- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1969, Volume 34, Issue 5
pp. 1353-1359
K. Volka and Z. Holzbecher Remarks to localization of the absorption band of C=S and C=Se stretching vibrations in the infrared spectra of thio- and selenosemicarbazide and of their coordination compounds -
pp. 1360-1374
P. Beneš and J. Smetana Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements. IV. Adsorption of iron on polyethylene and its state in aqueous solutions -
pp. 1375-1386
P. Beneš and I. Rajman Radiochemical study of the sorption of trace elements. V. Adsorption and desorption of bivalent mercury on polyethylene -
pp. 1387-1395
J. Thýn and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. VII. A mathematical model of solids distribution in a two-stage stirred non-flow solid-liquid system -
pp. 1396-1405
J. Thýn and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. VIII. Solids distribution in a two-stage stirred non-flow solid-liquid system; Experimental part -
pp. 1406-1412
J. Krtil and M. Bezděk Separation of radiocerium from the solution of fission products of uranium by extraction by di-(n-octyl)phosphoric acid -
pp. 1413-1420
M. Matrka, V. Zvěřina, Z. Ságner and J. Marhold Analyse von Farbstoffen und von bei der Farbstofferzeugung anfallenden Zwischenprodukten I. Bestimmung von 1-Aryl-3,3-dialkyltriazenverbindungen -
pp. 1421-1428
R. Puffr On the interaction of amides with water. I. Distillation, sorption and solution equilibria in the system 6-caprolactam-water -
pp. 1429-1436
K. Kurzweil and P Kratochvíl Initial stage of polyvinyl chloride degradation -
pp. 1437-1443
F. Hrabák and J. Lokaj Emulsion polymerization of styrene initiated by the systems containing benzoylperoxide and water-soluble tertiary amine -
pp. 1444-1451
J. Soukup, V. Zapletal, K. Kolomazník and V. Růžička Untersuchung der Hydrierungs- und Dehydrierungskatalysatoren III. Beitrag zum Studium der aktiven Oberfläche des Nickelkatalysators auf Kieselgurträger -
pp. 1452-1458
J. Jarý, Z. Kefurtová and J. Kovář Amino sugars. XX. Synthesis of 3-amino- and 6-amino-deoxyhexoses of the gluco and allo configuration -
pp. 1459-1469
A. Klásek, N. Neuner-Jehle and F. Šantavý Pyrrolizidine alkaloids. XII. The structure of clivonecic acid -
pp. 1470-1474
E. Simonianová, M. Petáková and M. Rybák Inhibition of rat blood serum N-acetyl-L-tyrosine ethylesterase by fatty acids -
pp. 1475-1481
J. Horák, F. Kosek and M. Frumar Photoelektrische Eigenschaften der BiSJ-Kristalle -
pp. 1482-1490
P. Weidenthaler and E. Pelinka Organic semiconductors as galvanic cell cathodes -
pp. 1491-1496
V. Klapka Current yields in the electrolytic deposition of tin from streaming electrolyte -
pp. 1497-1513
J. Thýn and Z. Novosad Multistage column reactors. IX. Residence time distribution of liquid and solid particles in a stirred flow system -
pp. 1514-1522
J. Beneš Precipitation and coprecipitation in the presence of chelating agents. IV. Precipitation of barium chromate from EDTA -
pp. 1523-1532
J. Beneš, M. Vobecký and K. Bárta Precipitation and coprecipitation in the presence of chelating agents. V. The contamination of barium chromate by uranium fission products in EDTA -
pp. 1533-1542
V. Šedivec and J. Flek Bestimmung toxischer Substanzen und ihrer Metaboliten in biologischen Flüssigkeiten mittels der Gaschromatographie I. Trichloräthanol im Urin -
pp. 1543-1559
L. Zikmund On the kinetics of inhibited polymerization. Modelling of the reaction mechanism on a digital computer -
pp. 1560-1569
L. Červený and V. Růžička Untersuchung der Hydrierung in flüssiger Phase V. Untersuchung der die Olefinhydrierung begleitenden Isomerisation -
pp. 1570-1579
L. Červený and V. Růžička Untersuchung der Hydrierung in flüssiger Phase VI. Einfluss der Struktur auf die Reaktivität der Olefine bei der katalytischen Hydrierung an Platinkatalysatoren -
pp. 1580-1594
P. Zuman and O. Manoušek Fission of activated carbon-nitrogen and carbon-sulphur bonds. XII. Polarographic reduction of substituted benzonitriles bearing in para-position a carbonyl group in acidic media -
pp. 1595-1599
O. Ryba and J. Petránek Polarography of 2-alkoxy-4,6-ditert-butylphenoxyl dimers -
pp. 1600-1605
J. Ditz, J. Neumann and V. Suk Chemische Indikatoren VII. Untersuchung der azidobasischen Eigenschaften des Calcon-m-nitroanilids -
pp. 1605-1611
J. Juna, K. Konečný and M. Vobecký Nuclear reaction method for the determination of boron -
pp. 1611-1614
J. Němec and J. Jarý Lactones. XIII. Partial reduction of unsubstituted lactones of aldonic acids with lithium aluminum hydride -
pp. 1615-1619
M. Matrka, J. Marhold and Z. Ságner Oxydation karcinogener Azofarbstoffe V. Oxydation von N,N-Dimethyl-4-aminoazobenzol und einigen seiner Metaboliten an der rotierenden Platin-Scheibenmikroelektrode -
pp. 1620-1623
V. Gut and M. Cimrová Amino acids and peptides. XCI. Chromatography of protected peptides on Sephadex LH-20
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.