- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 3
pp. 971-989
M. Heyrovský, S. Vavřička and L. Holleck Auftreten des Azoxyderivates als Zwischenprodukt bei der polarographischen Reduktion von p-Dinitrobenzol -
pp. 990-1008
S. I. Zhdanov and A. Esimzhanova Polarography of the ferrocene-feroccenium redox system -
pp. 1009-1018
M. Kuik Parameters affecting the shape of catalytic waves in the system Ni(II)-cysteine; Qualitative results -
pp. 1019-1034
A. Ryvolová-Kejharová and P. Zuman Polarographic reduction of aldehydes and ketones. XVI. Ionization of phthalimide -
pp. 1035-1064
P. Mader Polarographic investigation of systems containing cobalt(II) and cysteine-like compounds with special reference to their ability to facilitate hydrogen evolution from buffered aqueous solutions -
pp. 1065-1078
G. Costa, A. Puxeddu and E. Reisenhofer Polarographic study of some Schiff's base and bisdimethylglyoximato cobalt complexes: Axial ligand exchange -
pp. 1079-1089
R. Jasinski Organic electrolyte lithium batteries -
pp. 1090-1110
A. Tockstein and V. Dlask Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik XII. Zwei konkurrierende Redox-Folgereaktionen mit gleichzeitiger reversibler Dismutation des Zwischenproduktes -
pp. 1111-1120
D. Tocksteinová and A. Tockstein Kinetische Oxydationsreduktionstitration III. Jodometrische Bestimmungen einiger organischer Substanzen -
pp. 1121-1140
L. Neubauer and M. Kopanica Polarographic study of the substitution reactions of the chelates of triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid. II. Reactions of the chelates of transition metals -
pp. 1141-1171
W. C. Edmister and C. L. Nickolls Data and methods for equilibrium stage calculations -
pp. 1172-1180
Z. Bastl The hall effect in thin titatium, niobium, tantalum, and palladium layers containing interstitial hydrogen -
pp. 1181-1192
V. Klapka Nucleation of silver on platinum electrode under galvanostatic conditions -
pp. 1193-1204
K. Smrček Beitrag zur Frage der Aktivation, Oxydation und Regeneration des Raney-Nickel-Katalysators in Wasserstoffelektroden -
pp. 1205-1211
H. Kadlecová, V. Kadlec and Z. Knor Selfhydrogenation of unsaturated hydrocarbons on transition metals partially covered with preadsorbed oxygen -
pp. 1212-1224
J. Jansta and F. P. Dousek Time variations in electrochemical properties of hydrophillic three-phase catalytic porous electrodes -
pp. 1225-1232
A. Zikánová and M. Kočiřík A study of internal diffusion during the physical adsorption of benzene on active charcoal -
pp. 1233-1247
J. Michl and R. Jones Borazaro analogues of aromatic hydrocarbons. I. Electronic spectra -
pp. 1248-1278
J. Michl Borazaro analogues of aromatic hydrocarbons. II. Semiempirical calculations -
pp. 1279-1290
K. Mach Electron spin resonance studies of γ-radiolysis of α-aminobutyric acid -
pp. 1291-1300
P. Čársky, P. Hobza and R. Zahradník Conjugated radicals. XI. para-Semiquinones -
pp. 1301-1311
E. Drahorádová, D. Doskočilová and B. Matyska NMR study of the structure of cationically polymerized polyisoprene -
pp. 1312-1317
A. Jouanneau and M. C. Petit Etude de l'impedance d'une electrode de nickel dans le domaine de la transpassivité -
pp. 1317-1324
B. Behr, J. Dojlido and J. Stroka The adsorption of SCN- ions on mercury electrode from H2O-acetone solutions -
pp. 1325-1327
G. Salié Reaktionsschritte der Tl(Hg)/Tl-Elektrode in 3M-KSCN
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.