- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1971, Volume 36, Issue 11
pp. 3555-3562
J. Juliš, J. Dědek and P. Fott Uncertainty of adsorption isotherms of n-hexane on active charcoal in the region of small pressures and its influence on calculations of heats of adsorption -
pp. 3563-3587
J. Beňa, I. Havalda and J. Maťaš Incipient fluidization velocities of polydisperse materials -
pp. 3588-3597
J. Jiráček and J. Horák Heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous catalysis. XXXI. Dynamic behaviour of a discontinuous mixed reactor in catalytic reaction of hydrogen with oxygen -
pp. 3598-3607
M. Kubín and P. Špaček Diffusion coefficients of aliphatic alcohols in the poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) gel measured by means of a dynamic desorption method -
pp. 3608-3620
F. Kristek, J. Klicnar and P. Vetešník Electronic spectra of Schiff's bases of 3-(benzylideneamino)-4-hydroxytoluene and N-(5-methylsalicylidene)aniline types -
pp. 3621-3632
J. Mindl and M. Večeřa Reactivity of compounds of diphenylmethane series. II. Protonation of mono- and polysubstituted benzhydrol derivatives -
pp. 3633-3649
J. Sicher, M. Svoboda, M. Pánková and J. Závada Stereochemical studies. LXII. The Hofmann-Saytzeff and the syn-anti elimination dichotomy: A relationship between the two phenomena -
pp. 3650-3656
M. Procházka, O. Ryba and D. Lím Azo-compounds. IV. The kinetics of thermal decomposition of some asymmetric azo compounds with a conjugated azo group -
pp. 3657-3669
R. W. Bald and A. Holý Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXLII. Preparation of 3-(β-D-ribofuranosyl)uracil 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and related compounds and their behaviour towards pancreatic ribonuclease and ribonuclease T2 -
pp. 3670-3677
J. J. K. Novák, J. Šmejkal and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CXLIII. Nucleosides derived from 2-deoxy-2(R)-C-methyl-erythro-D-pentose -
pp. 3678-3701
F. Hanic, O. Lindqvist, J. Nyborg and A. Zedler The crystal structure of MgO·3B2O3·5H2O -
pp. 3702-3714
J. Nývlt Basical dimensions of classifying crystallizers -
pp. 3715-3731
J. Čeleda and Z. Plzák Contributions to the chemistry of highly concentrated aqueous electrolyte solutions. XXII. A study of the transformation of Me2+ ammines to cyano complexes by the densimetric titration -
pp. 3732-3738
D. Ležal and I. Srb Purification of As2Se3 by decomposition of urea -
pp. 3739-3745
J. Votinský and J. Klikorka Quaternary solubility diagram for the system NaCl-NaBr-CdCl2-CdBr2-H2O -
pp. 3746-3751
K. Matiašovský and M. Malinovský Physico-chemical properties of molten LiF-AlF3 mixtures -
pp. 3752-3764
F. Petrů and J. Pešek Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXI. Trennung des Scandiums von Yttrium und Lanthan mit Hilfe von Monochloressigsäure- und Schwefelsäurelösungen -
pp. 3765-3773
B. Hájek and J. Hradilová Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXVI. Perjodate einiger Elemente der III. Nebenuntergruppe -
pp. 3774-3779
F. Petrů and A. Muck Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXVII. Thermische Zersetzung von Sc2(HPO3)3·xH2O -
pp. 3780-3787
P. Schwendt, P. Petrovič and L. Žúrková Divanadate von Metallen der Calciumuntergruppe -
pp. 3788-3794
L. Žúrková, V. Suchá and M. Dillinger Dekavanadate(V) von Metallen der Calciumuntergruppe -
pp. 3795-3809
B. Maliňák, J. Toužín, N. Kočanová and J. Havelková Termisches Verhalten der Peroxodiphosphate II. Natrium- und Kaliumdihydrogenperoxodiphosphat und deren Infrarotspektren -
pp. 3810-3823
M. Drátovský, V. Kožíšek and B. Strauch Beitrag zur Infrarotspektroskopie sauerstoffhaltiger Jodverbindungen -
pp. 3824-3833
T. Kala, M. Frumar and J. Klikorka Herstellung und einige physikalische Eigenschaften von Monokristallen der Halbleiterverbindung CuPbAsS3 -
pp. 3834-3840
K. Dostál and L. Mezník Thermische Kondensationen von Monoamidophosphaten und Hydrogenamidophosphaten -
pp. 3841-3844
F. Petrů and E. Kálalová Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXX. Über die Mischkristalle des Kupfer(II)-formiats mit Berylliumformiat -
pp. 3845-3849
F. Petrů, J. Stejskal and B. Hájek Interaktion von Aluminiumkationen mit Hypophosphorsäureanionen in saurer Lösung -
pp. 3850-3853
F. Březina Komplexverbindungen des vierwertigen Cers mit einigen O-Liganden -
pp. 3853-3857
F. Kůtek Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente LXXV. Komplex des 1,10-Phenanthrolins mit Scandiumsulfat -
pp. 3858-3862
M. Mráz, L. Jenšovský and J. Zýka Analytische Möglichkeiten der Oxydation von Phenolen mittels bis-Telluratocuprat(III)
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.