- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 4
pp. 957-964
J. Hanzlík and A. A. Vlček Redox reactions of cobalt cyanide complexes VIII. Oxidation-reduction properties and behaviour of the product of fixation of molecular oxygen with aqueous solutions of [Co(CN)5]3- -
pp. 965-975
V. Mareček and J. Honz Polarization of an electrode with a potentiostatic pulse in the form of an equilateral triangle -
pp. 976-978
J. J. Vogel Kinetik der durch eine Isotherme vom Těmkin-Typus beschriebenen Adsorption, die durch die Diffusion zu einer ebenen respektive kugelförmigen Oberfläche begrenzt wird -
pp. 979-984
J. J. Vogel Vergleich einer gemessenen Abhängigkeit mit der Lösung der entsprechenden Integralgleichung durch Abschätzung der maximalen Abweichung ohne numerische Berechnung der Lösung -
pp. 985-993
M. Březina and A. Hofmanová Study of the electrochemical reduction of oxygen on glassy carbon in an alkaline medium -
pp. 994-997
P. Hobza, I. Nykl and K. Uhlíř Electrochemical equipment for generation of radicals and recording electronic spectra -
pp. 998-1002
R. Zahradník, A. J. Banister and H. G. Clarke Electronic spectrum of the pentathiazyl cation -
pp. 1003-1007
M. Nepraš, V. Kratochvíl, M. Titz, A. Novák and V. Slavík Electronic structure and properties of polynuclear aromatic ketones and quinones. II. Electronic structure and basicity of polynuclear p-quinones -
pp. 1008-1011
M. Ružinský and Ľ. Treindl An electron paramagnetic resonance study of the association of manganese(II) with sulphate ions -
pp. 1012-1026
V. Staněk and V. Kolář Distribution of liquid over a random packing. VII. The dependence of distribution parameters on the column and packing diameter -
pp. 1027-1032
A. Jehličková and F. Vláčil Study of the complex of cobalt with α-furilmonoxime -
pp. 1033-1037
O. Quadrat Non-Newtonian behaviour of dilute solutions of polymer. VI. Upturn effect of the non-Newtonian dependence of intrinsic viscosity for polyisobutylene solutions in a low-viscosity solvent -
pp. 1038-1048
J. Volf, J. Pašek and M. Duraj Disproportionierung von Diäthylamin in Gegenwart von Kobalt und Kupfer -
pp. 1049-1054
M. Remeš, J. Diviš, V. Zvěřina and M. Matrka N-Diazokupplung I. Reaktion von Benzoldiazoniumchlorid und einigen seiner p- und m-substituierten Derivate mit Dimethylamin -
pp. 1055-1072
J. Včelák and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCIII. The aromatic bromination and bromodesilylation of phenylhalogenosilanes -
pp. 1073-1083
K. Jošt, T. Barth, I. Krejčí, L. Fruhaufová, Ž. Procházka and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. CXIII. Carba1-oxytocin: Synthesis and some of its biological properties -
pp. 1084-1090
V. Benešová, P. Sedmera, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. CCXXIV. The structure of myliol, a tetracyclic sesquiterpenic alcohol from the liverwort Mylia taylorii (HOOK.) GRAY -
pp. 1091-1094
V. Zikán, L. Vrba, B. Kakáč and M. Semonský Substances with antineoplastic activity. LII. Some β-amino-substitution derivatives of γ-methoxy-α-chloro(bromo)-Δα,β-crotonolactone -
pp. 1095-1100
M. Hronec and V. Veselý Oxydation von polyalkylierten Aromaten II. Die oxydation von Pseudocumol in Gegenwart von Kobalt und Bromverbindungen -
pp. 1101-1103
V. Galík and S. Landa Über stickstoffhaltige Adamantanverbindungen II. Synthese von 1,3-Diazaadamantan -
pp. 1104-1119
O. Dračka Study of the kinetics of electrode processes by means of electrolysis with constant current. XVIII. Follow-up reactions in a layer of completely adsorbed substances -
pp. 1120-1127
O. Procházková, J. Podlahová and J. Podlaha Metal complexes of thiopolycarboxylic acids. VI. Zinc and cadmium -
