Collection Symposium Series
2014, 14, 342-343
Published online 2015-07-06 23:07:34
Discovery of an acyclic nucleoside phosphonate that inhibits Mycobacterium Tuberculosis ThyX based on the binding mode of a 5-alkynyl substrate analogue
Anastasia Parchina, Matheus Froeyen, Lia Margamuljana, Jef Rozenski, Steven de Jonghe, Yves Briers, Rob Lavigne, Piet Herdewijn and Eveline Lescrinier
This article is part of proceedings of the
XVIth Symposium on Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components,
Český Krumlov,
8 Jun 2014 –
13 Jun 2014.
First page