- ISSN 0010-0765 printed
- ISSN 1212-6950 electronic
1954, Volume 19, Issue 4
pp. 621-631
J. Marek The hydrolysis of acetic anhydride at elevated temperatures in the presence of ethyl acetate -
pp. 632-645
G. Standart Hydraulic analog for studying steady-state heat exchangers -
pp. 646-652
Č. Černý and E. Erdös Die thermodynamischen Funktionen des Methan, des Silan und ihrer Halogenderivate -
pp. 653-665
B. Schneider and J. Plíva Vibrational spectra of some halogenated silanes. I. Dynamical and potential constants and thermodynamic properties of the series SiClnBr4−n -
pp. 666-673
J. Koryta Katalysierte Elektrodenreaktionen in der Polarographie III. Kinetik der Oxydation des Triäthanolaminkomplexes des zweiwertigen Eisens durch Hydroxylamin -
pp. 674-678
E. Svátek, Z. Roubal and R. Přibil New complex-forming compounds in polarography. II. Pyrocatechol-3,5-disulphonic acid -
pp. 679-683
V. Suk, M. Malát and O. Ryba Komplexometrische Titrationen (Chelatometrie) VI. Brenzcatechinviolett, ein neuer spezifischer Indikator II. Die Bestimmung von Thorium -
pp. 684-699
J. Janák Chromatographische Halbmikroanalyse von Gasen I-III. Theoretische und praktische Grundlagen der Analyse -
pp. 700-711
J. Janák Chromatographische Halbmikroanalyse von Gasen IV-V. Die Trennung und Analyse gasförmiger Kohlenwasserstoffe -
pp. 712-715
R. Lukeš and V. Galík Synthesis of 1-aza-adamantane -
pp. 716-719
L. Dolejš and L. Novotný Eine neue Darstellungsweise von Dicarbonsäuren mittels der Kolbe'schen Synthese -
pp. 720-731
Z. J. Allan and F. Mužík Aromatic diazocompounds. XIV. Nuclear arylation of p-phenylene diamine; Reaction mechanism of C-arylation -
pp. 732-743
M. Protiva, J. O. Jílek, O. Exner, M. Borovička, J. Pliml, V. Šimák and Z. Šedivý Antihistamine substances. XXXI. On the mechanism of antihistamine action; Some simple benzylammonium and benzhydrylammonium salts -
pp. 744-753
E. Knobloch and Ž. Procházka Studies on anticoagulants. XXV. Infrared spectra of certain derivatives of 4-hydroxycoumarin and of chromone -
pp. 754-765
J. Farkaš and J. Sicher Studies in the chloramphenicol series. IX. Side-chain mercapto analogues and thiazolines -
pp. 766-781
J. Fajkoš and F. Šorm On Steroids. XI. Preparation of the stereoisomeric androstane-16-carboxylic acids -
pp. 782-787
O. Knessl and A. Vlastiborová Über Terpene LVI. Papierchromatographie der Azulene -
pp. 788-791
L. Dolejš, L. Novotný, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. LIX. Synthesis of tetrahydroeucarvone -
pp. 792-797
V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. LXI. Contribution to the constitution of pro-chamazulenogen, the natural precursor of chamazulene in Artemisia absinthium L. -
pp. 798-804
Z. Čekan, V. Herout and F. Šorm On terpenes. LXII. Isolation and properties of the pro-chamazulene from Matricaria chamomilla L., A further compound of the guaianolide group -
pp. 805-816
F. Šantavý and V. Mačák Substanzen der Herbstzeitlose und ihre Derivate XXXIV. Isolierung weiterer Substanzen aus den Blüten der Herbstzeitlose (Colchicum autumnale L.) -
pp. 817-821
I. Vavruch Chromatographic studies on suger beet. II. Nitrogenfree organic acids -
pp. 822-826
I. Vavruch Chromatographic studies on suger beet. III. Purines, pyrimidines, urea, betaine and their derivatives -
pp. 827-834
P. Bartl and B. Sedláček On proteins. XXII. Determination of the molecular weight of chymotrypsinogen -
pp. 835-838
V. Knesslová, B. Keil and F. Šorm Über Proteine XXIII. Substitution einiger ε-Aminogruppen des Lysins im Chymotrypsinogenmolekül bei der Reaktion mit Dinitrofluorbenzol -
pp. 839-841
J. Koryta and J. Tenygl Katalysierte Elektrodenreaktionen in der Polarographie I. Polarographische Bestimmung von Chloraten -
pp. 842-844
K. Micka and A. A. Vlček Bemerkung zur Arbeit J. P. Gochsteins Diffusion der Elektrolyte und polarographische Methode
* In paper with more than one author, the asterisk indicates the name of the author to whom correspondence should be addressed.