- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1967, Volume 32, Issue 8
pp. 2691-2706
J. Kůta and I. Smoler Influence of strongly adsorbing surface active substances on anodic currents of cadmium and zinc at the amalgam dropping electrode -
pp. 2707-2714
F. Štráfelda and J. Doležal Polarographic analyzer of concentrated sulphite solutions -
pp. 2715-2732
P. Munk Streaming birefringence. VIII. The effect of polydispersity on the velocity gradient dependence of streaming birefringence -
pp. 2733-2739
M. Kubín and P. Špaček Non-steady state diffusion through composite membranes -
pp. 2740-2752
I. Gemzová and J. Gasparič Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen LXVII. Identifizierung und Konstitutionsanalyse von Dispersionsazofarbstoffen -
pp. 2753-2765
A. Živný, J. Pouchlý and K. Šolc The preferential and the overall sorption in a macromolecular coil system: Polymethylmethacrylate-benzene-methanol -
pp. 2766-2778
K. Dušek, J. Seidl and J. Malinský Phase separation in the copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene in the presence of diluents: Comparison of experiment with theory -
pp. 2779-2786
J. Tomka and J. Šebenda An interpretation of the kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization of polymers demonstrated on the adiabatic crystallization of polycaprolactam -
pp. 2787-2796
P. Čefelín, A. Frydrychová, J. Labský, P. Schmidt and J. Šebenda Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. XXVII. Polymerization of α-methylcaprolactam and its copolymerization with caprolactam -
pp. 2797-2808
J. Krupička and J. Závada Polarography of cycloalkyldimethylamine oxides. A polarographic method for the kinetic study of the amine oxide elimination reaction (Cope elimination) -
pp. 2809-2819
K. Dostál and L. Zbořilová Selenic acid diamide and its N-methyl derivatives -
pp. 2820-2825
J. Hora On steroids. CVI. Synthesis of 7α-acetylthio-(6'R)-6'-methyl-3'-oxotetrahydro-1,1',2'-oxazino[4',5':13β,17β]-18-norandrost-4-en-3-one -
pp. 2826-2839
V. Seidlová and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XIII. Beiträge zur Synthese von Amitriptylin, Nortriptylin und ähnlichen Substanzen -
pp. 2840-2853
K. Pelz and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XIV. 3-(4-Phenylpiperidino)propylderivate -
pp. 2854-2866
M. Rajšner, J. Metyš and M. Protiva Neurotrope und psychotrope Substanzen XV. 4,9-Dihydrothieno[2,3-b]benzo[e]thiepin-Derivate -
pp. 2867-2874
J. Jizba and V. Herout Plant substances. XXVI. Isolation of constituents of common polypody rhizomes (Polypodium vulgare L.) -
pp. 2875-2881
J. Jarkovský and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXIII. Makrocyclische Disazoverbindungen mit nicht planaren Molekülen -
pp. 2882-2889
J. Rakušan and Z. J. Allan Aromatische Diazo- und Azoverbindungen LXXIV. Benzidinumlagerung acylierter 2-Aminohydrazobenzole. Transacylierung der Aminogruppen am aromatischen Kern -
pp. 2890-2897
J. Klinot, E. Úlehlová and A. Vystrčil Triterpenes. XIII. Performic acid oxidation of isopropenyl group in 3,4-secotriterpenes -
pp. 2898-2905
M. Rákoš Studium der Alterung des Naturparaffins mittels der magnetischen Kern-Resonanz-Methode -
pp. 2906-2916
Z. Prášil To the theory of radiation chemistry. III. Semiempirical calculation of breakdown curves under the assumption of limited number of effective oscillators -
pp. 2917-2932
V. V. Losev, B. B. Gorodetskii and A. I. Molodov Experimental proof of the stagewise course of electrode processes in amalgams -
pp. 2933-2943
V. Míka Model of packed absorption column. I. Physical absorption -
pp. 2944-2955
M. Beran and S. Havelka Nitrosobrenzcatechin-3,5-disulfonsäure und ihre Komplexe mit Eisen(III)-Ionen -
pp. 2956-2971
Z. Holzbecher and J. Novák Verwendung fester Leuchtstoffe in der analytischen Chemie -
pp. 2972-2979
Sim Do-Chen and M. Kraus Kinetics of the reaction of some aliphatic acids with acetylene on a zinc catalyst -
pp. 2980-2997
A. Holý, J. Smrt and F. Šorm Oligonucleotidic compounds. XVII. Synthesis of oligonucleotides containing 6-azauridine and 6-azacytidine -
pp. 2998-3003
M. Ferles and J. Beran Studies in the pyridine series. XXI. The Hofmann exhaustive methylation of pipecolines -
pp. 3004-3023
J. Podstata and Z. J. Allan Sulfurierungen X. Über die Bildung sulfurierter Resorcine und deren Azokupplung -
pp. 3024-3028
R. Brdička and A. Fojtík The correlation of the overall rate constant to the dose intensity in the kinetic equation for radio-oxidation of cystine in aqueous solutions -
pp. 3028-3030
M. Titz and P. Hochmann Tables of quantum chemical data. XIII. Energy characteristics of some benzoderivatives of fulvene and heptafulvene -
pp. 3031-3034
M. Šolc and V. Pour Thermodynamische Stabilität des Distickstofftrioxids in der Gasphase -
pp. 3034-3041
L. Petrusová, V. Štěpán and I. Kössler Cyclo- und cyclisierte Dienpolymere XI. Verwendung der Jodmonochloridmethode für die Bestimmung der Ungesättigtheit in kondensierten Cyclen -
pp. 3041-3044
J. Bareš and D. A. Dmitročenko Relation between low temperature dielectric and mechanical dispersion of polyglycol methacrylates -
pp. 3044-3046
J. Bareš To the calulation of low temperature dielectric dispersion of poly(γ-methylcaprolactam) and poly(ε-methylcaprolactam) -
pp. 3047-3049
M. Chmelíř and M. Marek Cationic polymerization catalysed by two-component systems of Friedel-Crafts halides -
pp. 3049-3054
M. Procházka and M. Paleček Ultraviolet spectra of sulphoxides and sulphones -
pp. 3055-3060
V. Horák and J. Pecka Structure and properties of sulfur-containing compounds. I. Solubility of dialkylsulfides in dilute acetic acid -
pp. 3060-3063
J. Pliml and F. Šorm Synthesis of a crystalline 1,1'-disaccharide derived from 2-deoxy-D-ribose -
pp. 3064-3067
A. Holý Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XCV. Synthesis of ribonucleoside 5'-phosphites -
pp. 3067-3070
M. Holík and M. Ferles Studies in the pyridine series. XX. The aluminum hydride reduction of quaternary pyridinium salts -
pp. 3071-3074
K. Babor, V. Kaláč, K. Tihlárik and J. Rosík Structure of the phytoglycogen from wild apples (Malus silvestris MILL.) -
pp. 3075-3078
N. I. Uvarova, J. Jizba and V. Herout Plant substances. XXVII. The proof of structure of polydine - A glycoside from Polypodium vulgare L.
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.