- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1973, Volume 38, Issue 1
pp. 1-6
D. Jakeš Thermodynamic functions of substoichiometric uranates from closed-compartment galvanic cell measurements -
pp. 7-15
K. Mocek and E. Erdös Reduction of the barium sulphite by hydrogen -
pp. 16-24
K. Mocek and E. Erdös Kinetic analysis of the system barium sulphite-hydrogen -
pp. 25-28
R. Tykva and B. Pavlů Photodensitometric investigation of the conditions of tritium determination on paper chromatograms by fluorography -
pp. 29-41
O. Špalek and J. Balej Effect of platinum surface oxides on the rate of anodic evolution of oxygen in solutions of sulphuric acid -
pp. 42-45
V. Rak and P. Horáček Reaktion von gelöstem Uran(VI)-fluorid mit festen Alkalifluoriden -
pp. 46-49
M. Bleha and D. Lím Photodecomposition of tetrazenes -
pp. 50-61
O. Exner and K. Boček Substituent effects in infrared spectroscopy. III. Frequencies and intensities of the C≡N band in meta- and para-substituted benzonitriles -
pp. 62-65
V. Bekárek and Z. Stránský Infrared and proton magnetic resonance spectra of nitrophenoxazines -
pp. 66-73
O. Paleta and J. Koňárek Reactions of methyl trifluoroacrylate with hydroxy compounds -
pp. 74-86
J. Ratuský Transcarboxylation reactions of salts of organic acids. XIX. The effect of various cations on the course of transcarboxylation and the catalytic effect of some of these cations -
pp. 87-99
J. Ratuský Transcarboxylation reactions of salts of organic acids. XX. The use of mixed transcarboxylations in the mechanistic study of transcarboxylation reactions -
pp. 100-114
A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CLIV. Nucleoside and nucleotide derivatives of α-uridine, 2'-deoxy-α-uridine and 2'-deoxy-α-cytidine, and their affinity towards nucleolytic enzymes -
pp. 115-131
J. O. Jílek, K. Šindelář, J. Pomykáček, O. Horešovský, K. Pelz, E. Svátek, B. Kakáč, J. Holubek, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. LV. New syntheses of 8-chloro-10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin and related compounds -
pp. 132-142
J. Pecka and J. Černý Syntheses with anhydro sugars. XV. Syntheses of 1,6-anhydro-2,3,4-trideoxy-β-D-glycero-hexopyranose and its unsaturated derivatives as model substances for studying optical rotation of sugars -
pp. 143-154
J. Kušnír and B. Meloun Characterization of peptide chains resulting from interruption of disulfide bonds in cyanogen bromide fragments of human plasma albumin -
pp. 155-158
J. Kušnír, I. Kluh and B. Meloun Amino-acid sequence of homoserine chain VI-Pro from C-terminal region of human plasma albumin -
pp. 159-165
J. Blahovec, M. Bartík and L. Šlesárová Activity of arylamidases in some bovine organs and their chromatographic separation on Sephadex G-200 -
pp. 166-174
K. Sporka, J. Hanika, V. Růžička and J. Pouček Investigation of hydrogenation in liquid phase. XXVI. Kinetics of parallel-consecutive reactions in hydrogenation of 4-vinylcyclohexene -
pp. 175-180
V. Číhal, A. Desestret, M. Froment and G. H. Wagner Anode dissolution characteristics of stainless steels stabilized with titanium -
pp. 181-184
M. Rylek, F. Kaštánek, V. Braun and R. Audy Lower critical gas and liquid velocities of grid trays -
pp. 185-193
F. Jiráček, J. Horák and M. Hájková Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXXII. Experimental study of dynamic behaviour of the catalytic tubular flow reactor -
pp. 194-200
V. Stužka and V. Šimánek Oxazine als azidobasische Indikatoren XV. Untersuchung der Protonisierungsgleichgewichte der Benzo[a]phenoxazoniumderivate -
pp. 201-207
Z. Máša, J. Biroš and J. Pouchlý On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. XV. Glass transition temperatures in the system polystyrene-diluent -
pp. 208-214
J. Podnecká and O. Quadrat Viscometric properties of concentrated polymer solutions. III. Dependence of viscosity on temperature and determination of the parameters of Vogel's equation -
pp. 215-223
J. Durmis, M. Karvaš and Z. Maňásek 2-Aryl derivatives of condensed five-membered N-heterocyclic compounds. I. Dissociation constants of 2- and 4-substituted phenols and naphthols -
pp. 224-242
J. Durmis, M. Karvaš and Z. Maňásek 2-Aryl derivatives of condensed five-membered N-heterocyclic compounds. II. Ultraviolet absorbtion spectra of 2- and 4-substituted phenols and naphthols -
pp. 243-250
J. Durmis, M. Karvaš and Z. Maňásek 2-Aryl derivatives of condensed five-membered N-heterocyclic compounds. III. IR absorbtion spectra of ortho- and para-substituted phenols and naphthols -
pp. 251-256
V. Zvěřina, M. Remeš, J. Diviš, J. Marhold and M. Matrka Diazo coupling at nitrogen. VII. Protolysis of some para-substituted 1-phenyl-3-methyltriazene derivatives -
pp. 257-260
V. Beránek, V. Štěrba and K. Valter Kinetics of reaction of m- and p-substituted benzenediazonium ions with OH- ions -
pp. 261-269
Z. Arnold, J. Kahovcová, M. Pánková, M. Svoboda, M. Tichý and F. Šorm Natural and synthetic materials with the insect hormone activity. XIV. Synthesis of substituted phenyl geranyl ethers and related compounds -
pp. 270-278
J. Joska, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CXLV. Some analogues of B-normethyltestosterone -
pp. 279-288
A. Kurek, L. Kohout, J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On steroids. CXLVI. B-Homosteroids. VII. Favorskii rearrangement of some B-homosteroid bromo ketones -
pp. 289-293
M. Uher and J. Jendrichovský Über 4-isothiocyanatophenyl-2-substituierte Äthylsulfide und -Sulfone -
pp. 294-297
O. Červinka and O. Kříž Asymmetric reactions. XLI. Asymmetric reduction of α,β-unsaturated ketones -
pp. 298-303
K. Šebesta, K. Horská and J. Vaňková Estimation of exotoxin production by different strains of Bacillus thuringiensis using 32P-labelled exotoxin -
pp. 304-316
L. Morávek and V. Kostka Isolation and characterization of cyanogen bromide fragments of hog pepsin
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.