová, A. Salvetová and V. Kostka Affinity chromatography of chicken pepsin using pepsin inhibitor from Ascaris lumbricoides as affinant
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.