Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1969, 34, 1543-1559

On the kinetics of inhibited polymerization. Modelling of the reaction mechanism on a digital computer

L. Zikmund

Individual author index pages

Other CCCC articles of these authors

  • L. Zikmund
    Thermal decomposition of the copolymer styrene-oxygen
    1972, Vol. 37, Issue 9, pp. 2911–2919 [Abstract]
  • M. Kubín and L. Zikmund
    A contribution to the kinetic solution of more complex reaction schemes
    1969, Vol. 34, Issue 4, pp. 1254–1260 [Abstract]
  • M. Kubín and L. Zikmund
    Beitrag zur Kinetik der inhibierten Polymerisation
    1967, Vol. 32, Issue 2, pp. 535–544 [Abstract]