- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 9
pp. 3071-3079
V. Jedináková and J. Čeleda Contributions to the chemistry of highly concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions. XXI. The densimetric study of aquo and nitrato complexes of Ag+ and Tl+ ions in nitrate solutions -
pp. 3080-3087
J. Rais Some regularities in the free enthalpies of transfer of univalent ions from water to organic polar solvents -
pp. 3088-3095
I. Gănescu, A. Popescu and M. Proteasa Neue Substitutionsprodukte von K3[Cr(NCS)6] mit meta- und para-Xylidin -
pp. 3096-3107
J. Vepřek-Šiška, A. Hasnedl and K. Mádlo Einäquivalente Oxydationen V. Katalytischer Einfluss von Kupfer(II)-Ionen auf die Sulfitoxydation mit Hexacyanoferrat(III) -
pp. 3108-3114
J. Flek and V. Šedivec Bestimmung toxischer Substanzen und ihrer Metaboliten in biologischen Flüssigkeiten mittels Gaschromatographie VI. Benzoesäure im Urin -
pp. 3115-3127
Z. Plzák, F. Mareš, J. Hetflejš, J. Schraml, Z. Papoušková, V. Bažant, E. G. Rochow and V. Chvalovský Organosilicon compounds. LXXIX. Hammett substituent constants of some silyl groups -
pp. 3128-3139
J. Sicher, M. Pánková, J. Závada, L. Kniežo and A. Orahovats Stereochemical studies. LX. Steric course of bimolecular elimination in bicyclo[2.2.2]octyl onium bases and tosylates -
pp. 3140-3164
J. Sicher, J. Závada and M. Pánková Stereochemical studies. LXI. The contribution of syn- and anti-elimination to olefin formation in open-chain systems: 5-Decyl and 5-nonyl trimethylammonium bases and tosylates -
pp. 3165-3170
H. Velgová, V. Černý and F. Šorm On steroids. CXXXV. A-Homosteroids II: Conformation of the A-ring in 6β-acetoxy-4a α-bromo-A-homo-5α-cholestan-4-one -
pp. 3171-3180
Z. Vrba, J. Podstata and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXXV. Intramolekulare Kupplung einiger H-Säure-Sulfamidderivate -
pp. 3181-3186
Z. J. Allan, J. Podstata and Z. Vrba Aromatic diazo and azo compounds. LXXXVI. Diazo coupling with Bucherer adduct of pyridine -
pp. 3187-3196
V. Macháček, O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba Kinetics and mechanism of diazo coupling. XX. Coupling kinetics of substituted benzenediazonium ions with substituted ω-methylglyoxal phenylhydrazones -
pp. 3197-3213
O. Macháčková and V. Štěrba Base catalyzed reactions of 3-nitro-4-halogenobenzenediazonium ions with water -
pp. 3214-3221
J. Weber and T. Loučka Study of adsorption on uniformly inhomogeneous surface -
pp. 3222-3235
V. Pechoč Generalized numerical solution of heat equation with moving boundary condition -
pp. 3236-3243
B. Hájek, V. Brožek, M. Popl and J. Mostecký Studies on hydrolyzable carbides. VII. Decomposition of some dicarbides of the type MIIIC2 and of scandium carbide with deuterium oxide -
pp. 3244-3252
Tran Chuong Huyen and M. Kopanica Polarography of indium triethylenetetraminehexaacetate chelates -
pp. 3253-3262
J. Rais Individual extraction constants of univalent ions in the system water-nitrobenzene -
pp. 3263-3274
J. Bečka and V. Jokl Papierelektrophorese von Komplexverbindungen des Formaldoxims mit Metallen II. Untersuchung von Metallkomplexen -
pp. 3275-3281
J. Králíček, J. Kondelíková and D. Křivinková The influence of substituents on polymerization of seven-membered lactams. III. Synthesis and polymerization of 7-(2-hydroxycyclohexyl)perhydro-2-azepinone -
