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Collect. Czech. Chem. Commun. 1969, 34, 1353-1359

Remarks to localization of the absorption band of C=S and C=Se stretching vibrations in the infrared spectra of thio- and selenosemicarbazide and of their coordination compounds

K. Volka and Z. Holzbecher

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  • Sathyanarayana D.N., Volka K., Geetharani K.: Vibrational assignments for thiosemicarbazide and selenosemicarbazide and their deutero analogues. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular Spectroscopy 1977, 33, 517. <>
  • Keresztury G., Marzocchi M.P.: Infrared spectra of oriented thiosemicarbazide crystals. Evidence of absorption frequency changes with polarization direction. Chemical Physics 1974, 6, 117. <>
  • Chiou Win Loung, Smith Lloyd D.: Adsorption of Organic Compounds by Commercial Filter Papers and its Implication on Quantitative-Qualitative Chemical Analysis. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 1970, 59, 843. <>