- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1974, Volume 39, Issue 2
pp. 355-365
F. Veselý, V. Hynek, V. Svoboda and R. Holub Isothermal calorimeter for measuring endothermic heats of mixing -
pp. 366-368
A. Vítek New function describing the profiles of IR absorption bands -
pp. 369-375
A. Lewitová and V. Kalous Polarographic behaviour of proteins with modified histidine residues -
pp. 376-379
L. Berák, J. Moravec and J. Münich Cell-less measurements of infrared absorption spectra of aqueous suspensions and solutions -
pp. 380-386
F. Valach, M. Dunaj-Jurčo, J. Garaj and M. Hvastijová The crystal structure of the copper(II) dicyanato-2,4-lutidine complex -
pp. 387-390
L. Žúrková, V. Suchá, Č. Vargová and J. Čorba Herstellung von Kalium- und Thalliumpentavanadat(V) durch thermische Zersetzung von Dekavanadaten(V) -
pp. 391-395
S. Luňák and J. Vepřek-Šiška The catalytic effect of cations on the decomposition of alkaline solutions of hydroxylamine -
pp. 396-415
L. Sommer and V. Koblížková-Danešová Heterocyclic azo-dyes derived from 1-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid as metallochromic indicators -
pp. 416-424
M. Šimek Donnan-Gleichgewichte starker Elektrolyten am Kationenaustauscher im gemischten Medium -
pp. 425-430
M. Šimek Einfluss eines starken Elektrolyten auf die Essigsäuresorption mittels Kationenaustauschers -
pp. 431-438
V. Pechanec Einfluss des Herstellungsverfahrens und der Glühtemperatur auf den Wirkungsgrad von Verbrennungskatalysatoren in Sauerstoff- und inerter Atmosphäre -
pp. 439-447
K. Bouchal, J. Kříž and F. Hrabák Preparation and characteristics of 2-imino-4-pentanone chelates of bis(ethylene)rhodium(I) -
pp. 448-452
J. Kondelíková, J. Králíček and V. Kellner ε-Cyclohexylcaprolactam -
pp. 453-458
O. Kyseľ and B. M. Lynch Analysis of the participation of n-π and π-π isomeric complexes in complexation of aza-aromatic compounds with 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene -
pp. 459-467
J. Smolíková, M. Havel, S. Vašíčková, A. Vítek, M. Svoboda and K. Bláha Conformation of 1-aza-2-cycloalkanones with large rings: Infrared spectroscopic study -
pp. 468-474
A. Trka and M. Streibl Mass spectra of long-chain aliphatic β-diketones and some of their derivatives -
pp. 475-479
M. Streibl, K. Konečný, A. Trka, K. Ubik and M. Pazlar Composition of the wax of rye straw -
pp. 480-500
K. Vokáč and Z. Samek Standard sesquiterpenic lactones for structural correlations; Stereoisomeric (6R,7S,10S,11S)-10-hydroxyguaian-6,12-olides and related (6R,7S)-guaienolides -
pp. 501-505
J. Jizba, S. Vašíčková and V. Herout Components of the fern Polypodium aureum L. -
pp. 506-508
T. Barth and I. Kluh De-glycinamide9-vasopressin and de-lysine8, glycinamide9-vasopressin: Some pharmacological properties -
pp. 509-514
J. Sojka, Z. Hrkal and Z. Vodrážka Interaction of human globin with aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons -
pp. 515-527
O. Exner The validity of linear free energy relationships at various temperatures -
pp. 528-538
F. Kaštánek, V. Nývlt and M. Rylek Gas holdup and its relation to interfacial area in bubble-type reactors -
pp. 539-545
J. Stehlíček, P. Čefelín and J. Šebenda Preparation and polymerization of α,α-dimethyl-ε-caprolactam -
pp. 546-554
J. Duben, B. Čásenský and O. Štrouf A thermodynamic study of solutions of sodium dihydrido-bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminate in aromatic hydrocarbons -
pp. 555-565
M. Tichý, L. Kniežo and S. Vašíčková Intramolecular hydrogen bonding in some vicinal derivatives of tricyclo[4,4,0,03,8]decane (twistane) -
pp. 566-570
V. Bekárek and J. Slouka IR spectra of ethyl arylhydrazonocyanoacetyl carbamates and of phenylhydrazono-2-cyanomethylbenzimidazole -
pp. 571-579
L. Dolejš Mass spectra of proaporphine alkaloids -
pp. 580-586
F. Liška, M. Němec and V. Dědek Radical addition of secondary alcohols to trifluorochloroethylene and cyclisation of fluorochloroalkanols under the formation of fluorinated oxetanes and tetrahydropyrans -
pp. 587-595
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Synthesis of some 5-oxa analogues of acyclic juvenoids -
pp. 596-602
V. Jarolím and F. Šorm Synthesis of some 6-oxa analogues of acyclic juvenoids -
pp. 603-613
A. Kasal and A. Trka Reaction of 5,6-dibromosteroids with silver fluoride in the presence of water -
pp. 614-616
V. Zikán and M. Semonský Reaction of D-6-methyl-8-chloromethylergoline-I with sodium alcoholates and with sodium ethyl malonate -
pp. 617-623
Z. J. Vejdělek, J. Němec and M. Protiva Some 5-(aminoacetyl)indanes and 1-(5-indanyl)-2-aminoethanols -
pp. 624-633
L. Fišnerová, B. Kakáč and O. Němeček New 4-substituted 1,2-diphenyl-3,5-dioxopyrazolidines -
pp. 634-646
A. Holý, I. Votruba and K. Jošt S-(Pyrimidin-2-yl)-L-cysteine: Chemical synthesis and biosynthesis in Escherichia coli -
pp. 647-652
D. Čechová Isolation of isoinhibitors from cow colostrum by affinity chromatography on column of trypsin-Sepharose 4B -
pp. 653-661
L. Macholán Selective and reversible inhibition of diamine oxidase by 1,5-diamino-3-pentanone -
pp. 662-667
N. Hovorková, J. Cudlín, J. Matějů, M. Blumauerová and Z. Vaněk Microbial glucosidation of alizarin and anthraflavin -
pp. 668-672
J. P. Majdrakov and M. A. Krysteva-Majdrakova Accessibility of disulfide bridges of ribonuclease S -
pp. 673-679
A. Čihák Inhibition of bacterial uracil phosphoribosyltransferase by uridine and 6-azauridine 5'-monophosphates -
pp. 680-688
D. Čechová and E. Ber Disulfide bonds of trypsin inhibitor from cow colostrum -
pp. 689-691
F. Liška, V. Dědek and M. Němec Electrolytical reductive addition of acetone to trifluorochloroethylene
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.