- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1967, Volume 32, Issue 9
pp. 3089-3104
A. Tockstein and M. Matušek Anwendung der Zeitabhängigkeit des Elektrodenpotentials in der Reaktionskinetik IV. Verifikation der Potential-Zeit-Kurven für biomolekulare Redox-Reaktionen -
pp. 3105-3132
Z. Prášil To the theory of radiation chemistry. IV. The calculation of radiation-chemical yields in the radiolysis of methane, ethane, propane and methanol in the gas phase -
pp. 3133-3139
F. Vláčil Spectrophotometric determination of the dissociation constants of salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone -
pp. 3140-3148
Z. Šulcek and P. Povondra Analytische Schnellmethoden zur Untersuchung von Metallen und anorganischen Rohstoffen XVI. Photometrische Bestimmung von Uranspuren in Wässern nach vorangehender Abtrennung am Chelataustauscher -
pp. 3149-3158
M. Procházka and M. Paleček Ultraviolet spectra of unsaturated sulfides and ethers -
pp. 3159-3168
J. Žemlička and A. Holý Preparation of N-dimethylaminomethylene derivatives - A new method of a selective substitution of nucleoside amino groups -
pp. 3169-3176
J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. XVIII. Synthesis of guanylyl-(3'→5')-uridylyl-(3'→5')-arabinofuranosyluracil and guanylyl-(3'→5')-uridylyl-(3'→5')-arabinofuranosylcytosine -
pp. 3177-3185
E. Adlerová and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XVI. Derivate von 5,6,7,8,9,10-Hexahydro-5,9-methanobenzocyclookten und seinem niedrigeren Homologen -
pp. 3186-3212
J. O. Jílek, E. Svátek, J. Metyšová, J. Pomykáček and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XVII. 10-(4-Methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo[b,f]thiepin und einige Analoga -
pp. 3213-3220
K. Stránský, M. Streibl and V. Herout On natural waxes. VI. Distribution of wax hydrocarbons in plants at different evolutionary levels -
pp. 3221-3228
A. Šilhánková, D. Doskočilová, J. Beran and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XXIII. Relative configuration of some N-methyllupetidines -
pp. 3229-3241
F. Franěk and O. M. Zorina On proteins. CX. Isolation and characterization of λ- and π-chains representing structural types of pig γG-globulin light chains -
pp. 3242-3249
F. Franěk, V. Pačes, B. Keil and F. Šorm On proteins. CXI. Isolation of electrophoretically homogeneous components of normal pig γG-globulin light chains and demonstration of their structural heterogeneity -
pp. 3250-3261
Z. Vodrážka, Z. Hrkal, J. Čejka and H. Šípalová The behaviour of human globin in relation to its content of denatured portions -
pp. 3262-3274
R. Krzewki, M. Smutek and M. Adamovský Kristallisationsgleichgewichte IX. System Anthrazen-Karbazol-Toluol-Pyridin -
pp. 3275-3283
J. Šilha and J. Podlaha Herstellung und Untersuchung von Phosphiten XVII. Vanadylphosphite -
pp. 3284-3290
B. Blanka and J. Toužín Additionsprodukte einiger nukleophiler Substanzen mit Selentrioxid -
pp. 3291-3308
V. Hlaváček and M. Marek Modelling of chemical reactors. I. Tubular non-isothermal, non-adiabatic packed bed reactor; Design equations and numerical methods -
pp. 3309-3333
M. Marek and V. Hlaváček Modelling of chemical reactors. II. Tubular non-isothermal, non-adiabatic packed bed reactor; Problems in the design of a reactor with radial heat transfer for the reaction A → B -
pp. 3334-3341
M. Krejčí and K. Tesařík The influence of the stationary phase distribution on the obstructive factor in gas chromatography -
pp. 3342-3348
V. Sýkora and F. Dubský Selective ion-exchange resin based on resacetophenonoxime. I. Preparation of the resin and its basic characterization -
pp. 3349-3357
J. Vulterin Ferrometrische Bestimmung der Bromationen und des Bromsuccinimids -
pp. 3358-3370
Z. Tuzar and P. Kratochvíl Light scattering. XVIII. The behaviour of polymers in mixed solvents -
pp. 3371-3379
M. Kučera and E. Hladký The kinetics of polymerization of the system trioxan-solvent-water -
pp. 3380-3385
J. Smrt Oligonucleotidic compounds. XIX. Synthesis of guanylyl-(5'→5')-uridylyl-(3'→5')-uridine and some derivatives of guanylyl-(3'→5')-uridylyl-(3'→5')-uridine -
pp. 3386-3393
V. Horák, J. Pecka and J. Jurjev Structure and properties of sulfur-containing compounds. II. Protonization of aliphatic sulfides in a two-phase system -
pp. 3394-3403
V. Horák and J. Pecka Structure and properties of sulfur-containing compounds. III. Study of the complexes of mercuric acetate with aliphatic sulfides using an extraction method -
pp. 3404-3413
L. Scháněl, J. Rathouský and V. Bažant Organosiliciumverbindungen LII. Über die Reaktivität von Brombenzol und der einzelnen isomeren Bromtoluole bei der direkten Synthese der Arylbromsilane -
pp. 3414-3426
L. Hruban and F. Šantavý Ultraviolet spectra and methylenedioxy group of some aromatic compounds and alkaloids -
pp. 3427-3436
A. Čihák, J. Veselý and F. Šorm Differences in the inhibition of hormone and substrate induction of rat liver tryptophan pyrrolase by 5-azacytidine -
pp. 3437-3441
A. Línek, C. Novák, L. Veselá and V. Kupčík Crystal structure of p-bromobenzoyl-laserol -
pp. 3442-3447
J. Sedlář and M. Kučera The effect of formic acid on the degradation of polyformaldehyde -
pp. 3448-3451
I. Jirkovský, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XVIII. Zwei neue 6,11-Dihydrodibenz[b,e]oxepin-Derivate -
pp. 3451-3457
J. Salák and Z. Vodrážka On the determination of histidine and tyrosine in azoproteins
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.