pp. 3282-3299
A. Holý and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXL. Preparation of 5'-L-ribonucleotides, some of their derivatives, and 2'(3')→5'-homooligo-L-ribonucleotides; coding properties of L-ribonucleoside-containing oligonucleotides -
pp. 3300-3313
J. O. Jílek, V. Seidlová, K. Pelz, B. Kakáč, J. Holubek, E. Svátek, Z. Šedivý and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic compounds. XLVIII. Several derivatives of phenanthrene, acenaphthene; anthracene and naphthalene -
pp. 3314-3322
J. Honzl, P. Křivinka and M. Ryska Reaction of tert-butyl isocyanide with hydrogen chloride -
pp. 3323-3331
M. Štefl and I. Trčka The effect of free amino acids and related compounds on the activity of plant enzymes. I. Effect of DL-threonine, L-proline, γ-aminobutyric acid, L-asparagine and L-cysteine on the activity of tryptophan synthase ( in living bean leaf (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) -
pp. 3332-3341
Václav Holeyšovský On proteins. CXVII. Position of reactive tyrosine residues in trypsinogen -
pp. 3342-3357
D. Čechová, V. Jonáková and F. Šorm Primary structure of trypsin inhibitor from cow colostrum (component B2) -
pp. 3358-3362
K. Spurný and J. P. Lodge, Jr. Preparation of radioactively labelled condensation aerosols. IV. Aerosols of gold, rhenium oxide, silver, tellurium and vanadium oxide -
pp. 3362-3364
F. Jursík and B. Hájek Reaction of potassium carbonato-bis(glycinato) cobaltate III with (S)-(+)-glutamic acid; Isolation of water soluble products -
pp. 3364-3369
J. Veselý Selektive Kupferelektrode -
pp. 3370-3373
J. Alexa Stability constants of rare earths complexes. I. Thermodynamic stability constants of complexes of europium and terbium with α-hydroxyisobutyric acid -
pp. 3374-3377
F. Moravec and Z. Šulcek Preparation of pure glycine used for growing of triglycine sulphate single crystals -
pp. 3377-3381
J. Čadek, J. Veselý and Z. Šulcek Bildung von Fluoridkomplexen mit Erdalkalimetallen -
pp. 3382-3387
J. Tiňo Influence of the choice of parameters and geometry of radicals on spin densities calculated by the Longuet-Higgins-Pople-Lefebvre method and by the unrestricted Hartree-Fock method -
pp. 3387-3390
B. Veruovič and J. Křepelka Stereoregular polymerization of butadiene -
pp. 3391-3393
J. Kondelíková, J. Králíček and D. Křivinková The influence of substituents on polymerization of seven-membered lactams. IV. Synthesis and polymerization of α-methoxy-ε-caprolactam -
pp. 3394-3398
J. Kopeček and D. Lím Mechanism of three-dimensional polymerization of glycol methacrylates. IV. The system triglycol monomethacrylate-glycol dimethacrylates-water -
pp. 3399-3403
J. Schreiber, J. Kulič, J. Panchartek and M. Večeřa Reactivity of organic azo-compounds. XIII. Apparent dissociation constants of 4-phenylazo-1-naphthol derivatives in 50% (by vol.) ethanol -
pp. 3404-3406
K. Šindelář, J. Metyšová and M. Protiva Neurotropic and psychotropic substances. XLVII. Piperazine enamines derived from benzo[b]thieno[3,2-f]thiepin -
pp. 3406-3411
P. Hrnčiar and M. Sladková On phthalides and indandiones. XLII. Alkylation of 2-(1-naphthyl-)-1,3-indandione -
pp. 3411-3414
J. Podstata, Z. J. Allan and Z. Vrba Aromatic diazo and azo compounds. LXXXVII. Formation of 3-benzeneazopyridine from sulphite adduct
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.