pp. 1128-1136
O. Procházková, J. Podlahová and J. Podlaha Metal complexes of thiopolycarboxylic acids. VII. Bivalent mercury -
pp. 1137-1144
Z. Ksandr, K. Volka and P. Adámek Vibrational spectra of complexes of thiourea with alkali halides -
pp. 1145-1148
P. Polanský and J. Bár Traces of yttrium and lanthanides radionuclides in aqueous solutions. II. Desorption of trace amounts of yttrium from filter paper -
pp. 1149-1155
J. Horáček Phosphormikrobestimmung in organischen calcium- oder bariumhaltigen Substanzen -
pp. 1156-1158
M. Horák and A. Vystrčil The low-temperature infrared spectrum of the s-trans form of benzalacetone -
pp. 1159-1164
O. Červinka and V. Dudek Asymmetric reactions. XLV. Utilisation of the asymmetric transformation to determine the absolute configuration of amines -
pp. 1165-1167
J. Kahovcová, Z. Arnold and F. Šorm Natural and synthetic materials with insect hormone activity. XVI. The synthesis of derivatives of oxygen heterocycles containing N-geranylaniline moiety -
pp. 1168-1172
Z. Arnold Synthetic reactions of dimethylformamide. XXV. Preparation of dimethylaminomalonaldehyde, 2-methoxy-, 2-ethoxy-, and 2-dimethylaminotrimethinium salts -
pp. 1173-1178
J. J. K. Novák and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLVII. 5'-Triphosphates of 3'-deoxyribonucleosides -
pp. 1179-1189
E. Klinotová, N. Hovorková, J. Klinot and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XXVIII. Stereochemistry of dehydration of isomeric 20-hydroxy-30-norderivatives of lupane -
pp. 1190-1199
J. O. Jílek, K. Šindelář, A. Dlabač, E. Kazdová, J. Pomykáček, Z. Šedivý and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic agents. LVII. Esters of alcohols of the 10-piperazinodibenzo[b,f]thiepin series and of their analogues with fatty acids -
pp. 1200-1205
P. Hrnčiar and M. Melicherčík On phthalides and indandiones. LII. Reactions of the anion of 2-aryl-1,3-indandiones with ethyl esters of mono- and dihaloacetic acids -
pp. 1206-1211
M. Ferles, P. Štern, P. Trška and F. Vyšata Hydroboration of unsaturated amines. IX. Hydroboration of 1-methyl-4-propyl-3-piperideine and 1-methyl-4-isopropyl-3-piperideine -
pp. 1212-1220
J. Hanus, V. Tolman and K. Vereš Synthesis of 2,6-diaminopimelic acid and its 4-substituted derivatives -
pp. 1221-1225
M. Janda, J. Šrogl, M. Němec and A. Janoušová Studies in the thiophene series. V. Anodic oxidation of methyl esters of thiophenecarboxylic acids -
pp. 1226-1234
M. Hronec and V. Veselý Oxydation von polyalkylierten Aromaten III. Zur entaktivierung homogener Oxydationskatalysatoren bei der Oxydation von Trimethylbenzolen -
pp. 1235-1241
O. Svoboda, M. Čapka and J. Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. IX. Catalytic properties of tris(diphenylphosphine)chlororhodium(I) -
pp. 1242-1247
M. Čapka, P. Svoboda and J Hetflejš Catalysis by metal complexes. X. The addition of trimethylsilanol to butadiene -
pp. 1248-1255
J. Vencl, J. Hetflejš, P. Kučera, J. Čermák and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCIV. Acid-catalysed solvolysis of (2-hydroxyethyl)aryldimethylsilanes -
pp. 1256-1262
J. Vencl, J. Hetflejš, J. Čermák and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. XCV. Structure and solvent effects in solvolysis of (2-chloroethyl)aryldimethylsilanes -
pp. 1263-1267
J. Burkhard, J. Vais and S. Landa Über Adamantan und dessen Derivate XXIV. Derivate der Adamantylidenmalonsäure -
pp. 1268-1272
V. Pačes and A. Holý Inhibition of protein synthesis by pyrimidone-(2)-ribofuranoside in Escherichia coli
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.