- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1968, Volume 33, Issue 1
pp. 1-17
I. Santar and J. Bednář Theory of the radiation chemical yield. II. Derivation of the fundamental relations -
pp. 18-25
I. Žežula Über den Charakter der Reduktionswelle des Tetrathionat-Anions -
pp. 26-34
O. Ryba, J. Pilař and J. Petránek Polarographic and electron paramagnetic resonance study of one electron reduction of alkylated benzoquinones -
pp. 35-41
V. Talášek Elutionschromatographie an Kationenaustauschern I. Elutionsdaten des Austauschers von typ Me+-H+ in der Reihe der Alkalimetalle -
pp. 42-58
D. Svobodová and J. Gasparič Farbreaktion von Phenolen mit 4-Aminoantipyrin I. Untersuchung der Eigenschaften des Farbproduktes und der Reaktionsbedingungen -
pp. 59-67
P. Hrdlovič, D. Belluš and M. Lazár Dissociation constants of 2-hydroxybenzophenone derivatives in ground and excited states -
pp. 68-75
M. Tichý and J. Sicher Stereochemical studies. XLV. Epimerisation equilibria in conformationally biased 2-methylcyclohexanecarboxylates and cyanides -
pp. 76-82
J. Pospíšek, Z. Veselý and J. Trojánek Steroid derivatives. LI. Reductive elimination of vinyl halogen in androstane series -
pp. 83-91
J. Protiva, V. Schwarz and K. Syhora Steroid derivatives. LIII. Substrate specificity of Flavobacterium buccalis in microbial transformation of derivatives of 3β-hydroxypregn-5-en-20-one -
pp. 92-99
N. Kucharczyk and V. Horák Sodium borohydride reduction of 2,3-dihydrothianaphthen-3-ones -
pp. 100-108
I. Čepčiansky, V. Slavík, L. Němec, H. Fingerová and I. Németh Oxydationsmechanismus der o-Aminoazokörper mit Kupfer(II)-salzen zu 2-Aryl-4,5-arylen-1,2,3-triazolderivaten -
pp. 109-118
K. Jošt and I. Rudinger Amino acids and peptides. LXXVIII. Synthesis of peptides corresponding to sequences from chain A of sheep insulin, with cystine replaced by cystathionine -
pp. 119-130
V. Petrus On the structure and properties of vinyl polymers and their models. IX. The determination of molecular parameters of polyvinyl chloride by sedimentation analysis -
pp. 131-140
H. Keilová and B. Keil On proteins. CXIII. Specificity of cleavage of heptapeptide substrate with bovine spleen cathepsin D -
pp. 141-147
B. Večerek, J. Štěpán, I. Hynie and K. Kácl Micromodification of quantitative electrophoresis in agar gel -
pp. 148-159
D. Papoušek Effect of anharmonic resonances on the relative intensities and shapes of infrared bands -
pp. 160-168
J. Jansta Study of catalysts for fuel cell electrodes. VI. Utilization of the catalyst in oxygen diffusion electrodes -
pp. 169-180
J. Cabicar and M. Pospíšil Reduktion des Systems NiO-Cr2O3 mit Wasserstoff -
pp. 181-187
F. Kosek and J. Tulka Einfluss von Sauerstoff auf die Leitfähigkeit des Kobalt(II)-wolframats -
pp. 188-192
J. Alexa Ion exchange chromatography of rare earths in aqueous organic media. V. Stability constants of europium with α-hydroxyisobutyric acid in the system methanol-water -
pp. 193-209
E. Schöntube and J. Janák Analytische Deutung der Selen-Dehydrierung von Steroiden; Ein Beitrag zum Problem des Gehaltes an dielsschem Kohlenwasserstoff in den Dehydrierungsprodukten von Steroiden -
pp. 210-222
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acid components and their analogues. CVI. Synthesis of substituted 1-glycosyl-4-benzyloxy-6(1H)-pyrimidinones by the mercury process -
pp. 223-231
A. Holý Oligonucleotidic compounds. XXI. Synthesis of (3'→5')-diribonucleoside phosphate 2',3'-cyclic phosphates from unprotected (3'→5')-diribonucleoside phosphates -
pp. 232-241
S. Chládek and J. Žemlička Aminoacyl derivatives of nucleosides, nucleotides, and polynucleotides. III. Reaction of N-benzyloxycarbonylglycine ethyl orthoester with uridylyl-(3'→5')-uridine or cytidylyl-(3'→5')-adenosine; An alternate approach to the synthesis of 2'(3')-O-glycyl diribonucleoside phosphates -
pp. 242-256
H. Velgová, L. Lábler, V. Černý, F. Šorm and K. Sláma On steroids. CXI. Some further compounds producing molting deficiencies in an insect -
pp. 257-263
O. Černý Relative reactivity of n-alkanes during sulfoxidation -
pp. 264-269
R. Kohn, I. Furda and Z. Kopec Distribution of free carboxyl groups in the pectin molecule after treatment with pectin esterase -
pp. 270-277
E. Šittler and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXXII. The kinetics of polymerization activated by N,N,N',N'-tetraacetylhexamethylenediamine -
pp. 278-285
F. Hrabák and M. Bezděk The kinetic characteristics of some elementary reactions of chloroprene -
pp. 286-295
D. Grünberger, A. Holý and F. Šorm Synthesis of triribonucleoside diphosphates with ribonuclease T1 -
pp. 296-299
F. Kůtek and F. Petrů Beiträge zur Chemie der selteneren Elemente XLI. Koordinationsverbindungen des Dimethylsulfoxids mit einigen Scandiumsalzen -
pp. 300-303
I. D. Turjanica, J. Horák and M. Kozáková Darstellung von Kristallen des Wismut(III)-tellurid-bromids und Ermittlung ihrer spektralen Durchlässigkeit -
pp. 304-308
J. Horák and A. Okáč Reaktion und Bestimmung von Uranyl-Ionen mittels Pyrogallolsulfonsäure -
pp. 308-313
P. Beran, J. Doležal and E. Hrabánková Bestimmung von Spurenverunreinigungen in Fluorwasserstoffsäure mittels der Amalgam-Polarographiemethode -
pp. 314-318
B. Pelc Steroid derivatives. LII. 1-Methylated estrogens substituted in ring B -
pp. 319-322
J. Myška and J. Staněk New esters of DL-2,3-dichloro-2-methylpropionic acid -
pp. 323-326
J. Slavík Alkaloide der Mohngewächse (Papaveraceae) XXXVIII. Über die Identität des sog. Aurotensins aus einigen Arten der Gattung Glaucium mit Isoboldin -
pp. 327-331
J. Čiernik, A. Mistr and M. Vávra Bis-merocyanine dyes. II. Sensitization efficiency in the photographic emulsion -
pp. 332-335
L. Dolejš and V. Hanuš Mass spectrometric study of water elimination from tert-butylcyclohexanols -
pp. 336-340
Z. Adamcová Structure and properties of hydrophilic polymers and their gels. X. Gel filtration on ethyleneglycol methacrylate gels -
pp. 341-345
J. Veselý, A. Čihák and F. Šorm Enhanced triphosphatase activity of mouse leukemic cells resistant to 5-azacytidine -
pp. 345-348
V. Krčméry and H. Hušťavová Antagonism between oxytetracycline and the riboflavin complex with ferrous ions
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.