- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1963, Volume 28, Issue 10
pp. 2539-2549
P. Munk and P. Kratochvíl Streaming birefringence. IV. Evaluation of experimental data -
pp. 2550-2555
J. Ambrož and O. Hamřík Einfluss von Beimengungen auf die durch das System Titan(III)-chlorid-Triäthylaluminium katalysierte Polymerisation des Propylens -
pp. 2556-2562
D. Doskočilová, B. Schneider and P. Čefelín On the structure and properties of polyamides. V. Infrared spectra and crystallinity of copolymers of caprolactam with γ-methylcaprolactam -
pp. 2563-2576
J. Horák and A. Okáč Nachweis und Bestimmung von Niobaten und Tantalaten mittels Pyrogallolsulfonsäure -
pp. 2577-2581
I. Jirkovský and M. Protiva Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXVII. Synthese des racemischen 10,11-Methylendioxydespyrrolodeserpidins -
pp. 2582-2587
I. Jirkovský and M. Protiva Synthetische Versuche in der Gruppe hypotensiv wirksamer Alkaloide XXVIII. Synthese des racemischen 1-Desaza-1-thia-3-isodeserpidins -
pp. 2588-2597
J. Pliml, M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XXXIX. Synthesis of anomeric 2'-deoxy-6-azauridines and of 6-azathymidine -
pp. 2598-2604
M. Prystaš and F. Šorm Nucleic acids components and their analogues. XL. Synthesis of 5-methyl-2'-deoxy-6-azacytidine -
pp. 2605-2610
J. Joska and J. Fajkoš On steroids. LXXXII. Fission of the 5β,6β-epoxides in the B-norsteroid series -
pp. 2611-2617
J. Piťha, J. Joska and J. Fajkoš On steroids. LXXXIII. An unusual case of intermolecular hydrogen bonding in a B-norsteroid 3,6-diol -
pp. 2618-2626
Z. J. Vejdělek, O. Němeček and A. Šimek 6-Aminopenicillansäurederivate I. 6-N-[α-Phenyl-α-(4-substituierte-phenylthio)acetamido]penicillansäuren -
pp. 2627-2636
M. Protiva, J. O. Jílek, J. Pomykáček, J. Jirkovský and Z. J. Vejdělek Synthetische Analgetica V. Synthetische Versuche auf Basis von 4-Phenyl-4-carbäthoxypiperidin (Norpethidin) -
pp. 2637-2656
J. Horák Reaktionen von Trichlormethansulfenylchlorid und seinen Derivaten II. Solvolyse des S-Methoxytrichlormethanthiols, S-Äthoxytrichlormethanthiols und S-Diäthylaminotrichlormethanthiols -
pp. 2657-2666
A. Čihák, J. Škoda and F. Šorm Studies of the mechanism of the cumulation of valine in the medium of Escherichia coli in the presence of different types of growth inhibitors -
pp. 2667-2684
J. Paldus Quantum chemical study of transannular interaction. IV. The effect of distortion and mutual shift of the benzene rings in models of (n,n)paracyclophanes -
pp. 2685-2695
P. Schmidt and B. Schneider On the structure and properties of polyamides. VI. The infrared spectra of deuterated polycaprolactam -
pp. 2696-2705
A. Kimla Polarographie im durchfliessenden Elektrolyt III. Diffusion zur umflossenen sphärischen Elektrode -
pp. 2706-2715
M. Nepraš, M. Večeřa, J. Borecký and M. Jureček Identifizierung organischer Verbindungen L. Identifizierung der Mono- und Dichloranthrachinone -
pp. 2716-2730
L. Sommer Über die Reaktion von Titan(IV) mit Sulfosalicylsäure -
pp. 2731-2743
J. Šebenda and J. Stehlíček Alkalische Polymerisation des 6-Caprolactams X. Strukturuntersuchung der Imidgruppen im Polymeren mittels alkalischer Hydrolyse und Aminolyse -
pp. 2744-2748
M. Hudlický, I. Lejhancová and V. Malý Organic compounds of fluorine. V. Kinetics of the rearrangement of 1,1,2-trifluoro-2-chloro-1-bromoethane to 1,1,1-trifluoro-2-chloro-2-bromoethane (halothane) -
pp. 2749-2778
B. Meloun, V. Kostka, B. Keil and F. Šorm On proteins. LXXXIII. Peptides isolated from the peptic digest of the part of a tryptic hydrolysate of S-sulpho-chymotrypsinogen insoluble in acid environment -
pp. 2779-2805
V. Kostka, B. Meloun and F. Šorm On proteins. LXXXIV. Structure of the peptides isolated from the peptic digest of the fraction of a tryptic S-sulpho-chymotrypsinogen hydrolysate insoluble in acid environment -
pp. 2806-2807
P. Mäsiar, J. Murár and J. Blahovec Non-uniform incorporation of leucine-1-14C into the α and β chains of rat hemoglobin -
pp. 2808-2810
J. Čížek and J. Koutecký Two notes on the theory of kinetic and catalytic polarographic currents -
pp. 2810-2813
I. Sláma Reaktion von Metaphosphat mit Bromid in einer Alkalinitratschmelze -
pp. 2813-2817
E. Grebenovský Paper chromatography of alkylated phenols -
pp. 2818-2821
Z. Kolařík and J. Szlaur Sorption radioaktiver Isotopen an Niederschlägen X. Sorption von Cerspuren mittels Eisen(III)-hydroxyds -
pp. 2821-2824
V. Seidlová and M. Protiva Synthetische Analgetika VI. Einige 6,7-Dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisochinolinderivate -
pp. 2824-2826
M. Hudlický and J. König Organic fluorine compounds. VI. Reaction of perfluoroalkyl halides with carbenes
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.