- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1972, Volume 37, Issue 1
pp. 3-7
F. Čůta and F. Straka Verwendung von Nitramin als Indikator bei der Titration von Sulfit mit Jod -
pp. 8-12
M. Jureček, P. Kozák and Z. Kašparová-Boháčková Analytische Aspekte der Oxydation organischer Stickstoffverbindungen mit Chromsäure XXIV. Oxydation von Nitraminen -
pp. 13-21
R. Přibil and V. Veselý The extraction separation of cadmium and zinc and their complexometric determination in the presence of other elements -
pp. 22-32
M. Valentová and L. Šůcha Polarographic study of complexes of diacetyl oxime thiosemicarbazone with manganese -
pp. 33-36
V. Sýkora and F. Dubský Selective ion exchangers with isonitrosoacetamide functional groups. I. Synthesis of the ion exchangers -
pp. 37-45
M. Šťastný and F. Štráfelda Potential of zero charge on streaming mercury electrode and individual activity coefficients of ions -
pp. 46-51
M. Král The electronic spectra of iron(II) complexes with α-picolinic acid and quinaldic acid -
pp. 52-59
K. Sporka, J. Hanika, V. Růžička and B. Vostrý Investigation of hydrogenation in liquid phase. XIX. Kinetics of consecutive reactions during the hydrogenation of 2-methyl-3-butyne-2-ol -
pp. 60-67
E. Samcová, K. Štulík and J. Doležal Acid-base titrations with two polarizable electrodes -
pp. 68-79
M. Zukriegelová, V. Sixta and Z. Šulcek Kationenaustauschersorption von Metallionen aus dem Medium von Diäthylentriamin-N,N,N',N",N"-pentaessigsäure -
pp. 80-87
M. Kopanica and V. Stará Multidentate ligand kinetics: Reaction of nickel(II) with copper chelates of triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid -
pp. 88-101
V. Sixta and Z. Šulcek Trennung von Metallionen mittels Austauscherchromatographie in Mischlösungsmitteln bei Gegenwart von ÄDTE -
pp. 102-114
K. Ubik, J. Horáček and V. Pechanec Automation in der organischen Analyse I. Mikro- und Ultramikrobestimmung von Sauerstoff -
pp. 115-118
J. Šrámek Gas-chromatographic analysis in the heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of propene and 1-butene -
pp. 119-122
Z. Gregorowicz, G. Kwapulińska, Z. Klima and E. Ziaja Über die Komplexverbindungen des Kupfers(II) mit Morpholin-N-dithiocarbaminat -
pp. 123-128
F. Vydra and M. Štulíková The use of rotating disc electrodes for the study of the kinetics of sorption processes ion-exchange of iron III on Dowex 50W X8 in acid media -
pp. 129-136
J. Adam and R. Přibil The extraction of uranium and its photometric determination with oxine and dibenzoylmethane -
pp. 137-145
K. Eckschlager Theory of information as applied to analytical chemistry. II. Loss of information -
pp. 146-150
V. Navrátil Beitrag zur Untersuchung der Sorption an durch Ionenaustausch mit Nickel(II)- und Cadmiumkationen modifizierten Molekülsieben -
pp. 151-170
R. Karlíček and J. Majer Neue Komplexane XXII. N-Carboxymethyliminoacethydroxam- und Iminodiacethydroxamsäure -
pp. 171-195
I. Pavlík, V. Černý and E. Maxová On the chemistry of sandwich complexes. XVI. The ligand field theory for dicyclopentadienyl d3 and d7 complexes. The d-d transitions and ligand field parameters of vanadocene and some complexes of Cr(III) -
pp. 196-209
P. Mitschka and P. Schneider Einfluss der Porendiffusion auf katalytische Reaktionen IX. Über die Möglichkeit von Konzentrationsoszillationen unter isothermen Bedingungen -
pp. 210-221
K. Hlavatý Corresponding states theory of mixtures of hard spheres -
pp. 222-240
I. Fořt, J. Drbohlav, J. Krátký, M. Grospičová and Z. Kroužilová Studies on mixing. XXXI. Pumping capacity of a turbine mixer -
pp. 241-253
V. Kudrna, I. Fořt, M. Eslamy, J. Cvilink and J. Drbohlav Studies on mixing. XXXII. Measurement of some hydrodynamic characteristics in a mechanically mixed liquid -
pp. 254-262
M. Rylek and F. Kaštánek Pressure drop of foam bed on grid trays -
pp. 263-269
J. Kondelíková, J. Králíček and V. Kubánek Reactions of 2,2'-methylene-bis(cyclohexanone) with hydrogen peroxide and peroxy acids -
pp. 270-281
V. Štěrba and K. Valter Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XXI. Kinetics of diazo coupling with 1-naphthol and 1-methoxynaphthalene -
pp. 282-288
V. Beránek, H. Kořínková, P. Vetešník and M. Večeřa Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XXII. Coupling of benzenediazonium salts with N-methylaniline -
pp. 289-298
Ž. Procházka, K. Jošt and F. Šorm Amino acids and peptides. CV. Synthesis of deamino-[1,6-homolanthionine]-oxytocin, an analog of deamino-oxytocin with enlarged ring, lacking the disulfide bond -
pp. 299-308
M. Jurovčík, S. Zadražil, V. Fučík and Z. Šormová Mechanism of resistance to 5-azacytidine in Bacillus subtilis. II. Utilization of 5-azacytidine and of natural pyrimidines -
pp. 309-318
S. Zadražil, V. Fučík, M. Jurovčík and Z. Šormová Mechanism of resistance to 5-azacytidine in Bacillus subtilis. III. Incorporation of 5-azacytidine into nucleic acids and its effect on the transforming activity of DNA -
pp. 319-325
P. Blanický and O. Pihar Isoelectric focusing of proteins on bactopeptone
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.